Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-06-04 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris: A Whirlwind of Wonder (Post #597)

Bonjour, darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, Emma, and I'm practically pirouetting with excitement to be writing to you from the City of Lights! This week's Pink Tutu Blog is extra special as I'm finally living out a dream: exploring Paris in all its glamorous glory.

It's funny how dreams have a way of unfolding. You might remember how, in a previous post (Post #593, I think - can't a girl keep up with all her blog posts?!), I shared my yearning to visit Paris. The idea had been bubbling away for years, but life, with its usual whirlwind of ballet classes, performances, and (let's face it, the neverending search for the perfect pink tutu) had somehow kept me tethered to Derbyshire.

Well, darling, dreams do come true. My ballet performances have been absolutely smashing recently, allowing me to finally book that coveted ticket on the Eurostar. This glamorous high-speed train journey was a dream in itself! It's like a floating palace, all sleek white seats and buttery smooth speed, zipping through the green rolling hills of England and into the heart of France. I couldn't help but imagine myself a 19th century Parisian dancer, transported across the Channel in my beautiful, flowing, pink tutu. (That's a tutu for the train, mind you! One must maintain decorum on public transport, especially for a ballet blogger!)

Speaking of pink tutus, I've discovered the most glorious little boutique near my hotel in Montmartre, overflowing with vibrant shades of pink and the most exquisite tulle imaginable! This, my loves, is going to be a major shopping trip. I envision a series of Paris-inspired ensembles featuring the very best of pink, with tulle cascading over cobblestones and swirling in the Parisian air.

But enough about shopping - we mustn't forget the true magic of Paris, the reason it holds a place in our hearts and imaginations. This magical city breathes history and romance; it's an endless ballet of stunning architecture, artistic masterpieces, and of course, oh-la-la, the fashion! And today, Saturday 4th June, I'm ready to take on the vibrant heart of Paris with a sprinkle of pink magic!

First on the agenda is the Louvre. I just have to see the Mona Lisa, you know! Can you imagine her with a pink tutu on, looking as sly as a fox and as enigmatic as a whispered secret? There's something about that famous smile - maybe it's the "je ne sais quoi" that the French call it - but she seems to be whispering tales of Parisian elegance and historical beauty.

Later, after indulging in some delicious macarons (chocolate is practically obligatory in Paris, darling! The sheer pleasure of biting into one of those exquisite, pastel pink treats!), I'm off to a delightful ballet performance at the Palais Garnier. I hear they have a stunning production of Swan Lake tonight. Imagine the delicate movements of the swans, all graceful and ethereal, like wisps of pink clouds dancing against a velvet night sky. Just divine!

And wouldn't you know it, they even have an open mic night at the Palais Garnier for local performers afterwards! The perfect chance for me to give a little tutu-inspired flash mob with some of my Parisian ballet buddies, don't you think? We'll be waltzing and pirouetting across the stage, showering the crowd with pink tulle and maybe even teaching them a few ballet moves! I mean, spreading the pink tutu love, that's what it's all about, right?

Speaking of spreading the love, I’ve been absolutely enthralled by the sheer Parisian style. The Parisians have such a unique, effortless way about them. They understand the art of looking chic and polished without ever being too loud or overdone. And I’m determined to find a little Parisian magic for myself, a secret to pulling together the perfect Parisian outfit that just screams “Emma, but with a French flair!”. I envision a sleek, little black dress (but of course, with a hint of pink! It is my colour, after all), a delicate scarf tied casually around my neck, a straw hat adorned with a delicate pink ribbon, and the ultimate Parisian accessory – a beautifully worn, vintage pair of pink ballet shoes! Just imagine, strolling along the Seine with the golden light of sunset hitting the water, the pink reflecting in my tutu, and the soft breeze rustling the tulle. Could anything be more enchanting?

This journey is all about discovering a new facet of myself, and perhaps, discovering the pink tutu potential hidden within this amazing city. And with every street corner I turn, every pastel-colored storefront I admire, and every delicate puff pastry I nibble, I’m feeling more and more at home.

The weekend's just begun, and I have a feeling it’s going to be magical. I'll be posting a follow up on Sunday, giving you a little Parisian adventure update and some tips for exploring this incredible city like a real pink-tutu wearing Parisian!

Au revoir, and stay pink! Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-06-04 Exploring Paris