Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-08-27 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #609 - Bonjour, mon chéri! Paris is calling!

Saturday, 2011-08-27

Darling readers! I'm writing to you today from a little Parisian cafe, sipping on the most divine raspberry tea, all while the scent of fresh croissants fills the air. Life doesn't get much better, does it? I finally made it to Paris, and trust me, it's as glamorous as I dreamed.

EuroStar Dreams

Let's rewind a little bit. You know how I love train travel? Well, the Eurostar didn't disappoint! It was such a smooth journey. The first-class seats were plush, there was even a cute little reading light - I felt like I was stepping out of a fairytale! I whipped out my pink knit travel shawl, donned my favourite floral-print scarf, and had myself a very fancy afternoon tea, enjoying the view of the French countryside as we zoomed through the green fields and past charming little villages. Just picturing it makes my heart swell with pure, unadulterated joy!

A Pink Tutu Landing in the City of Lights

Oh my gosh, the moment the Eurostar arrived in Gare du Nord, my senses went into overdrive. I couldn't resist throwing on a few twirls, a tiny spin to really soak in the Parisian magic. The cobbled streets, the bustling atmosphere, the vintage bookstores, oh la la! The entire city feels like a Parisian dream – just bursting with culture and romance.

Dress Like a Parisienne

Paris is practically overflowing with exquisite shops. I mean, it's a shopping paradise for any fashion enthusiast. It would be a crime to walk by without doing a little window shopping (or more!). The other day, I stumbled upon this quaint little boutique, with an array of darling vintage hats. I found myself browsing, and guess what I ended up taking home? A beautiful white feathered fedora – perfectly matching my pink tweed skirt. Oh, and did I mention I also snagged a delightful hand-painted parasol? It was almost impossible to resist with its charming delicate design. I swear, Paris makes it so easy to get carried away with beautiful trinkets.

Stepping into the Theatre

So, this is why I came to Paris, dear readers – the Theatre! It's absolutely breath-taking. Last night, I had the opportunity to attend the most extraordinary ballet performance. It was 'Giselle' by the Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris. Oh, my darling readers! My feet practically danced to the music! Such captivating artistry. The ballerina who played Giselle was graceful and sublime, like a fragile porcelain doll. She made me think about all the hard work and passion that go into ballet, and it honestly gave me a renewed appreciation for the dedication and skill these ballerinas bring to the stage.

A Pink Tutu Ballet Adventure

Speaking of dedication, I have been squeezing in some ballet classes in this beautiful city! You won't believe this – I've been attending a small but wonderful class nestled within an historic opera house. The class is filled with talented dancers from all over the world, and it's truly inspiring. Today I learned a whole new sequence inspired by Parisian street dancers, which involved pirouettes under the Parisian sky! Can you imagine? Simply magical. And let me tell you, they've been absolutely amazing.

Parisian Moments & Parisian Eats

I have spent so much time soaking up the Parisian sunshine and the Parisian joie de vivre. From sitting at little cafes, indulging in pain au chocolat and flaky croissants, to leisurely walks down the charming boulevards lined with flowers, each moment is filled with Parisian charm and romance. And you know how much I love exploring new places, so I found this cute little tea salon, nestled on a cobbled street. Just the thought of afternoon tea with exquisite finger sandwiches and macaroons makes my heart sing!

Coming Home to

Okay, dear readers, I better wrap it up, because I can’t wait to head out and find the most darling little Parisian bookstore. I’m on the lookout for a vintage paperback to take home. Now, this is the fun part! The other week I noticed a really lovely second-hand shop with an enchanting window display, and it’s definitely on my to-do list for later. It's full of exquisite treasures just waiting to be discovered!

Until next week, always stay radiant and never stop twirling,


P.S. Don't forget to check out each week for a new blog post! And share your own Parisian adventures with me!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-08-27 Exploring Paris