Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-10-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: #616 – A Pink Tutu Dream Come True in the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes amis! This Saturday’s Paris adventure comes to you from a delightful café overlooking the Seine, where I'm happily sipping a rose latte and scribbling my thoughts onto my trusty laptop, a tiny pink ballet slipper bookmarking my place.

It's been a whirlwind week! The Eurostar took us to Paris, and oh my, was it just like stepping into a movie scene! I was wearing my new bright pink tulle tutu with matching pink ballet flats. Of course! What else would I wear for my Parisian debut? It’s a cliché, but you really do feel the magic of this city as soon as you arrive. And that scent of croissants? Heavenly.

We had booked a hotel right in the heart of the city, steps away from the Eiffel Tower – a perfect location for our Paris adventure! We were both super excited to explore the streets of Paris, the city that practically invented style and fashion, a city full of inspiration! You can imagine my excitement!

My heart almost burst when we found a tiny shop with a shop window full of tutus! They even had one made with little twinkling lights all around, how amazing! It was practically begging me to buy it! You know I had to buy it for myself, of course. And let's be honest, there's something undeniably charming and iconic about twirling a pink tutu under the Eiffel Tower.

Our first few days were filled with typical Parisian charm! We visited Notre Dame, which is an absolute stunner. Even with the scaffolding it was still incredible. You feel the history of this city so strongly! And we got lost in the charming labyrinth of little streets of Le Marais – which was simply breathtaking! Tiny boutique stores with the most incredible windows and vintage finds, and tiny cafes filled with chattering Parisians enjoying pastries and lattes. And of course, plenty of time was spent admiring the breathtaking view from the Eiffel Tower. It truly felt like a fairy tale!

On Thursday, my friends and I decided to attend a ballet show at the Opéra Garnier, and let me tell you, it was absolutely spectacular! It's always inspiring to watch professional dancers, their grace and elegance truly makes me strive harder to reach my ballet goals. Seeing 'Giselle' with its hauntingly beautiful choreography, breathtaking costumes and heart-stopping romance had my heart soaring!

And how can you go to Paris without going shopping, especially for clothes! My pink tutu wardrobe got bigger than ever! We spent a day exploring the fashion houses in the Rue Saint-Honoré. I’m not a handbag woman, but the little shop window in Chanel made my mouth fall open. If I was ever to have a dream handbag, this would be it! It looked like a little ballerina box, I loved it! My own personal ballet handbag.

I had an afternoon tea at Ladurée. I was dressed to the nines, of course, in a pretty pink, lace dress that I found in the French Market, I'd spotted it when I was lost in the side streets.

And that's the magic of Paris: a world of surprises and delights around every corner, from the quaint cafés with their scrumptious pastries and lattes, to the captivating stories that unfold within the museums and historical monuments. It's a city where art and fashion dance together, and the dream of a ballerina girl in a pink tutu takes centre stage.

So, mes amis, don’t just dream of Paris, pack your pink tutus and come dance with me in the City of Lights! Trust me, it will be a memory to cherish!

Until next week, when I will share my adventures on another journey with you.



P.S. If you fancy seeing what I'm wearing, come on over to for my Paris outfit shots and more pics from my adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-10-15 Exploring Paris