Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-10-22 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 617 - A Tutu-ful Time in the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes chéries!

Well, the EuroStar journey was delightful as always. Nothing beats the gentle chugging of the train as it weaves through the English countryside, leaving Derbyshire behind, and then the feeling of anticipation building as you glide into the heart of Paris. And today? It was the ultimate tutu adventure!

Remember my pink tutu? It was definitely my lucky charm for this Paris trip, making me feel utterly magical as I stepped off the train and into the bustling Gare du Nord. Paris truly does feel like stepping into a dream – the scent of fresh pastries in the air, the sound of lively conversations in French, and the glorious views of cobbled streets adorned with elegant shops and charming cafes.

This week I’ve been exploring the heart of Parisian culture. Firstly, I treated myself to a heavenly ballet class at the École de Danse de l’Opéra de Paris. Now, you guys know my love for ballet, and let me tell you, there’s just something magical about dancing in Paris, even for an amateur like me. The elegance of the studios, the passion in the air, and the instructors – who were absolute professionals, of course – made me feel like I could finally perform like the ballerinas I’ve always admired. And for all of you who are thinking, “Emma, you're mad, performing in Paris?!” Well, let’s just say a little pink tutu magic and lots of practice can achieve wonders, ha!

Then, my evening was simply divine. I indulged in a spectacular performance of “Le Lac des Cygnes” at the Palais Garnier Opera House. You all know I am utterly besotted with this classic – and witnessing it performed by such skilled dancers in such a historic setting was pure magic. Even after all these years, “Le Lac des Cygnes” manages to touch my heart with its delicate beauty, dramatic flair, and of course, those stunning tutus!

As for my fashion finds? Let me tell you, Paris never disappoints. My favourite purchase was a blush pink velvet beret, perfect for adding a touch of Parisian chic to my look. You guys know I'm a fan of headwear, but this was something else entirely! And of course, I treated myself to some beautiful pink floral prints at the lovely little boutiques along Rue de Rivoli – it was like stepping into a wonderland of colour and patterns. Oh, and my dearest followers, did I tell you I stumbled across a vintage tutu shop? You bet! You wouldn't believe the treasures I found – some of them even older than my own, and in the most beautiful hues. I have a new pink tutu now - well, actually two - a sparkling pink with a feather boa attached, and a ballet-themed, blush-coloured silk beauty.

This trip was a true whirlwind of Parisian delights! It's amazing how much I can pack into just a few days when I'm travelling by train - there's just something so romantic about it. And yes, dear readers, I did even have time for a leisurely afternoon in the Tuileries Gardens, enjoying a picnic amidst the most glorious blossoms, and catching the reflections of the Parisian skyline on the serene pond. Honestly, it was so dreamy that it was practically like being in a painting.

So there you have it, dear followers – another pink tutu-ful week in the city of lights.

I hope you’re enjoying these posts, because as always, I'm ready to hear all about your experiences too!

If you’re ready for some Parisian-inspired ballet fun, check out this week's ballet playlist – packed with tutus and twirls: [Insert Link to Ballet playlist on]

Until next week, remember to be your pinkest selves. And please, do tell me all about your week – especially if you've done anything pink or tutu-licious!

Au revoir, and bon week-end!

Bisous, Emma

[This is where a photo of Emma wearing her new blush pink beret with the pink tutu from the vintage shop would be added. ]

This is part one of Emma’s Paris blog post.

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 617 - A Tutu-ful Time in the City of Lights! Part 2

Remember that old, slightly tattered, and almost totally pink ballet tutu in my wardrobe? I decided it would be just the right touch for a photoshoot in Paris! With my new blush-coloured velvet beret perfectly framing my face and a sweet blush-toned polka dot dress that would make even Coco Chanel blush, I went looking for that je ne sais quoi Parisian location.

You guys know that I adore taking photographs in magical spots – anything that looks straight out of a storybook, or has a sprinkle of French fairy dust. I landed up near the Louvre, walking towards the Seine. You’ll never believe the gorgeous cobbled square that popped up! There were gorgeous chestnut trees and charming lanterns draped with golden fairy lights! This, of course, felt like a perfect backdrop to my ballet inspired photoshoot.

You know how much I adore photography and Instagram, and honestly? I spent what felt like an eternity capturing these magical moments – the Parisian sun glinting on the river Seine, the old-fashioned cafes bustling with life, and most importantly, my new, almost pink tutus - each and every one making me feel like the absolute ballerina I always dreamed of being.

Don’t forget you can find these photographs and much more on my Instagram page, @pinktutulife.

It’s moments like this – soaking in the beauty of a city that I know and love, twirling in my pink tutus and snapping some magical shots, that truly remind me of why I chose to dedicate my life to chasing my pink tutu dreams. And even better, that pink tutu spirit seemed to be contagious - passersby seemed to smile wider when they saw my twirling in the cobbled square, and even the local pigeons seemed less aloof! (Don’t get me wrong – you won’t find any pink pigeons in Paris, ha!)

Here’s a glimpse into the most tutu-licious moments of my trip:

*Parisian Pink Picnics: * Nothing screams “tutu-ful” quite like a leisurely afternoon in a Parisian park! I found a gorgeous shady spot in the Tuileries Gardens and settled down for the most delicious picnic basket full of fresh French bread, creamy Brie cheese, juicy strawberries, and – because I just had to – a pink macaron or two. All of this, of course, had to be followed up with a leisurely dance under the beautiful trees. (Don’t tell anyone, but I actually got a bit distracted when I saw the magnificent equestrian statues, a couple of graceful stallions that looked a lot like they’d had a ballet lesson or two!)

The Eiffel Tower Well, how could you have a Paris blog post without mentioning a visit to the most iconic symbol of love and beauty? You just can't, dear readers! That’s why I decided to celebrate a perfect afternoon by visiting the Eiffel Tower, complete with a light show and some breathtaking views of the city. Even more magical? Seeing how everyone looked up at the tower, so captivated by the twinkling lights! They probably didn’t realise just how many ballerinas were among them - pink tutus are stealthy, ha! And when I twirled on the bridge beneath the tower (complete with a stunning sunset in the background), my pink tutu had a real je ne sais quoi moment – which of course meant another fantastic photograph opportunity. You can’t have enough photos in Paris, that's for sure.

Tutu Chic: Parisian Shopping Adventures: Well, no visit to Paris is complete without a little fashion splurge, and this trip was no exception. And as you know, pink tutus always seem to inspire me to add to my collection of tutus, headwear, and anything else that looks a little bit French. Let me tell you – finding those vintage shops on Rue de Rivoli is almost like finding treasure! My favourite was a small shop stuffed with elegant little jackets, berets, vintage scarves, and (you guessed it) a surprising selection of colourful tutus - including my new one with a boa! Honestly, it was like stepping into a wardrobe full of French dreams. You bet I’ve got to return next trip and have a peek - and find that perfect tutu-tastic ensemble for my Parisian escapades!

I hope this trip to Paris has given you inspiration for your own trips, for your own tutus, for your own stories.

Until next time, stay bright and cheerful – and make sure you have at least one tutu in your wardrobe at all times. It truly is the most versatile piece of clothing in the world. Just like your very own Parisian style.

Don’t forget to stay tuned for more photos, stories, and inspiration - until next week, remember to embrace your own pink-tutu life!

* Au revoir,*


This is the second part of the blog post and is over the required length. If you would like me to add to the blog post to meet your full request I can do so, but it will make the piece rather long! If you want any more from Emma, please let me know what other topics you’d like her to write about.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-10-22 Exploring Paris