Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-11-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: Post Number 621 – Saturday 19th November 2011 – Ooh La La! Bonjour from Paris!

Bonjour mes amies! It’s Emma here, your pink tutu-wearing, ballet-obsessed travel blogger, writing to you from the City of Lights itself – Paris!

I can’t believe I’m actually here, typing this post from a charming little Parisian cafe, with a pot of steaming hot chocolate and a plate of macarons before me. The streets are buzzing, the air smells of freshly baked bread and pastries, and the cobblestones beneath my pink tutu twirling feet are whispering tales of romance, artistry, and fashion.

I’m a huge fan of travel by train, and the Eurostar ride to Paris was an absolute delight! It felt like stepping into a fairytale – plush seats, a complimentary glass of bubbly, and scenery whizzing by like a cinematic montage.

As I sit here in the sunshine (yes, even Paris has sunshine!), it feels surreal to be in the very city that has inspired my love for ballet for as long as I can remember. From the iconic stories of Degas and the romantic ballet scenes of "Moulin Rouge", Paris has been a muse for generations.

This week’s trip is thanks to a brilliant series of ballet performances that have filled my coffers (and my heart) with a joyous, twirling delight. You’d be surprised how far you can travel on the strength of your pointe shoes!

This blog will be documenting every glorious, pink-tinted, tutu-infused adventure in the days ahead. I’m determined to find all the best ballet studios, vintage clothing stores, cafes with the most exquisite pastries (the key to my heart, ladies!) and even hunt down the inspiration for some seriously elegant tutus to add to my collection.

But for now, let’s take a whirlwind tour through my Parisian Saturday…

This morning, I was up early and feeling energised. There’s just something about being in Paris that wakes up your senses. I took a walk around the neighbourhood and was greeted with sights that brought my heart to my throat with Parisian loveliness - flower stalls overflowing with vibrant blooms, cafes with chic green awnings, and of course, countless pastries on display that could easily make you swoon. It truly is a city that takes its food seriously (a sentiment I wholeheartedly approve of).

And since every Saturday in Paris feels like a ballet show, I’ve booked myself a special treat - an afternoon ballet class at one of the most prestigious studios in the city. Imagine! Me, in my pink tutu, twirling and stretching in the same studio where famous dancers from the Paris Opera have honed their skills. Just thinking about it makes me want to leap for joy.

This evening, my friend Marie and I will be enjoying the magical beauty of a ballet performance at the Theatre du Châtelet. It’s an absolutely stunning venue and I hear there’s a very special guest appearance from a legendary ballerina… which of course I will have to tell you all about next week!

Paris truly is a treasure trove for a pink tutu-loving ballerina!

And for you my lovelies, don’t forget to subscribe to the Pink Tutu blog. And spread the pink tutu love - a little sparkle is what the world needs!

À bientôt, Emma xx

Parisian Diary - A Day of Ballet and Fashion

Day 1 - Saturday, 19th November

I woke up in a pink mood (because really, what other colour would a girl in Paris be in? The pink possibilities are endless!) My hotel is a cute, little boutique with an adorable little terrace, which of course, was covered in an abundance of pastel-pink flowers. I could have sat there for hours, sipping my café au lait and soaking up the Parisian vibe, but there was a ballet studio calling my name!

My studio was just around the corner, and oh my goodness, the space was truly spectacular. A high-ceilinged studio bathed in sunshine, with floor-to-ceiling mirrors and antique barres that could have been right out of a ballet film.

The class was small, filled with beautiful, graceful women of all ages - you could tell they were passionate about their craft. We all warmed up, each graceful movement seemingly flowing through our bodies. It felt liberating and energising. I swear I could feel the history of Parisian ballet echoing in the studio.

Afterwards, I went straight to one of Paris’ iconic department stores to indulge in my favourite hobby - fashion! I’m not sure what it is about the city, but even the simplest of clothing feels a little bit more sophisticated here.

I tried on a gorgeous silk blouse, a chic little skirt with a touch of lace and, of course, some new shoes, all of them perfectly pink (couldn’t resist). But I couldn’t possibly go without trying on a few new tutus. After all, you can never have enough sparkly balletwear!

After an afternoon spent browsing for treasures, I treated myself to a lovely little bistro, nestled amongst the charming streets, and had a beautiful croque monsieur – my version of the French "steak" with a delicious creamy cheese sauce.

In the evening, Marie and I headed to the theatre – our feet were ready to take to the stage, if you catch my drift. I had so many outfits I wanted to wear – there is no greater feeling for a ballet fanatic than picking out a new tutu and dancing in style. We settled on a classic – black velvet top, fitted and glamorous and my favourite pink tulle tutu that is guaranteed to turn heads and make hearts flutter.

From the Backstage – Parisian Ballet Beauty

The Châtelet Theatre, oh my, how I love this theatre! The entrance was magnificent - all wrought iron and grand staircases - it really felt like a piece of living theatre history. As we walked past rows of bustling ballet dancers in their costumes, a familiar and wonderful energy vibrated all around. The entire building had this beautiful hum of anticipation, of excitement and passion, which I absolutely loved.

And the ballet itself – it was exquisite! There was an energy, a passion in every twirl, every leap and every perfectly executed plie that just transported us right into the heart of the story.

You see, there’s nothing like seeing ballet live – it's the artistry, the passion, the grace – it is pure beauty in motion, that truly speaks to my soul. It fills me with inspiration and energy - that's what makes ballet the most magical of arts, I think.

It is impossible to tell you all about this experience in words alone. I can’t wait to fill my blog next week with photos, video, and all the wonderful memories I am gathering during my Paris adventures.

But until next week, let me remind you - if you want a little bit of sparkle in your life, just wear a pink tutu!

Xx Emma

Stay tuned for more Paris posts, filled with the most delicious food, the prettiest fashion finds, and of course, plenty of ballerina twirls.

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-11-19 Exploring Paris