Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-12-10 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris: #624 - A Whirlwind of Parisian Pink!

Bonjour, mes chéri(e)s!

It's Saturday, which means it's time for another Pink Tutu Blog Paris post! This week, I've been whisked away to the City of Lights on the Eurostar. Can you believe it? My darling Derbyshire has been swapped for the enchanting streets of Paris! Oh, the possibilities! And all thanks to a fantastic opportunity to perform in a charity ballet at the Salle Pleyel. It's not every day that a little girl from Derbyshire gets to grace a Parisian stage!

As you know, I adore train journeys. It's the perfect time to catch up on my reading, sip a little tea, and let my imagination wander. This time, though, it was like a dream! The Eurostar glided through the countryside with such effortless grace. It felt like I was gliding across the stage in my favourite pink tutu!

Of course, the first thing on my Paris agenda had to be a little fashion fix. The shops here are simply divine! I've already added a gorgeous Parisian beret to my collection (the perfect touch to a ballerina's look), a silk scarf in the most delightful shade of dusty rose, and some divine vintage ballet shoes that I couldn't resist. They have just the right amount of twinkle and would be perfect for my next performance.

Oh, the colours! Paris is a feast for the eyes. Imagine a watercolour painting – that’s the closest I can get to describing the vibrancy! From the pastel colours of the Parisian architecture to the blooming floral displays in window boxes, it's all so romantic. I just want to wear pink, and float around on clouds!

Speaking of pink, my dear friend Sarah (another dedicated ballerina) came with me on this adventure! You'll be seeing her make a guest appearance in some photos in this post - she makes Paris look even more dazzling, if you can believe it.

This weekend's itinerary is filled with pink-tinted dreams:

Saturday - * Our afternoon started at the Musée Rodin - where the sculptures of the master Rodin brought inspiration to every muscle and graceful pose. Imagine if we could capture that unbridled creativity in every ballet performance! * We dined on the most exquisite French cuisine at La Mère Germaine – their beef bourguignon melted in my mouth! (Don't worry, I still managed to fit into my pink tutu the next day).

Sunday * Morning: My big performance at Salle Pleyel! I'm dancing in the 'Giselle' duet. (If you have the chance, I strongly recommend catching this classic ballet in Paris, you'll feel the history in every movement!) * Afternoon: A delicious afternoon tea at the Ladurée tea salon – an absolute MUST for any fashion-conscious ballerina! Let's just say we’ll be indulging in macarons all week! (The pink ones are divine, of course!). * Evening: A little impromptu ballet exploration! I discovered the beautiful Opéra Garnier – I think I saw every graceful movement that made it into a famous ballerina's repertoire! It truly felt like magic.

Monday - * The perfect way to round off our Parisian adventure: a delightful shopping trip at Galeries Lafayette! Parisian fashion is beyond exquisite, and their beautiful pink display window has inspired a whole new tutu design that I simply HAVE to add to my collection. Oh, the things a ballerina can dream up in Paris!

Fashion is about more than clothes, my dears, it’s an expression of the heart. In Paris, every shop, cafe, and monument is just bursting with personality. If there is anything more beautiful than a pink tutu twirling down the Champs-Élysées, it is that infectious spirit. And if the world’s wearing pink tutus, well then, it truly would be a dancing ballet.

That's it for this week's Pink Tutu Blog Paris post! Don't forget to check back next Saturday for more Parisian adventures!

P.S. Do tell me in the comments below - What's your favorite colour tutu and why?

A bientot, Emma xx

*A few Parisian Pink-tinted thoughts to ponder: *

  • Have you ever been to Paris? If so, what are your favourite things about it?
  • What colour pink is your favourite?
  • What is the most beautiful dance you have seen in Paris?
  • Are you inspired to wear a pink tutu right now? I am!

*More about my Paris Adventures: *

If you’d like to follow my travels in more detail, come and join me over on Instagram @PinkTutuAdventures. I love sharing snippets of my daily life, and I would love to connect with you. And if you want to learn how to make your own pink tutus (because everyone should own at least one!), check out the Pink Tutu Blog DIY page on!

This post, #624, is also available on my website - along with all the other pink-tutu-filled posts I've written since my blog began. And why not add it to your pinterest board to remind you of this exciting adventure!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2011-12-10 Exploring Paris