Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-05-05 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 645: Bonjour, Paris!

Saturday 5th May, 2012

Oh, darling readers! You will not believe the day I’ve had! It's finally here – my first ever trip to the City of Lights! It’s all been a whirlwind since I stepped off the Eurostar this morning, but every second has been a dream.

After all, there’s just something about Paris, don't you think? That undeniable air of chic, a touch of whimsy and of course, a vibrant, swirling energy that just beckons you to dance. The second my feet touched French soil, I felt that unmistakable feeling, you know, the one that says, "Emma, you’re home. I just can't get over the cobblestone streets and all the beautiful Parisian buildings, the smell of freshly baked croissants, and even the way the air smells like perfume and rain. I just can't get over it!

Speaking of home, let me take you back a little. This little Parisian escapade is thanks to my dear darling readers! Remember all those lovely shows and performances I’ve been doing? Those long rehearsals, all the careful work? Well, let’s just say that they’ve paid off in more ways than one. Each twirl and grand jeté was a little bit of funding towards my Paris dream, and oh, was it worth it!

The trip itself was a right adventure. A touch of magic and pink, naturally! My outfit was pure pink tutu bliss – think a candy pink tulle masterpiece with a satin bodice, accessorized with a sparkly tiara (it’s never too early for a tiara, darlings!) and a pair of my most comfy ballet shoes – perfect for dancing through the train carriage. And if you think I didn’t make everyone in the Eurostar blush with my pink perfection, you’re very wrong! I got so many smiles from the other passengers. You know me, always spreading a little bit of pink joy wherever I go.

As soon as we arrived, I had to head straight to Galeries Lafayette. What a palace! It’s even more dazzling than I imagined. You know how much I love my shopping sprees! This time I wanted to pick up some French treasures. Imagine the looks I’ll be turning heads in at the opera tonight. Oh, let’s not forget to mention all the pink and floral scarves I nabbed and, of course, that amazing new tutu. There's no such thing as having too many tutus!

The weather has been delightful. Perfect for exploring the city and finding those hidden corners only Paris can offer. We started our journey at the Champs-Elysees. I adore those sweeping avenues lined with the most divine shops, oh la la! This morning we found the Eiffel Tower – so impossibly high! I must confess, it made me feel a little lightheaded! You have to climb to the top for the best views, darling. Paris laid out like a map – an artist’s dream. My mum and I have been indulging in pastries, picnics by the Seine, and lots and lots of people-watching – Paris is simply bursting with life!

I’ve discovered so many fantastic places already. For instance, that little quaint cafe we stumbled across with the best crêpes I've ever had. Think Nutella, fresh berries, and a generous scoop of vanilla ice cream – perfect with a side of French music! They've got a whole line of the most delicate pink macarons. Let's just say I had a bit of a pink feast!

Of course, a visit to the Louvre was on the agenda. And oh, my heavens, can I say that it lived up to all my dreams? All the history, the incredible artwork! And then there's the Venus de Milo! Her delicate figure is just breathtaking, darling. I found myself standing there mesmerized for a whole ten minutes, I was just so mesmerized! You could just feel all that artistic energy swirling in the air! I just know I'll never forget that moment. It really did feel like something special.

This evening is an exciting one. We’re headed to the Paris Opera for an evening performance. Can you believe it! Imagine all those fabulous ballerinas, all the stunning costumes, the dazzling sets, I can’t wait to get into the heart of all the action.

But the day isn't over yet, oh no! Later we’ll be making our way to Place des Vosges. You just know that I’ll be twirling in my new tutu while I soak up the Parisian night life – think street performers and a whole lot of laughter. It's a must for anyone who’s here, you see. The cobbled streets come alive with music, art, and a hint of mystery – all the ingredients for a perfect Parisian evening.

Before I go, just remember: if you want to achieve your dreams, take inspiration from those around you and never stop believing in your heart’s desire! It might seem impossible sometimes, but let me tell you, anything is possible if you put your heart and soul into it. If I, Emma from Derbyshire, could reach my Parisian dream, so can you. Just think pink and believe!

And don’t forget to check back next Saturday for another edition of #PinkTutuBlogParis! Until then, I'll be busy embracing the magical beauty of this wonderful city.

Au revoir, my dear friends. Stay rosy!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-05-05 Exploring Paris