Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-05-12 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 646: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Saturday, 2012-05-12

Hello, my darlings! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing blogger, Emma, here, writing to you from the most magical city in the world - Paris! 💖 I can't believe I'm finally here, having dreamed of this moment for as long as I can remember.

Now, you all know I love a good train journey, and the Eurostar didn't disappoint! Gliding through the Channel Tunnel was like stepping into a whimsical fairy tale - perfect for a tutu-clad girl like me. As soon as we pulled into Gare du Nord, I could feel the vibrant Parisian energy. Honestly, I swear it was all swirling around me, carried by the perfume of fresh croissants and the melodies of street musicians.

First stop, The Eiffel Tower!

My initial mission in Paris was to climb to the top of this iconic landmark, but my darling tutus aren't the best for serious uphill climbs (I learned that the hard way!) 😂 Still, the view from the bottom was absolutely breath-taking. I imagined the thousands of Parisians who had also marvelled at this view over the years, all adding their little bit of history to this beautiful city. I knew then that my Parisian adventure was only just beginning.

Discovering Paris through Fashion

No trip to Paris is complete without a visit to the grand boulevards of the Champs-Élysées. Oh, the endless rows of elegant boutiques and designer showrooms - heaven for a tutu-loving girl like me! I could have spent hours simply admiring the chic outfits in the window displays, and, of course, a little window shopping wouldn't hurt, now would it? 🛍️

While I was on the Champs-Élysées, I just had to make a pit stop at the gorgeous Galeries Lafayette. I know some of you are already sighing at the mention of this famous department store, but just you wait until you hear what I saw! This department store, my dears, is a world unto itself. It's like a massive, breathtaking palace for all things fashionable. From classic Chanel to contemporary Givenchy, the collection is truly inspiring.

But you know me, it wouldn't be a Parisian shopping experience without finding something absolutely delightful in a hidden corner - that’s my forte! This time, it was a vintage pink dress with a little, delicate bow that looked perfect for twirling. I snatched it up with a happy sigh - how could I resist? I'm already planning all the different ways to wear it for future blog posts! ✨

Ballet Dreams Come True

You know I can’t travel without attending a ballet performance. I'm in Paris, home to one of the world's most prestigious ballet companies, and you just know I had to be in the audience! I secured tickets for a stunning production of Giselle at the Palais Garnier, one of the most iconic opera houses in the world.

Let me tell you, darling readers, the sheer scale and artistry of this venue is breathtaking. The grandeur of the interior, the breathtaking chandelier, and the incredible energy of the dancers on stage combined to make this one of the most magical nights of my life! It truly felt like I was being transported back to the golden age of ballet, where grace, artistry, and passion combined in a captivating spectacle.

And guess what? As I danced with joy in my seat, I realised that Paris, and its dedication to dance, inspired me even more. Watching those talented dancers on stage confirmed that pursuing my own ballet dreams is worth every single step. The tutu magic is real! 💖

A Day for Delight

As if all of that wasn’t enough, I treated myself to a delicious meal at a quaint café near the Eiffel Tower. Sitting in the Parisian sun, watching the world go by, and savoring every mouthful of freshly-baked pain au chocolat, well, it's what Parisian dreams are made of, my dears! I could just sit there all day long and lose myself in the moment!

I spent the afternoon strolling through the streets, admiring the unique architecture, and capturing the colourful Parisian scenes with my camera. It’s just so enchanting, I can’t even explain it! Paris is truly a city where dreams come true, and I just know it will be the inspiration for countless new posts and Parisian adventures in the coming days!

Stay Tuned for More Paris Delights!

This is only the beginning of my Parisian journey, darlings, and I can’t wait to share more stories, fashion discoveries, and ballet delights with you next Saturday. I promise to bring you plenty more Parisian sunshine and a touch of pink tutu magic!

Stay beautiful and remember: Life is a stage, and your tutu is your costume.

Until next Saturday,

Emma xxx

P.S. Be sure to follow me on Instagram @PinkTutuBlogger and don't forget to check out my blog,, for more fashion inspiration, Parisian adventures, and tips on making the world a pink tutu paradise! 🩰💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-05-12 Exploring Paris