Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-05-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post #648

Bonjour mes amis! It’s Emma here, your favourite pink tutu wearing ballerina, ready to take you on a whimsical journey through the City of Lights. This week, it’s Paris, the iconic capital of romance, fashion, and – let’s be honest – some seriously delicious pastries!

Now, some of you know I have a penchant for travelling by train, especially the sleek, modern Eurostar. So this past week, I boarded the train in Derby, feeling a flutter of excitement and the gentle sway of the carriage as we sped towards my destination – Paris! I know I sound like a cliché, but I absolutely adore the thrill of hurtling through the countryside, feeling the breeze on my face, and watching the scenery blur into a beautiful kaleidoscope of colours. And don’t even get me started on the joy of pulling a pink-tutu-themed book from my bag (you know I always pack at least one) and getting lost in the magic of my own story world for a few precious hours.

Of course, no Paris trip is complete without a splash of colour, so naturally, my luggage was filled to the brim with my latest pink tutu creations – a kaleidoscope of tulle, feathers, and glittering sequins, ready to dance and sparkle in the Parisian streets. But let’s be honest, a ballerina on a quest for fabulous fashion can’t solely live on dreams and twirls! This time around, I was particularly excited to perform a solo piece at the Grand Théâtre de la Ville – one of the oldest theatres in Paris! It’s quite a beautiful venue – with gorgeous ornate décor and breathtaking stage lighting, it's a dream space for any ballerina, especially one wearing a pink tutu. I mean, what better place to shimmer under the spotlight and wow a Parisian audience?!

The energy of the crowd was infectious, and their appreciation was palpable as the applause echoed through the historic halls of the theatre. A magical experience, for sure. Speaking of magical experiences, after the show, I ventured into the enchanting labyrinthine streets of Montmartre. As a little girl, I used to gaze at pictures of Sacré-Cœur Basilica and imagine its imposing silhouette overlooking the bustling Parisian streets, and I finally had the pleasure of experiencing it in person!

From the awe-inspiring sight of the Basilica, bathed in the golden glow of the evening sun, to the quaint cafes with their cobbled courtyards and bohemian vibe, the Montmartre district captivated me completely. Of course, it was a visual feast for my fashion-obsessed eyes, too. I spotted so many stunning Parisian ladies – impeccably styled, of course! – looking chic and elegant in their effortless ensembles. I was so inspired that I took inspiration from the streets and had to do some Parisian shopping – with a sprinkle of pink tulle thrown in, of course!

Paris is such a whimsical city with its dreamy blend of history, culture, and artistic creativity – I always find something new and exciting to inspire me. As always, there’s never a dull moment, which is probably why this post is so long, ha!

So what did I do on this very Saturday? After enjoying a leisurely croissant and cappuccino breakfast in the Jardin du Luxembourg (an oasis of peace and beauty amidst the bustling city) and browsing through the beautiful collection of art at the Musée d'Orsay (who knew impressionists loved painting dancers so much?!), I headed for a captivating performance at the Palais Garnier – oh, the grandeur of the venue! And did I tell you that today was the premiere of a new ballet? So exciting! You know I can't resist a good premiere, especially when it's accompanied by my favourite ballet shoes – oh, how I adore their pink tutus!

Before settling into a cosy evening spent sketching my next Parisian ballet masterpiece, I popped in to Le Bon Marché (my Parisian wardrobe haven), which I discovered has opened a pop-up exhibition featuring amazing art pieces crafted from fabric! Such inspiring, and incredibly tactile, art!

But I think the most incredible part of my day came with the simple act of watching children laughing and playing in the Parc de la Villette. I swear I could hear tiny tutus twirling in the breeze, and I realised – being a Parisian ballerina can be the sweetest, most enchanting experience, but the real magic lies in inspiring people, particularly children, to dance and twirl and wear their own personal sense of style with pride and confidence.

So, that’s all for this week, mes amis. Until next time, keep on twirling, keep on believing, and don't forget to add a dash of pink tutu magic into your lives!

Au revoir,


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-05-26 Exploring Paris