Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-06-16 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 651: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes chéries!

It's Saturday morning, the sun is shining, and I'm writing to you from a cute little Parisian café with the most amazing view of the Eiffel Tower! Yes, I've made it to the city of romance, fashion, and, of course, ballet. As you know, my pink tutu has been itching to explore the Parisian streets and I just couldn't wait any longer!

This trip was made even more special thanks to the magical journey I took to Paris. This week I performed in my favourite pink tutu at a fundraising gala for the local Derbyshire dance academy. It was a smashing success and helped fund my grand Parisian adventure! The thrill of a performance always gets me buzzing and, combined with my upcoming ballet performance at the iconic Palais Garnier, the stage is set for a pink tutu extravaganza.

This week's blog post, number 651 for my Paris adventure, is all about exploring the wonders of this captivating city. I travelled in style, taking the Eurostar, of course. (The pink-themed carriage was perfect! It even had pink themed cushions). And what can I say - a train journey always inspires a flurry of creative energy. And by the time I'd finished scribbling down my outfit plans and envisioned all my ballet photoshoots, we were pulling into Gare du Nord.

First Stop: Ballet & Brunch!

My first full day in Paris was a whirlwind of excitement! I went to a wonderful class at the Ecole de Danse de Paris, learning from a talented, yet slightly gruff, teacher who managed to squeeze just the right amount of elegant French flair into each move. My legs are aching, but in the best possible way!

Later that afternoon, I strolled through the charming Montmartre neighborhood with a bouquet of gorgeous lilies and a delicious pastry tucked under my arm. You just can’t visit Paris without enjoying a picnic!

Speaking of food, I also made a point of grabbing lunch at a charming little bistro near the Palais Garnier, and my oh my! Let’s just say the charcuterie and a glass of French wine were the perfect fuel for the rest of my Parisian explorations.

The City of Lights...and a Pink Tutu!

After the delectable lunch, it was time for a ballet performance. There is no better way to immerse yourself in Paris than a performance at the Palais Garnier. The exquisite building, a jewel of Belle Epoque architecture, transported me straight into the romantic era of ballerinas and ballerinos! My pink tutu and I were the perfect pairing for the elegant setting!

Of course, no Parisian adventure would be complete without exploring the city's iconic landmarks, including the Louvre museum and the Louvre pyramid. The pyramid's structure seemed to rise from the very heart of the city. I have to admit - a twirl on the cobblestone near the Seine just seemed appropriate with such a stunning structure behind me!

This Parisian day culminated in a glorious Eiffel Tower walk under the moonlit sky, my pink tutu twirling like a dream. I've learned that Paris is a city where you just have to embrace the beauty, the romance, and most importantly, a good dose of Parisian fashion and flare! After all, every girl dreams of finding their own little slice of Parisian chic and this city certainly does that.

The Magic of a Pink Tutu: From the Stage to the Street

To say that I have fallen completely in love with Paris is an understatement! Each step is like a graceful ballet move, every corner holds a new story, and every experience brings a smile to my face. This week, my Parisian escapades included an impromptu picnic by the Seine, followed by an evening of elegant browsing in Parisian boutiques, the aroma of delectable croissants wafting in the air as I picked out new tulle for my next tutu. And when the mood hit, I spun on a whim on the Pont des Arts, dreaming of graceful pirouettes on stage, as lovers passed by with a loving glance!

This vibrant city has ignited my imagination, inspired new outfit ideas, and reminded me of the magic that lies within the world of ballet, of Parisian fashion, and above all - my passion for life, celebrated with each swish of my pink tutu!

Coming Soon:

Next week, my blog post will share more about the Paris ballet scene, including what you can expect when visiting Paris, the latest Parisian fashion finds and tips for making your Parisian getaway sparkle with an elegant touch! (Keep an eye out for my new favourite tutu design too!) Stay tuned for a peek at the behind-the-scenes, the stories of Parisian encounters, and the Parisian moments that will make your heart skip a beat.

I can't wait to share more Parisian delights with you!

A bientot!


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-06-16 Exploring Paris