Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-08-18 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 660: Bonjour, Paris!

Saturday 18th August 2012

Bonjour, mes amies! It's Emma, and I'm absolutely thrilled to be writing to you from the most beautiful, romantic city in the world - Paris! This week, I've traded in my trusty Derbyshire cobbled streets for the cobbled avenues of the City of Lights, and I can't help but feel like a little Parisian princess in my brand new pink tutu (you know I always have to incorporate a touch of pink into every trip!).

Whizzing Through The Channel

My journey to Paris started with a whirl on the EuroStar. I'm a huge fan of train travel, especially on the EuroStar. There's something so glamorous about whizzing through the channel tunnel, emerging into a completely different world with just a touch of magic in the air. The seats were comfy, the service was top-notch, and I managed to sneak in a little bit of ballet practice in the aisle - always gotta stay in training!

The Charm Of The Left Bank

Upon arrival, I was instantly transported to a scene straight out of a movie. The taxi ride from Gare du Nord to my little hotel in the charming Left Bank was a whirlwind of beautiful buildings, cafes brimming with chatter, and those classic Parisian street signs. Oh, how I've missed the sights and sounds of Paris!

Pink Tutu Adventures

Speaking of Parisian scenes, today I set off on a mission to discover the most amazing ballet studios in the city. My research had led me to the magical world of the Paris Opera Ballet School. It’s the pinnacle of ballet training, and just being there, feeling the history and energy of the building was incredible!

And, you guessed it, I donned my pink tutu for the occasion! There's nothing like twirling amongst the Parisian cobblestones with the Eiffel Tower twinkling in the distance. It felt as though everyone I met today gave a little smile - I think Paris loves the pink tutu just as much as I do!

A Touch Of Fashion

Now, what trip to Paris is complete without a spot of shopping, am I right? I'm planning a trip to the Champs-Élysées tomorrow for some window-shopping (and maybe, just maybe, some serious spending!). You see, I can't leave Paris without finding a few fabulous additions to my pink tutu wardrobe! My favourite Parisian designer, Chloé, has the most divine lace dresses I could imagine - perfect for twirling on Parisian balconies!

Ballet Under The Stars

One of the highlights of my trip has to be the performance at the Palais Garnier tonight. Seeing a production of "Swan Lake" under the chandelier-lit dome of the Paris Opera is a truly magical experience! I’m going with my friend from Derbyshire who’s here for a whirlwind romantic trip to Paris (apparently some things never change!). Imagine a grand theatre full of twinkling lights, the music, the emotion... and my pink tutu, of course!

My Parisian Inspiration

My pink tutu has taken me to the most amazing places in the world and inspired me to try new things. Today, as I wander through the streets of Paris, it feels like everyone's moving with such flair and confidence. The Parisian women dress with an air of effortless chic, their scarves and Parisian berets complementing their flowy dresses perfectly!

Paris is truly a city that embraces all forms of expression, and it inspires me to always follow my heart and chase my dreams. Whether it’s twirling in my pink tutu, attending a performance at the Palais Garnier, or exploring the charming streets, I’m living out my passion for beauty, art, and ballet!

Stay tuned next week for my Parisian adventures in pink tutus! Until then, "A bientôt, mes amies!"

Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-08-18 Exploring Paris