Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-09-01 Exploring Paris

Paris, Ooh La La! (Post #662)

Hello darlings! It’s Emma, back from the most magical trip to the City of Lights, Paris! Can you believe it’s September already? The summer seems to have flown by like a ballerina pirouette! I was so busy touring Derbyshire with my little ballet school, giving workshops and performances, but I had to get away for a bit. You see, my lovely friends, Paris has always held a special place in my heart. And since the EuroStar is so easy, well, you know I had to make a visit!

I arrived last week in my sparkly pink tutu (of course!), feeling like a princess straight out of a fairytale. The train ride was a dream, gliding through the French countryside, the fields like a painter's palette of gold and green. I just had to capture it all in a snap – my Instagram feed is positively bursting with pink tulle and dreamy landscapes! (If you haven't already, give me a follow - @pinktutuemma)

I must confess, it’s not just the sights and sounds of Paris that have me smitten, it's the fashion, darling! Paris is the fashion capital, don’t you know, and this visit did not disappoint! I practically fainted when I saw a whole rack of shimmering pink ballet shoes in a boutique near the Champs-Élysées. Imagine, sparkly pink ballet shoes to complete a fabulous Parisian outfit – divine! Of course, I indulged in a couple of pairs, after all, a ballerina needs her shoes! And, I just couldn’t resist a beautiful vintage-inspired pink dress that looked like it was made for swirling on the dance floor. I even spotted the most divine pair of fluffy pink tutus with hand-sewn floral embellishments – absolutely perfect for an afternoon stroll through the Jardin du Luxembourg, don't you think?

Speaking of the Jardin du Luxembourg, this enchanting park truly stole my heart! The cascading fountains, the vibrant flowers, the laughter of children, the Parisian charm - it was a sensory overload in the best way possible. I could imagine myself on stage in this stunning setting, surrounded by the whispers of the wind and the fragrance of roses. Just as I was getting into the spirit, I found a delightful group of local ballerinas rehearsing. They were just so elegant, every move so fluid. You see, my dear blog friends, ballet truly transcends borders – it’s a universal language of grace and artistry. We all danced together for a little while and exchanged a few graceful gestures. I think I even taught them a move or two from my latest dance routine.

But you know, darling, my favourite Parisian activity? The theatre, of course! There is something about seeing a live performance, feeling the energy of the audience, the actors’ emotions, the lights – it's magic! I saw the most incredible performance of Swan Lake, at the Palais Garnier – the Opera House! You wouldn’t believe the beauty of the sets, the costumes, the choreography… the whole thing took my breath away! The leading ballerina was so captivating, with movements so precise and light. It was almost as if she was floating on air. Afterwards, I joined the crowds, basking in the Parisian energy, before grabbing a hot chocolate at a cafe next to the Garnier Opera. You can bet your tutu I snapped a couple of selfies to capture the moment.

But of course, the day wouldn’t be complete without a little bit of indulgence! My friend Emily and I spent the afternoon browsing the boutiques in the Marais. A perfect place to find those unique and elegant pieces that set your outfit apart. Emily is the best, she understands my obsession with all things pink! We had a wonderful time indulging in pastries, catching up, and making our way through the most fashionable district in Paris!

While I’m here, I simply must visit the Musée d’Orsay! The French Impressionist movement was something else! The vibrant colours, the emotive brushstrokes – these masterpieces are captivating. Just walking through those halls was a truly magical experience. I felt inspired, so I sketched in my journal, hoping to capture a bit of that magic. I even tried a couple of different poses, mimicking those featured in the paintings, I found a fabulous backdrop outside the Musée for a few pics, you can be sure they're going straight onto my Instagram!

My heart has truly been captured by this enchanting city. I can already feel that this isn’t the end of my Paris adventures. My little Pink Tutu adventure is far from over. I’ve already made plans for a return visit – next time I want to delve deeper into the ballet scene and maybe even join a dance class or two. Maybe, just maybe, I’ll even be bold enough to dance a little in the heart of the city, wearing my new pink tutu! I know I have a lot of fabulous posts to come, from fashion trends, to ballet classes, to fabulous Parisian restaurants, to finding the best pink cakes. Be sure to join me next Saturday for another chapter in my Parisian odyssey!

Until then, darling, dance on! Emma

Don't forget to check out: * for my weekly blog! * @pinktutuemma for my Instagram and my Paris adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-09-01 Exploring Paris