Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-09-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post 664

Bonjour mes chérie! It's Saturday and I'm back with another installment of the Pink Tutu Blog, this time straight from the City of Lights, Paris! Can you believe it, darlings? I'm here, in the very place that fuelled so many dreams as a little girl - a city filled with breathtaking architecture, delectable pastries, and oh, the fashion! I can already picture the couture shops lining the boulevards, overflowing with beautiful dresses that will make even the most unfashionable heart beat faster. But before I delve into the shopping frenzy, let's get into how I arrived in this magical city.

The Eurostar is a truly luxurious experience! It's like travelling in a stylish living room on wheels. I found a perfect spot, nestled among the plush velvet seats, with a comfy footrest and a window view. The countryside flew by, a blur of greens and browns, and I caught glimpses of the charming little towns dotted across France. The journey was effortless, with enough room to move around and indulge in a glass of French bubbly - a cheeky little celebration of arriving in this most enchanting of capitals.

Ballet Bliss!

One of the reasons I planned this Paris trip was to witness the exquisite artistry of the ballet. There's a magical energy that courses through me every time I'm in a theatre watching dancers transform before my eyes. I don't know what it is, but something about the precision of the movements, the grace and elegance of the ballerinas, just makes me want to twirl right alongside them!

You wouldn't believe what I stumbled upon on this very date, the 15th of September 2012! Right here in Paris, the Théâtre des Champs-Élysées is hosting a stunning production of 'La Sylphide' by August Bournonville. I mean, seriously! My heart almost burst out of my chest. This is a production that’s iconic, an absolute classic, and I'm already counting down the hours to the performance! The theatre itself looks grand and magnificent from the photos I saw online – with intricate detailing and gorgeous, rich red velvet seating – absolutely breathtaking. I'm already visualising myself sitting amongst a sea of sophisticated Parisians, wearing a fabulous pink tulle dress that I'll be sure to show you in a separate blog post later!

The Eiffel Tower – A Must-See!

Of course, a trip to Paris isn't complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower! Imagine the Parisian sky painted in vibrant shades of orange and pink at sunset, the golden light hitting the iconic structure just perfectly. This time tomorrow, I'll be gazing at the city from its dizzying height, with my pink tutu twirling in the wind. I even picked up the cutest little pink-themed Eiffel Tower souvenir! It's a miniature replica adorned with delicate pink glitter and has "Je t'aime" etched into the side – the ultimate Parisian touch.

Fashion Wonderland – A Pink Tutu Paradise!

And speaking of Paris, darling, have you ever seen such vibrant colours, such sleek silhouettes, and such an air of chic style? I already feel the urge to explore the boutiques and department stores, searching for the perfect pink tutu to commemorate this magical trip! Oh, I already imagine myself walking the streets of Paris, with the wind catching the tulle of my skirt as I admire the magnificent architectural marvels and Parisian cafes. Maybe I’ll even find a beret to add some extra Parisian flair!

I plan to take you along on every exciting step of my Paris adventure. Stay tuned for more blog posts – we’ll be exploring the Louvre, enjoying picnics in Jardin du Luxembourg, and indulging in every delectable Parisian delicacy imaginable! And who knows, maybe I’ll even convince a few Parisian ladies to embrace the pink tutu lifestyle. After all, who could resist the magic of pink tulle, right?

Until next time, stay twirling and don’t forget to keep your hearts open for all things pink!

Love, Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-09-15 Exploring Paris