Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-12-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #677)

Saturday, December 15th, 2012

Well, darling readers, here I am in Paris! The City of Lights, the fashion capital, the place where my dreams come true… or at least the place where I can get a decent croissant (which, let’s face it, is pretty much a dream come true).

After weeks of planning, prepping, and pirouetting (because, you know, it’s practically a ballerina’s birthright), I finally took the plunge and booked myself on the Eurostar. Let’s just say, this journey was a fashion fairytale. My pink tutu, paired with a black and white polka-dot top, was the perfect outfit for this magical adventure. It’s a testament to the fact that, with the right attitude, a tutu can take you anywhere!

And by "right attitude," I mean an unshakeable belief that everyone should embrace the pink tutu!

Speaking of, you guys wouldn't believe the fantastic collection I saw at the Galeries Lafayette today! It was pure Parisian perfection. I’m sure you can guess what immediately caught my eye? A breathtaking collection of tutus, from the most delicate ballet silks to vibrant party-ready poufs, all in shades of… you guessed it! Pink, pink, pink!

It's like the city itself knew I was coming! How serendipitous. But even more so, it's a confirmation of everything my little tutu-loving heart believes. Pink isn’t just a colour; it's an attitude. It's joy, it's vibrancy, it's femininity and sass all rolled into one fabulous package. And that, my darlings, is what makes a tutu, in all its delightful pink glory, the perfect embodiment of my Paris adventure.

But, I wouldn't be the "Pink Tutu Blogger" if it was all about the fashion! Today, I also spent some time indulging my other passions. Let's be honest, it's impossible to be in Paris and NOT visit the Eiffel Tower. You could say it was an absolute MUST, like every ballet dancer has to do a pirouette! (Did you know there's a little-known secret about the Eiffel Tower? Apparently, the very first light was installed on Christmas Day 1889, in celebration of a famous dancer, Anna Pavlova! So cool!)

After getting lost in the dazzling cityscape from atop the Eiffel Tower (and snapping a few fabulous pics with my trusty pink tutu, naturally!), I decided to delve into the heart of Parisian theatre culture. Imagine my glee when I found out there was a ballet show at the Théâtre du Châtelet tonight. The story involved a sassy young ballerina, a wicked fairy, and, wait for it… a magical pink tutu! My love affair with pink tutus and ballet goes way beyond just the twirling. There’s something about their beauty that resonates with my soul, and the stories they tell captivate my imagination.

Now, as the twilight drapes across Paris, I’m all set to enjoy a little pre-theatre pampering. Some luxurious French face masks, a spot of hot chocolate with a fluffy cloud of cream on top (don’t tell anyone but, I also secretly sneak in a teeny-weeny pink marshmallow! #treatyourself) and I’m good to go for tonight’s spectacular!

Tomorrow? Well, darling readers, tomorrow is a new day for new adventures. Perhaps some croissant hunting for breakfast (those Parisian bakers are true artists!), a little exploring in the Latin Quarter (it's a tutu-tastic place to shop!), maybe a vintage boutique with some whimsical threads… and maybe even a spot of impromptu dancing! After all, with a pink tutu in your bag, any place can be a stage.

Until next Saturday, stay fabulous, embrace the pink, and remember, every day is a chance to twirl!

Emma The Pink Tutu Blogger

P.S. Speaking of amazing Parisian traditions, did you know they celebrate a 'Feast of Fools' today? Can you imagine all those fools running around in hilarious hats and silly clothes? Sounds like my kinda fun! But I bet they wouldn't dare try to outshine a pink tutu…

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2012-12-15 Exploring Paris