Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-01-26 Exploring Paris

Paris Calling: Tutu-tastic Adventures! - Blog Post #683

Bonjour from the City of Lights! It’s Saturday morning and I’m writing to you from a chic Parisian cafe, fuelled by strong coffee and fresh croissants, with a dreamy view of the Eiffel Tower shimmering in the sunshine. This is officially my favourite city in the world - the beautiful architecture, the charm, the fashion... It’s simply enchanting.

I arrived yesterday on the EuroStar - oh, the romance of travelling by train! With a glass of bubbly and a good book, the journey whizzed by. Paris has always held a special place in my heart; the romantic backdrop of some of the greatest ballets in the world! I can almost hear the swish of tulle and the delicate melodies as I stroll along the cobblestone streets. Speaking of tulle... how fabulous are my new pink tutu and matching bolero? Just perfect for exploring the City of Love.

I'm always on the hunt for new inspiration, so it wouldn't be a proper Parisian adventure without a spot of shopping, wouldn't it? After all, fashion is my muse, and the Parisian style is like no other. My trip started with a whirlwind through the Galeries Lafayette, a haven of beautiful fabrics and stunning designs - oh the possibilities! They had a stunning collection of blush pinks, my favourite!

Last night I saw an enchanting production of "Giselle" at the Palais Garnier, a masterpiece in every way. I was simply blown away by the grace, emotion, and storytelling in every gesture and leap. The intricate costumes, the grandeur of the theatre - I could barely hold back my tears at the poignant performance. Afterward, we strolled through the dimly lit streets, stopping for a traditional French crêpe before making our way back to our charming little hotel.

Speaking of romance, you'll never believe who I met! A young Parisian gentleman who caught my eye while I was twirling my pink tutu in front of the Arc de Triomphe. We ended up chatting for ages about the ballet, the importance of wearing pink tutus, and of course, our shared love of this magical city. He even invited me to a street performance tonight at the Jardin du Luxembourg. The romantic Parisian vibes are already flowing, wouldn't you say?

Today's agenda?

A Visit to the Musée du Louvre: We're stepping back in time with a visit to the iconic Louvre. Of course, the Mona Lisa is a must-see, but I'm eager to soak up the grandeur of the Egyptian and Greek galleries. Plus, wouldn't you love a photo of me twirling my pink tutu by the Venus de Milo? I think that could make a fantastic Insta-post.

Lunch with a View: For lunch, we're heading to the rooftop of the Tour Montparnasse. Who doesn't love panoramic views and exquisite food? The food and views always inspire me so much and I might just even film a little vlog.

Ballet Inspiration at the Opéra Garnier: I wouldn't be true to myself without some more ballet, would I? Tonight we are going to watch "The Sleeping Beauty" - another stunning and dramatic performance that has always enchanted me. After the show, there will be an exclusive behind-the-scenes tour. I cannot wait to see the magic backstage.

Sharing the Love:
So many of you asked me on social media what pink tutus are best for travelling and I’m delighted to share my little secret - my "Paris" tutu has a built-in pocket for my travel essentials, like a passport, money, and a pink lip balm!

This is only the beginning of my Paris adventure, and I have so much more to share. Remember to check in here next Saturday for more stories, outfits, and my top tips for experiencing the best that Paris has to offer.

Keep twirling, keep shining, and stay tuned for more Paris adventures!

Bisous, Emma

P.S. My followers have inspired me to launch my first pink tutu range. If you have any suggestions for colours and styles please tweet them using the hashtag #PinkTutuParis! And remember to subscribe to my weekly blog, to never miss an adventure. And don’t forget, “Pink is always the answer! xx”

P.P.S. **Don’t forget to check out my pink tutu in today’s photos! I hope you’ll like it! And yes, I will post pictures on Instagram throughout my Paris trip, just follow me at @pinktutuemma #ParisTravel #PinkTutuBlogger

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-01-26 Exploring Paris