Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-02-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #684: A Whirlwind of Parisian Delights!

Bonjour, mon chères! It's Emma, your friendly neighbourhood Pink Tutu Ballerina, back from another exciting Parisian adventure! As always, I'm beaming with Parisian sparkle after a week of ballet, boutiques, and bon bons, all culminating in the enchanting Parisian cityscape at twilight.

This week's journey was a particularly magical one. It all started in my lovely Derbyshire home, where I was lucky enough to snag a starring role in the annual village pantomime – I'll always cherish my time as Cinderella, even if my glass slipper was a little, erm, "pink" – a fabulous way to start the week and to fund my trip, of course! Then came the highlight: stepping aboard the EuroStar for my whirlwind escape to the City of Lights!

Travel by Train - My Preferred Method

You guys know I love train journeys. They're the perfect opportunity to get lost in a good book (currently, a delightfully whimsical novel about a tutu-wearing Parisian ballerina, a bit too on the nose perhaps?!), gaze out of the window at the countryside zipping by, and of course, rock a seriously fabulous outfit. My pink polka-dot dress with its perfectly matched ballerina-inspired bow? Perfection! And no need to fret about security at the airport, or lugging around a mountain of luggage. Train travel is truly the way to go for me!

A Parisian Whirlwind

Stepping out of Gare du Nord and onto the bustling Parisian streets, my heart leaped. This city is my second home, brimming with inspiration at every turn.

First on my agenda: the Musée du Louvre. How could I resist the call of artistic masterpieces? This time I chose to focus on the Romantic art collection - such delicate and poignant works, and, of course, an abundance of beautifully adorned ladies in elegant ball gowns. It always fuels my desire to twirl!

Speaking of twirling, no Parisian trip is complete without a ballet show. On Tuesday evening, I had the pleasure of seeing the Paris Opera Ballet's stunning performance of Swan Lake. Oh my word, the beauty of the choreography, the precision of the dancers, and the ethereal costumes… I practically gasped in delight. It was a true spectacle. Of course, no ballet trip would be complete without my tutu, so I proudly sported a beautiful new shade of powder pink, naturally. The applause resonated deeply in my soul.

But it wasn’t all elegant tutus and swan feathers. On Wednesday, I discovered a charming ballet class nestled in a quaint cobbled street. The teacher, a spirited Parisian woman with a smile that could light up the entire room, gave us a lesson in graceful pirouettes and airy leaps, all to the tune of upbeat French jazz. You wouldn't believe how much my muscles were aching the next day!

A Shopaholic’s Paradise

My trips to Paris are rarely complete without a little retail therapy, and this week, oh this week was simply heavenly! I explored the charming boutiques on Rue de Rivoli, finding myself particularly drawn to “Les Ateliers de la Couture”. It's a charming, old-world Parisian boutique overflowing with delicate fabrics, lace, and all things chic. I had a real hard time deciding between a silky lavender dress and a pink, fluffy faux fur bolero (in a deep pink, of course!), but eventually, I couldn’t resist a stunning cerise tulle skirt – imagine, it would make the perfect ballet skirt for my upcoming shows. The lovely owner even gifted me with a beautifully wrapped Parisian soap in the most delicious almond and rose scent.

No trip to Paris is complete without a vintage treasure hunt, so I braved the crowded stalls of Le Marché aux Puces de Saint-Ouen – you never know what magical treasures you might unearth! My biggest find? A breathtaking vintage dress with layers and layers of beautiful rose-pink tulle – so much Parisian elegance and timeless style! And let's be honest, it's all about the tulle, right?

Saturday - a Day of Delight

Saturday dawned bright and beautiful, a perfect day for exploring more of Paris' magical beauty. I started with a stroll along the Seine River, taking in the stunning views of the Eiffel Tower, soaking up the golden sunshine, and dreaming up my next blog post – my Paris-inspired fashion collection for the upcoming season? You know it's going to be pretty fabulous, right?!

Later, I joined a group of Parisian ballet enthusiasts for a guided tour of the stunning Palais Garnier opera house – a feast for the eyes. I almost got lost in its intricate ornamentation and opulent interior. It's a testament to French art and culture and the ultimate testament to Parisian chic!

My evening culminated in a candlelit dinner at Le Marais with friends. The vibrant conversation flowed freely as we nibbled on perfectly presented gourmet French delicacies and sipped delicate Parisian wines, laughter ringing out over the aroma of freshly baked croissants – the quintessential Parisian experience. The warmth of the restaurant felt so cozy. And did I mention the live jazz? It made the night even more special.

Parisian Reflections

As I sit on my train back to England, I can't help but feel incredibly lucky to be able to call this beautiful city a source of endless inspiration and joy. The romantic energy, the art, the dance, the shopping... there’s something so vibrant and intoxicating about Paris. And then there’s the Pink Tutu effect. Even in the sophisticated capital, I have noticed a growing fascination with the power of pink, the fun of tutus, and the confidence it inspires. I had quite a few ladies asking me about my latest creations - so much so that I'm actually thinking of opening a small pink tutu shop on my next trip! Who knows?

Remember, ladies, Paris is a place where dreams can take flight. You are beautiful, you are capable, you are powerful, and most importantly, you are wonderfully unique. And wearing a pink tutu is a great way to show that off!

Until next Saturday, dear friends,



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-02-02 Exploring Paris