Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-03-30 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Post #692 – A Tutu-ful Time in the City of Lights!

Bonjour, mes amies! It’s Saturday again, and that means it's time for another exciting installment of my Pink Tutu Paris blog. The French capital has been calling to me for months, and finally, last week, I answered its call. After a smooth Eurostar journey (and a little pirouette or two down the train carriage aisle – I simply can't resist a little twirl when I'm excited!), I arrived at Gare du Nord and breathed in the city’s intoxicating energy. Ah, Paris
 the magic is truly in the air.

Now, if you know me, you know I’m a girl who can't resist a good bargain, so of course, my first stop was to hit the famous Parisian department stores! Galleries Lafayette and Printemps were just as magical as I'd imagined – a dizzying array of stunning clothes and accessories. I spotted the most beautiful pink hat in a window that screamed ‘Emma!’ I couldn’t resist snagging it, along with a darling floral dress that perfectly complements my favourite blush pink tutu.

However, even the most ardent fashionista can't spend all day in shops! I'm here in Paris for the incredible mix of culture and ballet that the city offers, and I was in for a real treat this weekend. On Friday evening, I enjoyed a beautiful performance by the Ballet de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris. It was 'La BayadĂšre' - such incredible artistry and emotion! The sheer talent and athleticism of the dancers, their beautiful costumes, and the breathtaking set design all transported me to a world of wonder. And as always, my pink tutu perfectly matched the mood. It just makes every occasion feel a little bit more special!

Saturday was dedicated to some sightseeing and “ballet street performance-ing.” I decided to tackle one of the most famous attractions - the Eiffel Tower. It's absolutely enormous and stunning from every angle! The view from the top was truly breath-taking.

Speaking of stunning, in the afternoon, I managed to snag a spot in a lovely little ballet studio near the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es for a ballet class. The teacher was absolutely delightful – her enthusiasm for the art of ballet was so contagious, and the class was the perfect mix of challenging and enjoyable. After the class, a group of us headed for coffee and croissants at a delightful cafe in a little side street just off the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es. Talk about a magical way to finish the day!

So much happens on a Parisian weekend - it's practically impossible to take it all in. However, I wouldn't have it any other way! Tomorrow I'll be heading out to discover more of this captivating city. Maybe the MusĂ©e d'Orsay, the Louvre, or a stroll along the Seine – I haven't decided yet. But I know I'll be documenting every step of the way with my Pink Tutu and, of course, you wonderful readers.

Stay tuned for more updates, my dear friends! Until next Saturday, remember: embrace the pink, wear your tutu proudly, and never stop twirling!

Emma xx

P.S. I'm going to include a list of all my pink tutu-wearing highlights this weekend – perhaps you will find it inspiring, as I'm sure I'll be writing about many of these amazing things over the next few weeks:

Paris Adventures, Week 1:

Friday: * Arriving in Paris via the Eurostar. A little ballet twirl or two is mandatory in the train carriage. * Checking into the most darling pink boutique hotel, Hotel Le Petit Moulin in the Marais District, of course! I knew it was the perfect place for my Parisian adventure when I saw that blush-pink façade and floral decorations on the entrance. * Ballet performance at the Opera House: "La BayadÚre" with the Paris Opera Ballet was incredible! It was so magical watching the story unfold with each elegant move. It really was inspiring - such talent. * Dinner at a classic Parisian restaurant Le Bouillon Chartier. A fabulous menu with great food and a classic Parisian ambiance. * Ending the day by buying the perfect pink beret for a Parisian chic style at Galeries Lafayette - a MUST see and shop.


  • The ultimate Parisian experience - brunch at a delightful cafĂ© in Saint Germain de Pres, indulging in croissants, fresh pastries, and a cafe latte. What else could a girl need?
  • Shopping at the Printemps department store (oh my!) Found some beautiful shoes, scarves and the most delightful pink and white floral print dress! The clothes in Paris are truly next level, so many unique pieces I don't even have words for them.
  • My pink tutu took pride of place when visiting the MusĂ©e Rodin. What a magical garden with magnificent sculptures! You HAVE to visit – its a truly breathtaking Parisian gem.
  • Seeing the city lights from atop the Eiffel Tower and dancing along to the street buskers - so romantic, so Paris! It felt like I'd stepped into a movie, especially with the soft blush pink glow of the city lighting.
  • Finally, getting some fabulous exercise in at a beautiful ballet studio and soaking up Parisian life with a cup of coffee in a little cafe! What more could I possibly want!

Coming soon: More #PinkTutuBlogParis fun! Be sure to check back for posts about fashion finds, Parisian culture, Parisian ballet performances, and a special “Tutu-ful Paris Tour" coming next week!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-03-30 Exploring Paris