Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-04-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris Adventures (Post #693)

Bonjour mes amies!

It’s Saturday, so that means it’s time for a new Pink Tutu Blog post, this time direct from the City of Lights – Paris! You’ll never guess how I got here
 the Eurostar, of course! There's something magical about gliding through the countryside, with the sun painting the landscape in a thousand shades of gold. I just can’t help but twirl when I’m on a train, and I'm pretty sure the other passengers love it! I mean, who doesn't love a bit of pink tutu-inspired joy in their commute?

Paris feels like it's been waiting for me, you know? The air is electric with romance and art and all things magnifique. It's hard to keep my little pink tutu-wearing heart from bursting with excitement. The Eiffel Tower is gleaming in the distance, like a shimmering pink meringue on the skyline, just beckoning me closer.

This week has been absolutely jam-packed, in the best possible way. Let me tell you, it’s not all about fashion and shopping (although, let's be real, that's a huge part of the fun!).

My Parisian Dance Journey

First and foremost, I've been indulging in the absolute magic that is Parisian ballet! This city is just overflowing with talent. I’ve been to some amazing shows this week, mesmerized by the breathtaking talent of dancers who make the impossible look so effortlessly elegant. They inspire me, they push me, and they remind me why I absolutely adore ballet. There's something about the grace, the strength, and the storytelling within every pirouette, every arabesque, every jetĂ©... It truly speaks to the soul!

Then there was the class itself – I’m currently enrolled in an incredible workshop led by a retired star from the Paris Opera. Imagine: learning from the best! She's just brimming with passion and knowledge, and she's teaching us moves I can't even imagine pulling off. This experience has totally pushed me outside of my comfort zone, which is always a good thing for a little tutu-wearing ballerina! The other students are fantastic, all sorts of styles and levels – from tiny little ballerinas starting their journey to seasoned dancers who still have so much fire in their eyes.

Parisian Delights: Fashion, Food, and a Touch of Magic

Now, let’s talk fashion. Ooh la la! You know I can’t resist a little retail therapy, and Paris is like a dreamland of haute couture. I’ve been busy picking up some beautiful, whimsical accessories to add some Parisian flair to my tutu wardrobe. I’m talking feathers, pearls, shimmering fabrics, and those fabulous tiny hats with veils that make you feel like you’ve just stepped out of a classic Parisian film.

And the food! I could get lost in the delightful world of pastries. From the perfectly flakey croissants to the melt-in-your-mouth macarons, Paris truly has it all. There's no better way to start a day than with a fresh pastry and a strong cup of café au lait.

Of course, no trip to Paris would be complete without a romantic stroll down the Seine. As I skipped along the banks, watching the sunlight dance on the water, I couldn't help but imagine all the romantic moments that must have taken place right there – whispered secrets, declarations of love, stolen kisses. Paris really is a city of romance!

Pink Tutu Inspiration in the City of Lights

This weekend was just so much fun, so full of creativity, inspiration, and beauty. Walking through Paris, I find myself surrounded by amazing street performances. Everywhere I look, I see talent and passion: singers, buskers, dancers
 the whole city is just bubbling with a sense of art and energy! It really is an infectious energy that just gets me excited to put on my tutu and join in. Maybe one day I'll brave a little street performance of my own – wouldn’t that be something?

The most important takeaway? Paris reminds me of why I love what I do, why I love spreading my pink tutu message of joy and freedom. Everywhere I go, I'm encouraging everyone to embrace their inner ballerina – because everyone deserves to feel the magic of a pirouette, to embrace the freedom of self-expression, to experience the magic that is the pink tutu.

And if you’re ever lucky enough to visit Paris, take my word for it – don’t forget to grab a beautiful, whimsical pink tutu for yourself! I’ve got my sights set on one of those amazing Parisian shops that sells everything in shades of pink
 and let’s face it, I'm sure you can guess what’ll be sitting right at the top of my shopping list!

Keep an eye out for next week’s Pink Tutu Blog. I’ve got more exciting adventures lined up in this incredible city, from a tour of the Louvre to a visit to the charming, little village of Montmartre, where I’ll be discovering local artisans and even a pink tutu-themed art installation!

Until next Saturday, keep twirling!


P.S. Don't forget to follow me on all of my social media! Instagram: @pinktutuemma Twitter: @pinktutuemma Facebook: Pinterest:

What's On This Weekend?

As you know, it's all about culture and creativity on the Pink Tutu Blog! This Saturday is bursting with exciting events that I know will resonate with every tutu-loving soul out there:

  • Opera Garnier: "The Nutcracker" by Tchaikovsky – Ballet in Paris is just magical, and “The Nutcracker” is an absolute classic. If you haven’t already, grab your tickets and experience the beauty of Tchaikovsky’s score alongside the graceful movement of the Paris Opera dancers.

  • Shakespeare and Company Bookstore: Located in the charming Latin Quarter, this bookstore is a literary paradise with stacks of books and nooks and crannies to get lost in. It’s said to be one of Ernest Hemingway’s favourite haunts, so definitely check out their collection of English-language classics while you’re in the area.

  • *MusĂ©e d'Orsay: * Immerse yourself in the world of Impressionism at the stunning MusĂ©e d’Orsay. Get lost in the works of Monet, Renoir, Degas, and many other giants of the Impressionist movement. This is art you can truly lose yourself in.

  • Bouquinistes along the Seine: These charming, vintage booksellers line the banks of the Seine, offering everything from rare antique books to whimsical, literary ephemera. Grab a cup of coffee, settle on a bench, and delve into the enchanting world of stories just waiting to be discovered. You never know what treasures you might find.

This post was sponsored by the International Ballet Organization - Dedicated to inspiring dancers of all ages and levels across the world.

To find a ballet class near you, please visit the International Ballet Organisation’s website at:

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-04-06 Exploring Paris