Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-06-15 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis: Paris Je T’aime! (Post #703)

Bonjour, darlings!

It’s Saturday, and you know what that means? Another #PinkTutuBlogParis adventure! This week I'm whisking you off on a whirlwind trip to the City of Lights, Paris, the very city that sparked my lifelong love affair with all things glamorous!

As you know, I adore travelling by train. There’s something utterly magical about the sense of anticipation and adventure that washes over me as I settle into my seat on the EuroStar, feeling the excitement of arriving in a new, exciting city!

And Paris… well, Paris is just brimming with magic.

From Derbyshire to the Eiffel Tower:

This week, my little pink heart is filled with Parisian delights! The week kicked off with the most perfect start - a whirlwind performance in the picturesque Peak District, my beloved home, before heading straight to St. Pancras station to board the EuroStar for the journey to Paris. It’s been an intense week filled with beautiful music, twirling, and lots of pink tulle, as usual, of course!

Let’s talk tutus!

Oh, how I love Parisian style. Let's just say this week has been a serious dose of tutu inspiration! The moment I set foot on French soil, the Parisian fashionistas were rocking a unique blend of classic Parisian chic and bold, daring trends. From bold printed dresses paired with colourful tights, to stylish, oversized coats thrown over glamorous evening wear – there's an incredible energy and sense of playful creativity here!

You know I just have to try to find my own little twist on Parisian flair – I mean, a pink tutu has got to fit in somewhere, right? Well, just imagine my delight when I stumbled across a stunning Parisian shop brimming with tutus! Let’s just say that my Parisian wardrobe now boasts the most divine, ethereal, pink-hued tulle creation that will have me twirling in style around the Seine in no time! You’ll have to wait to see pictures until my next post!

Daytime Delights and Theatrical Treats:

The afternoon was spent wandering through the cobbled streets of the Latin Quarter, a delightful mix of charming bookstores, art galleries, and tiny Parisian cafes with their cute, little red awnings. It’s almost like stepping back in time, and the whole atmosphere is so relaxed and romantic. The sun was shining, making everything sparkle and I was, of course, perfectly decked out in a delightful pink outfit (this time it was a fabulous pink floral dress, because you know I love to switch things up!)

Later that evening, I felt incredibly fortunate to experience a captivating performance at the Théâtre du Châtelet, featuring an amazing, innovative dance company. Their movements were so captivating, telling powerful stories through the beauty and expressive grace of their dance. And speaking of expressive grace – it doesn't get much more powerful than a well-placed tutu. 😉

Weekend Wanderlust:

Of course, my Paris trip wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the Eiffel Tower. My weekend itinerary involved climbing to the top of this iconic structure for a panoramic view of the beautiful city - breathtaking! Every twist and turn of the steps, with views of the Parisian skyline stretching out before me, just seemed to speak to my love for Parisian romance. It felt as if the entire city had conspired to create a perfect backdrop for my pink tutu dreams.

Speaking of which – let’s talk pink! My beloved pink was all over Paris – from the stunning sunsets over the Seine, to the gorgeous blooms in the gardens at the Jardin des Tuileries - everywhere I turned there were gorgeous hues of pink to inspire. It was like the whole city was secretly rooting for my pink tutu vision, encouraging me to twirl my way into the hearts of every Parisian!

Time to Twirl!

My evening was a Parisian dream. Dinner at a delightful Parisian bistro with my pink tutu bag nestled next to me (how could I possibly leave it at the hotel?), followed by an evening of watching the twinkling lights of the city illuminate the Seine River. It was just absolutely magical – just imagine the setting, and now add the most romantic twirling dance – just imagine! (If I can dream it, I can definitely dance it! Just wait for those tutu-tastic Parisian photos, you’ll be in awe!)

Sharing the Parisian Magic:

Paris, with its incredible blend of art, history, and culture, really captured my heart this week. This city, with its breathtaking architecture, vibrant culture and delectable pastries has made such a lasting impression on me that I’ll never forget it. It’s been the perfect setting to inspire me, to help me discover new corners of myself, and to remind me that with a pink tutu, any day can feel like a dance.

I hope you enjoyed a glimpse into my Parisian adventure, darling. Let me know in the comments what your favourite Paris memories are – I’d love to hear them!

Until next week, remember: #WearAPinkTutu and twirl into a joyful week.

Au revoir, for now!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-06-15 Exploring Paris