Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-09-14 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: #716 - A whirl of fashion, ballet and croissants!

Bonjour mes chĂŠries!

Well, here I am, back in Paris, the city that stole my heart a few years back. You’d think after all these visits, I’d be immune to its charms, but nope – I'm completely smitten all over again. I've been waiting to come back here for months now and I have so much to share, especially because this time, my darling pink tutu has been right there with me, adding a touch of whimsy to every moment.

The journey on the Eurostar was smooth as butter (that's what my Mum always says!). I always adore those Eurostar journeys. The carriage was surprisingly empty – maybe because I chose the 7am train (blame it on the excited butterflies in my tummy, dear readers!) and it allowed me to do my ballet stretching before arriving. By the way, did I mention that I funded this entire Paris adventure with a series of ballet performances in Derbyshire? It was tough, the crowds are far less glamourous than Parisian audiences, but it worked a treat, and that’s what you get when you combine my love of ballet with a good dash of determination.

As always, I’m wearing a pink tutu this week (obviously!). My "Rose Swirl" creation, with a tulle layer that swishes to and fro just like I imagined. But what could be more romantic than twirling on a Parisienne street, surrounded by stunning architecture? This time it’s a shade of a little less pink and a lot more crimson. The more I wear it the more confident I become and that in turn has just boosted my love of all things pink, and for my tutus!

Anyway, I’ve been back here in Paris for almost a week, and let me tell you, this city hasn't disappointed. My schedule has been packed, filled with shows, fashion finds, and all the glorious pastries I can stomach (trust me, that’s a LOT).

My Perfect Saturday Morning:

I kickstarted my Parisian morning with the most amazing croissants, which just melt in your mouth and taste of pure joy. Oh, and let’s not forget the buttery flaky pains au chocolat! After I filled my stomach, I put on my ballet flats and popped down to a little shop in the Marais. Let's just say it was an early morning of “oohs” and “ahhs”. I bought a cute new Parisian inspired ballet-flat shoe with a beautiful white lace design. It felt perfect to get that special "Parisian shopping spree” in - but not overdone for a morning, and I don't have to travel back with massive suitcases! My handbag now matches my new flats, it feels perfect, almost a little bit Frenchy.

Later, I treated myself to a real "treat". A few blocks from my favourite boutique, I stumbled across a small ballet school. It was completely unexpected, but this small school called "La Classe" held some enchanting ballet classes. As soon as I walked into the space, my heart began to thrum. It felt so good to be surrounded by graceful movements and the sound of gentle music, all within a beautifully old-world building. I even tried a “barre au sol” class - my knees protested, but I did enjoy stretching my muscles after the journey.

*Evening Fun! *

Of course, my day wasn’t finished with my little shopping treat. After the ballet class, I headed to "The Theatre du Châtelet." You'd never believe it, they're showing the most gorgeous performance of "Swan Lake". I bought tickets right after the last Parisian performance I attended in June! It really is a classic tale told beautifully, full of dramatic pirouettes and delicate movements, just perfect! Oh, and of course I had the pleasure of watching the beautiful dancers wear my favourite colour; pink. How gorgeous, right?!

Oh, the theatre, my love! It never gets old! This performance brought to mind a story my gran used to tell me; About when she went to see Anna Pavlova, the famous Russian ballerina. Granny's eyes would light up as she told me about Pavlova's famous swan like leaps and "The Dying Swan", an amazing dramatic ballet story performed by her. Now it’s my turn to be the Belle Dame Sans Merci, twirling through the French capital, spreading my love of ballet, and the magic of a pink tutu.

Let's Talk Food!

Can you tell I'm having an absolute blast here? There's so much to see and do, and I'm loving it! After all the excitement, a Parisian night is certainly not over. You know, there are some pretty delicious places around the Marais and the Left Bank and we are not talking street food. It’s like all my cravings come to life. They call Paris the “City of Lights”, but to me, it is definitely the City of Delicious. This trip is going to involve my new pink tulle ballet shoes in a fair few of these delectable places, trust me. You know, I think a photo of me in my pink tutu and all the pink cake creations around would make a good photo op! A little cheeky perhaps? Who knows, my Parisian photos will just make everyone feel as happy as the people on their Parisian holidays.

More adventures, more pink

There’s so much to see, so many new experiences, and this week, my tutu has been through it all! I love that the fabric drapes around my body. When I twirl around it just looks gorgeous - but there's something so special about the elegance and simplicity of the skirt.

Paris is truly the perfect place to be wearing a pink tutu. And why not? This is the place that makes anything magical – and this city just seems to adore everything pink. They call the ballet a ballet rose for a reason, after all!

And my pink tutu is not just about style – it's about expression, creativity, and letting your imagination soar. And, hey, if you’re feeling like spreading a little bit of magic to the world, maybe, just maybe, it's time to find your own pink tutu and join me on this journey.

Stay tuned, I’ve got lots of exciting adventures planned. Don’t forget, I’ll be back here on next Saturday to tell you about them. I’ve already had so many adventures with my pink tutu, I'm hoping this won’t be my last trip to Paris - my new ballet flat shoes definitely look great, and I think I'll need lots more trips to go with the new outfit I bought this morning!

Until then, darling friends, keep twirling!




#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-09-14 Exploring Paris