Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-10-19 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post #721 - A Ballerina's Whirlwind Weekend

Bonjour from the City of Lights, darling readers! It's Emma here, and I'm absolutely smitten with Paris once again. This week's adventure brought me hurtling through the Chunnel on the Eurostar, my trusty pink tutu carefully nestled in my carry-on. After all, what's a girl to do when exploring the cobblestone streets of Paris, but twirl?

As always, the journey itself was an adventure. There's something truly magical about the Eurostar – the sleek modern carriages, the buttery croissants served with a cheeky "bonjour", and the quiet anticipation building as you watch the English countryside melt into the French landscape. And to think, all this while rocking a fabulous floral print dress, complete with a bright pink beret, of course!

The moment I arrived at Gare du Nord, I was struck by the energy of this vibrant city. The scent of fresh baguettes and coffee, the cheerful chatter of locals, and the sound of accordion music all coalesced into a delightful Parisian symphony. I knew immediately that this trip was going to be a twirl-tastic delight!

This week, Paris was brimming with events and excitement. My ballet schedule has been jam-packed with exhilarating performances and masterclasses, each one a little step closer to fulfilling my dream of making the stage my dance floor. On Friday evening, I twirled my way to the Opéra Garnier to witness a stunning performance of Giselle. The costumes, the choreography, the emotion... It truly left me breathless. After the final curtain call, I practically skipped out of the theatre, fueled by the intoxicating energy of the performance and ready to indulge in the city's iconic culinary delights.

French Delights: From Croissants to Couture

One of the highlights of my trip, darling readers, was a charming little pâtisserie I stumbled upon on a cobbled backstreet near the Latin Quarter. They boasted a window display filled with delectable pastries - glistening eclairs, flaky croissants, and fluffy macarons that looked like edible works of art. I opted for a classic pain au chocolat (simply divine!) and a delightful macaron in the most exquisite shade of pink (my heart did a little twirl, it was so beautiful).

Now, what is a Parisian adventure without indulging in some of the world-class shopping? On Saturday afternoon, I found myself meandering through the iconic Marais district, browsing the designer boutiques, the quaint little shops, and the vintage markets. This truly is a shopper's paradise! My own Pink Tutu wardrobe received a delightful upgrade - a feather-light cashmere scarf in blush pink, a stylishly vintage-inspired hat, and a delicate pair of earrings adorned with miniature pink bows (because a touch of pink is essential, always!)

From the Louvre to the Moulin Rouge

My Paris adventures extended beyond the boudoirs of fashion, of course! On Sunday morning, I treated myself to a lazy morning browsing through the magnificent galleries of the Louvre Museum. I particularly loved the French paintings from the 18th and 19th centuries – they almost seemed to whisper secrets about the city's captivating history. I found myself lost in a world of art, colour, and stories – what a truly delightful experience.

Later that day, the energy of Paris shifted gears again as I ventured towards the Moulin Rouge. Stepping into this legendary venue was a step into a different era – a dazzling spectacle of vibrant colours, opulent costumes, and intoxicating rhythms. The dancers were dazzling, the music captivating, and the whole atmosphere was electrifying. My pink tutu might not have been the most traditional outfit for a Moulin Rouge show, but I sure turned a few heads – the vibrant pink contrasting wonderfully against the classic red of the iconic venue.

My Pink Tutu Takeaway

Paris, always Paris. Every time I visit, it weaves its magic spell and I find myself falling deeper and deeper under its charm. This city, its sights, sounds, smells, flavours, and experiences... it truly invigorates me. And while I may not be twirling across the cobblestone streets of Paris just yet (although I do daydream about it, occasionally!), I certainly carry a piece of its vibrant spirit with me. It inspires me to push myself, embrace life with gusto, and yes, to always, always wear a touch of pink.

Until next time, darling readers! Keep twirling and keep shining!

Emma xx

PS: Find out more about my Parisian adventures and all things pink tutu at

PPS: My ballet performance schedule is constantly updated on my website. Perhaps we can share a glass of rosé and some delicious Parisian macarons at a future show!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2013-10-19 Exploring Paris