Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-07-05 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 758: Parisian Pink Perfection

Bonjour mes amis!

It’s Emma here, writing to you from the magical City of Lights, Paris! The cobbled streets, the smell of freshly baked bread wafting from charming boulangeries, the incredible architecture - it's all a sensory overload, and I'm loving every moment of it.

This weekend, I swapped my usual Derbyshire fields for the bustling streets of Paris. I travelled in style on the EuroStar - it’s a quick, comfortable way to get to Paris from England.

This time, my Parisian adventure is all about ballet! You know me, I'm a ballerina through and through. So, of course, a trip to the city famous for its world-renowned ballet company, the Paris Opera Ballet, was a must. I've even got tickets to see La Bayadère tomorrow - I can't wait!

Now, I'm sure you're thinking, what’s a pink tutu doing in Paris? Well, I couldn't resist bringing my pink tulle skirt, a signature piece from my collection of ballerina-inspired attire! It was a perfect excuse to embrace Parisian chic with a hint of whimsy, wouldn't you agree?

A day of Parisian Delights

Today was all about exploring and experiencing the Parisian lifestyle, with a dash of shopping thrown in, naturally! After a delicious breakfast at a charming café – croissants and coffee, the classic combination – we set off to see the iconic Eiffel Tower. Honestly, it is breathtakingly beautiful, even more so up close.

I've been lucky enough to meet a fantastic photographer who specialises in ballet photography, and she agreed to capture my whimsical twirling against the backdrop of the Eiffel Tower. You know me, always trying to combine my two passions: ballet and travel! Pictures to follow soon on my Instagram, so be sure to check those out.

We took a stroll along the Seine River, stopping to admire the beautiful bridges and soak up the enchanting Parisian atmosphere.

The Parisian shops have been calling to me, so after a romantic lunch at a charming bistro, I had to give in! I fell in love with a beautiful vintage lace dress, a true Parisian piece with its intricate details and delicate colour. The dress would be perfect for a ballet performance or a fancy night out. You know how I love a bit of vintage and elegance!

We ended the day at a traditional Parisian patisserie. Let me tell you, the pastries here are divine! Macarons are a definite must-try in Paris. I think I sampled at least half a dozen different flavours today!

Tomorrow’s plans

Oh, I almost forgot, the best part for tomorrow is a special ballet class I’m booked into at one of Paris’s oldest ballet studios. You bet I’m wearing my pink tutu, but maybe this time, I’ll even do a little street performance too. Watch this space!

Pink is in the Air

As I write this, sitting at a cute Parisian cafe, the sun is setting, and the sky is ablaze with colours - pinks, oranges and blues. I can't help but feel the pinkest mood washing over me! This is the beauty of Paris. It has a magic that fills your soul and inspires your spirit. It’s a city that makes you feel like you can do anything, be anything. And believe me, I’m trying!

I’ll leave you with this: Paris is full of inspiring energy, the kind that pushes you to follow your dreams, wear that pink tutu and just be yourself. And with that, I’m off to practice my arabesques in my hotel room.

Until next time, stay pink, stay fabulous!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-07-05 Exploring Paris