Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-07-12 Exploring Paris

Paris, Oh Paris! Post 759: Pink Tutu Travels to the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes chéries!

Well, it's Emma here from Derbyshire, England and my Pink Tutu blog! This week, it's all about my latest adventures in Paris! I simply adore this city - it’s so full of life, colour and, of course, fashion! And did I mention, they love a good tutu here! wink wink

This week has been filled to the brim with ballet, fashion and joie de vivre, all wrapped up in a beautiful pink bow, naturally. But let's rewind a bit. How did I end up in Paris, you ask? Well, dear reader, it all started with a flurry of pink tutus and the unmistakable rhythm of a ballet train, hurtling through the Channel Tunnel on the Eurostar. The speed and the anticipation were exhilarating! I simply had to share it all with you lovely lot!

The trip was entirely funded by my recent performance at the Nottingham Ballet Company's "Swan Lake" – I’m not going to lie, I totally stole the show as the mischievous little swan (you all know I have the best pirouettes in town!). I couldn't have asked for a better way to fuel my Parisian escapade.

After a journey filled with "oui, oui" and croissants, we arrived in Paris. As soon as I stepped off the train, I could feel the magic of the city. A city where even the cobblestones whisper secrets and the scent of fresh pastries mingles with the aroma of beautiful things. The energy was electric, a buzz that only Paris could create, and I was ready to dance to its tune.

Now, today's date, Saturday the 12th of July, was absolutely jam-packed! I'm a bit of a whirling dervish when I’m in Paris, you know. First, I couldn’t resist a trip to the legendary department store Galeries Lafayette. Swoon - It was truly a dream come true! The fashion, the window displays, oh my goodness, it all made my little ballerina heart soar! A vintage hat and some blush pink ballet flats later, I was a picture of Parisian chic!

Then it was on to the world famous Opera Garnier. The Grand Palais was an absolute spectacle! The sheer grandeur of the building, the rich golds and reds of the interiors – the décor was breathtaking! And the show – oh, the show! A mesmerizing rendition of Tchaikovsky’s "Swan Lake" danced with such exquisite passion and elegance!

The evening, as it does, eventually ended with a delicious dinner at a quaint bistro in Montmartre. Honestly, a beautiful bowl of onion soup and a delectable piece of raspberry mousse paired perfectly with the pink tutu I insisted on wearing. Why would you not wear a pink tutu when you're in Paris, especially on a night filled with magic, beautiful dance and fantastic food?

But here's the thing, darling: I have a secret to confess. I found a hidden gem this week that truly stole the show! Imagine, a little hidden dance studio, tucked away in a quiet street off the Champs-Élysées. And what did they offer? Not one, but two pink tutu classes! My Parisian dreams came true in that small, intimate space.

Oh, and for those of you who were wondering – yes, I definitely got a few envious stares from fellow ballerinas, but what did I expect?

This beautiful city really does hold something special for everyone. So whether you’re a lover of art, fashion, or even pink tutus (you know it's me), this city is calling your name!

Of course, I have more Parisian delights to share with you next week! In the meantime, keep dancing and keep those tutus twirling.

Au revoir!

Emma, your Pink Tutu blogger

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-07-12 Exploring Paris