Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-12-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post Number 780: Bonjour, Paris!

Saturday 6th December 2014

Oh, mon Dieu! Paris, you are truly enchanting! It feels like a dream, but one I wouldn't ever want to wake up from. This week's adventure is all about the City of Lights - and, naturally, I've packed my very best pink tutu, the one with the glittering snowflakes that shimmer under the Parisian streetlamps!

You know how much I adore train travel, especially Eurostar! Whizzing through the Channel Tunnel, past charming English villages, and then onto the magical French countryside... it's a symphony of wonder and anticipation. I always pack a copy of The Little Prince for these journeys – it perfectly captures the spirit of this magical trip.

Speaking of magical, darling, Paris truly is a spectacle! As soon as the train arrived at Gare du Nord, I was enveloped in the scent of freshly baked bread and the warm glow of twinkling lights. My heart was skipping a beat! It was just like stepping into a fairy tale. And the most beautiful part? Everyone seemed to be looking extra glamorous today, as if Paris was naturally drawing out their inner sparkle. I even spotted a lady with a fabulous pink tutu, and she looked absolutely incredible! It felt like a wonderful omen.

First stop? A delightful little bakery

We hopped off the Eurostar and into the waiting arms of a delightful bakery, with its heavenly aroma of freshly baked croissants. It was too tempting, so of course, we indulged! These Parisian pastries are the absolute best, flaky and buttery with the perfect amount of sweetness. Oh, the sheer joy! I think I may have inhaled a whole one in record time. It was like dancing on clouds.

Pink tulle dreams in the City of Lights

I am truly giddy with excitement for the next few days. The ballet performances are absolutely divine. It feels like a fairytale come alive. The dancers' movements are breathtaking and graceful; the elegant music is simply divine. I feel inspired, ready to twirl through the streets and let the magic of Paris envelop me. It’s almost as if the city itself was designed for ballet!

But before I twirl off into the evening, I’m making a beeline to my favourite shop, the one with the rows of dazzling pink tulle and fluffy feather boas! I need to add to my pink tutu collection – Paris is calling for an exciting upgrade! Maybe a sparkly pink top hat to go with it… the possibilities are truly endless!

A whirlwind of wonder

And as I wander the Parisian streets, I keep catching glimpses of beauty – a tiny shop filled with antique perfume bottles, a glorious bookstall crammed with treasures, a street musician with a heart-melting melody, a charming Parisian café inviting me to sip espresso beneath its awning... I just love it here, darling! The colours, the aromas, the energy, it’s all so breathtaking!

Paris is alive with magic, filled with stories waiting to be explored. I have so many things to see, from the Louvre to the Eiffel Tower, the incredible vintage boutiques, and, of course, a charming little ballet class in a cobbled alley. I can almost feel the rhythm of the city pulsing under my ballet shoes!

A pink tutu moment

One of my favourite Parisian experiences has to be watching a street performer in a stunning tutu. It's a reminder that art is truly everywhere. There's something about the grace of ballet on a Parisian street that speaks to my soul. I could just stand and watch for hours! And it makes me feel more determined than ever to spread the love of tutus across the world, starting with Paris! Wouldn't it be wonderful if every Parisian lady was rocking a pink tutu?

And tomorrow?

I can already smell the promise of new adventures. Tomorrow's plans include a trip to the Louvre (can't miss that masterpiece, Mona Lisa!), followed by a charming afternoon tea at a chic café. I've been planning this outfit for weeks: A lovely blush pink frock, matching pink cardigan and a fluffy pink tutu with the sweetest floral embroidery! I may even try and find a matching pink beret!

Stay tuned for my next post...

This is just a little peek into my Parisian escapade. I have a whole week of adventures to share – more enchanting boutiques, more delectable Parisian pastries, more dreamy ballets, and lots of fabulous pink tutu moments. Keep an eye out next Saturday on!

Don't forget to wear a pink tutu, and I'll see you then!

Au revoir,

Emma xo

*(p.s) Remember, pink tutus aren't just for ballet dancers. They're for everyone who wants to add a dash of sparkle to their life!) *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-12-06 Exploring Paris