Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-12-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Travels: Paris, Mon Amour! (Post #781)

Bonjour, my darlings! Emma here, back from the City of Lights, my head spinning with Parisian delights. I’m a tad late this week with my post, the usual Saturday schedule was disrupted by, well, Paris! You see, this week’s travels took me all the way to the glamorous capital of France. Now, I know what you’re thinking - a pink tutu-clad ballerina gallivanting through the chic streets of Paris? Sounds like a dream, right? And trust me, it truly was.

EuroStar Adventures and a Tutu-tastic Arrival

My journey began with the smooth elegance of the EuroStar, a favourite mode of transport for a tutu-loving lady like myself. There’s just something so romantic about zipping through the countryside on a sleek train, a sea of charming villages whizzing past my window. It felt like a scene straight out of a classic ballet, my mind filled with dreams of tutus twirling beneath the Eiffel Tower. Arriving at Gare du Nord was an experience, a kaleidoscope of Parisian life with its own unique ballet of buskers, vendors, and people bustling around. I knew this city was going to steal my heart.

Oh là là, Fashion Heaven!

Stepping into Paris was like stepping into a fairy tale. It was a whirl of colour, chic boutiques, and the scent of freshly baked croissants. I immediately took a detour through the magnificent department stores, marveling at the elaborate window displays that were truly a work of art. I even found a gorgeous little pink hat that added a touch of Parisian flair to my tutu-licious ensemble. (I may have even purchased a few pairs of pink shoes… can a girl ever have too many pink shoes?).

A Night at the Ballet: Swan Lake Soiree

This Saturday saw a breathtaking performance of Swan Lake at the Palais Garnier. I confess, the tutu obsession runs deep. Watching those ballerinas grace the stage with their stunning movements left me mesmerized. It’s truly an experience to see the magic of ballet unfolding right before your eyes. After the curtain fell, I emerged from the theater a little bit dazed and full of inspiration. My own pink tutu, back at the hotel, felt ready for its Parisian adventure.

City Stroll and Artistic Delights

Sunday morning was for leisurely strolls. Wandering through the Marais district, a true Parisian gem, I fell in love with its quirky boutiques, its vibrant atmosphere, and its architectural charm. There, tucked away in a charming courtyard, was a delightful vintage shop where I snagged a perfect, little antique brooch, just perfect to wear with my favourite pink tutu.

Later that day, I indulged in the enchanting beauty of the Louvre, where art whispered through the ages. Leonardo Da Vinci’s Mona Lisa, a painting shrouded in mystery, almost seemed to wink at me through my pink tulle. And, oh, the breathtaking sculptures! A visit to the Musée d’Orsay followed, a breathtaking symphony of Impressionism that transported me to another era, a time of elegance and art.

Coffee and Culture, Parisian Style

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a cup of perfect Parisian coffee, enjoyed al fresco on a quaint little terrace, the sun warming my face, the sound of Parisian chatter all around. A few pastries from a nearby boulangerie accompanied my latte, all while people watching - what better way to experience the city?

Last Day in Paradise, Tutu in Tow

My final day was a bittersweet affair. But before leaving this enchanting city, I did what any good ballerina would do: I had one last Parisian treat – a picnic lunch by the Seine. The Eiffel Tower, all aglow in the twilight sky, provided the perfect backdrop for my tutu-infused feast of French delights. I envisioned my little pink tutu as an ambassador for all things Parisian.

Sharing the Love of Pink and Tutus

Back in Derbyshire, the routine of daily ballet classes resumes. But the spirit of Paris, with its beauty, its energy, its passion for life, is sure to stay with me. Perhaps it's even inspired me to find my own little Parisian twist for my upcoming performance – something chic and dramatic, something truly "pink tutu"-esque.

And, who knows? Maybe even the good people of Derby will be rocking a pink tutu soon! After all, Paris inspired me to be bold, to express my own unique style and joy in life. Just as a tutu embodies grace, elegance, and pure happiness, the pink tutu is more than just an outfit, it’s a symbol, an attitude, and a way of living. And my Parisian adventure has reminded me, it's a feeling you can carry with you wherever you go, be it in a charming village in Derbyshire or on the bustling streets of Paris.

See you all next week, my dears, with more adventures from the Pink Tutu world.

Until then, stay pink, stay fabulous!



#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2014-12-13 Exploring Paris