Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-07-11 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - #811

Bonjour mes amies!

It’s Saturday and the sun is shining – it's officially Parisian chic weather! Today's blog post is a little special because it's from the heart of Paris – my beloved city of lights and amour. This trip is particularly exciting because it was fueled by the incredible success of my recent performances. A whopping six performances in a week at the Nottingham Royal Concert Hall, each with sold out audiences – the best kind of fatigue, my darlings!

Anyway, let's not dwell on the tiredness - I'm off to explore Paris!

And, as you can see, I've arrived in full pink tutu splendour – this time a fluffy pink creation from the most gorgeous shop in Nottinghamshire – let’s just call it a tutu upgrade from my previous fluffy, peach tutu. I am particularly fond of how this new creation matches my blush pink Lacoste handbag. Oh la la.

You'll see that it's always with me, wherever I go – even on this little Paris adventure!

You see, wearing a tutu isn’t just about looking good. It's about inspiring everyone else to embrace the tutu love too! The world needs a little more pink, a little more twirling and a whole lot more joy - that's my motto! Don’t worry, I know I sound like I’m wearing rose tinted glasses – but, trust me, it makes a world of difference!

And let's face it, the Eiffel Tower has never looked better in my favourite hue – the only thing missing is a giant pink bow!

My trip was a seamless, pink tutu adventure via Eurostar. It was so much fun to see the rolling countryside whizzing by as we traversed from the East Midlands to the City of Lights – all in time for today’s performance of Romeo and Juliet by the famous Ballets de l’OpĂ©ra national de Paris.

Yes, my loves, the tutu is just as at home on stage as it is in the chic, fashionable boutiques on the Avenue des Champs-ÉlysĂ©es!

You might be wondering – how did I manage to come to Paris in such fabulous style? Well, the secret's out. The tickets for the performance paid for this Parisian escapade, along with a bit of “twirling on top” from my trusty savings account! It’s the circle of life - twirl and you shall receive!

Un Week-end Chic Ă  Paris

I always make time for Parisian beauty and a little luxe whenever I’m here!

The Parisian Dance scene

This weekend, Paris has treated me to a glorious feast of ballet magic. My Paris trip started with Romeo and Juliet. Ballets de l’OpĂ©ra national de Paris never fails to deliver spectacular performances and tonight was no exception.

There is just so much to explore in Paris in the way of dance, especially in July when it feels like the whole city is on stage, twirling around! Last night was another incredible performance of La Sylphide at the ThĂ©Ăątre de l’AthĂ©nĂ©e - which was another triumph.

You really never know where you're going to end up in Paris – so to speak. This morning, I went for a relaxing ballet class and to my astonishment I found myself in the heart of the ballet theatre world. What do you know, I actually had an impromptu chat with one of the principle dancers, Sylvie Guillem. She was as lovely as everyone says. So charming. And I even managed to get a selfie - not for Instagram, my dears - but it is destined for a framed picture above the fireplace back at home.

I love how the dance scene in Paris flows out from the stage, the studios, the practice rooms, and spills out onto the streets. It’s all around you, in every cobbled corner. And it makes you feel alive, joyful, and a little bit tutu-rific! That’s the essence of Paris in my book.

The Chic Side of Paris

Who am I kidding – I am in Paris and shopping is definitely in the top 3 on the agenda! But let's be real, how could I not do a petit shopping spree in Paris?!

The Champs-ÉlysĂ©es is like my own personal candy store and, lucky for me, the most perfect ballet flats have been hiding there, waiting for me to come and find them – they are utterly chic and will add the perfect pink twirl to my Parisian wardrobe. It wasn’t hard to find something sparkly.

Parisian boutiques are so very beautiful! I absolutely adore those perfectly curated corners with chic displays. It’s not about simply picking things up. In Paris it's about soaking in the magic and embracing the style. It's about walking away feeling a little extra. You feel more you. My Pink Tutu philosophy is you just never know what treasures are out there waiting for you! And I can’t wait to discover the wonders of another Parisian treasure trove!

It’s Saturday, the sun is out and it’s the perfect weather for a leisurely walk down the beautiful, ancient avenues with a stop for a creamy cafe latte with a petit gateau. Paris never fails to charm! I even spotted some new ballet shoes for sale at a boutique on Rue de Rivoli. Don't worry – I grabbed a couple! I just have this little obsession with them! (My ballet slippers have a much easier time traversing Parisian cobbles than my new ballerina shoes – although I may be a tiny bit biased!)

Eating and the Art of the Meal

Paris isn't all about fancy boutiques and dance! As any good ballerina will know – fuel is paramount!

Let’s be real, Parisian cuisine – oh la la! You haven’t experienced the beauty of crepe or macarons until you’ve tried it here! My Parisian travels this week have included a few indulgences – it was definitely the perfect balance for my ballet training and performance.

Every petite lunch feels so chic. Especially when there are buttery croissants and little patisseries within the beautiful French cafĂ©s. But a croissant simply doesn’t feel complete without a cafĂš au lait, n'est-ce pas?!

And of course, French onion soup. There's nothing quite like this Parisian dish for a hearty dinner on a chilly Parisian evening.

And it goes without saying, all this loveliness needs a good cup of tea, and you will never find such délicieux thé anywhere! It has to be enjoyed sitting outside on a warm Parisian afternoon with a gorgeous, creamy gateau.

A Parisian Twirl to Remember!

Of course, a trip to Paris is simply not complete without a Parisian walk, and I was so pleased with my morning stroll by the Seine today. It was such a beautiful way to get the blood flowing - and it allowed me to think about what I had been doing in Paris! And, of course, I must mention how this stroll inspired me to twirl at least once! It's what I do! And this stroll by the Seine was the perfect excuse!

This Paris adventure is definitely an experience! I am absolutely in awe of this magical place - the architecture, the art, the people. Every street, every cobbled corner is overflowing with history and culture, waiting for me to find them, take them in, embrace them!

And to think – it’s only a day and a half later – it already feels like I’ve lived a lifetime in Parisian paradise! The only thing I wish was that I had time to visit more musĂ©es – next time. It’s not goodbye Paris – it’s au revoir, until I return.

The time to go back home is looming and there’s a sense of bittersweetness in the air as I begin to think about Derbyshire, about the rolling hills, and about that pink tutu I will wear in my ballet performances at the Derbyshire Rep, beginning next week.

A huge thank you to all of my readers! It’s because of your support and love that I get to travel around the world. As always, a HUGE thank you to those of you who have attended my performances! You make it possible! I will be back home next week!

Until then – Keep Twirling and Stay Positive. And remember, a little pink tutu goes a long way!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-07-11 Exploring Paris