Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-12-05 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post #832 - A Twirling Adventure in the City of Lights!

Bonjour from Paris, darlings! It's your favourite tutu-clad traveller, Emma, and this week, I've swapped my Derbyshire countryside for the magical streets of Paris. As the EuroStar whisked me towards the City of Lights, I couldn't help but twirl with excitement in my pink tutu, my heart fluttering with the anticipation of ballet shows, exquisite fashion, and delectable macarons!

This trip feels particularly special because it's all thanks to my recent performance in a captivating ballet adaptation of 'Romeo & Juliet' at the Derby Playhouse. The applause and the thunderous cheers filled me with a joy I can't even describe. Those moments, the feeling of absolute connection with the audience, are why I do what I do, and those sweet, sweet cheers were what paid for my very own Parisian adventure!

And what better way to celebrate a successful performance than with a Parisian escapade, adorned in my signature pink tutu? You see, Paris has this certain magic. It’s in the cobblestone streets, the quaint cafes, the smell of fresh croissants in the morning air. It’s the essence of romance and elegance, perfectly captured in the twirling skirts of ballerinas and the chic ensembles of Parisian fashionistas. It's the ultimate Parisian indulgence!

Saturday - The Parisian Ballet Ballet Debut!

Today, I'm feeling truly alive! Stepping into the Opéra Garnier for my first Paris ballet experience, I was practically bouncing on the balls of my feet. I've always dreamed of performing on these hallowed halls, and now, just to be watching from the audience is thrilling! The Opéra Garnier itself is like a storybook, a symphony of intricate design and historical grandeur. From the magnificent gilded arches to the crystal chandeliers cascading with celestial grace, every detail whispers of art, history, and timeless beauty.

As the lights dimmed, the orchestra started its warm-up, and the hush settled over the audience, I felt an electric anticipation buzz in the air. I was in awe of the breathtaking choreography, the seamless transitions from delicate grace to powerful leaps. This isn't just ballet; it's storytelling with every pirouette, every grand jeté, a kaleidoscope of emotions expressed through movement. And as the curtains fell, the roar of the applause filled the hall.

This ballet has rekindled my passion for the art form!

After the Ballet

After a spectacular performance, I treated myself to a celebratory dinner at Le Bouillon Chartier. The menu here was as grand as the Opéra itself, but with a whimsical charm all its own. From classic French favourites to delectable macarons, I felt like a Parisian princess dining in a charming fairytale setting. It was a magical evening that transported me back to the 19th century, a time of grand elegance and refined artistry.

As the day melted into the night, I strolled along the Seine, the soft glow of the city lights dancing on the water like fireflies. I paused on the Pont Neuf, letting the cool night breeze tickle my face, and simply soaked in the Parisian magic.

The Pink Tutu Trend? The Word is Spreading!

Let me tell you, my pink tutu isn’t going unnoticed here! As I wandered through the enchanting Parisian streets, I found myself being greeted with a smile and a nod of approval from numerous people, a Parisian man even complimented me on my sartorial choice! You know what? Maybe a tutu in Paris is more accepted than one would think! I have a theory! Parisians have this unique ability to blend tradition with a dash of irreverent fun, which is perfectly captured in the pink tutu's playful elegance. After all, if Coco Chanel, that ultimate style icon, said "Dress in a way that expresses you, don’t let others do it for you." So, dare I say my tutu-wearing journey may be inspiring some Parisiennes to experiment with a little more pink and playful attire?

A Parisienne Wardrobe Must Have? Pink, Of Course!

Naturally, after my ballet adventure, it was time for a bit of retail therapy in the famous Galeries Lafayette department store. You could say I'm a little obsessed with pink, but with the abundance of vibrant shades at the Galeries Lafayette, I feel I could lose myself in a sartorial pink paradise! It's no surprise the Parisians adore all things pink! It's so elegant, it's feminine, and it just brims with Parisian joie de vivre. But you know what, darling, sometimes you need a bit of boldness to pull it off. Embrace that inner pink flamingo, put on your favourite tutu and strut your stuff. Think about it this way, Paris is like the world’s most amazing open-air fashion runway, and it just beckons for some bold and flamboyant flairs. And trust me, darling, Parisian style is not afraid of a little bit of tutu magic.

The Weekend's Forecast - Fashion, Food, and Fun!

Stay tuned, darlings! I have many exciting plans in store. On my list is a visit to the stunning Musée Rodin, which houses some of the world's most incredible sculptures. Oh, and did I mention I'm going to the Moulin Rouge on Friday? The glitz and glamour of the red windmill, the sparkling costumes and the dazzling performances, it’s everything a tutu lover dreams of!

And then, of course, there's the food. Parisian pastries, freshly-baked bread, a perfect cheeseboard – it's a food lover's paradise, and I'm ready to indulge!

I'll be sharing all my adventures here on my Pink Tutu blog, so keep checking in, darlings, and let your tutu-loving heart twirl with excitement!

Au revoir, for now!


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-12-05 Exploring Paris