Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-12-26 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Bonjour from the City of Lights! (Post #835)

It's Saturday, 26th December 2015, and the Parisian air is crisp and sparkling with festive cheer! I'm writing to you from my charming little hotel room, perched high above the city streets. The Eiffel Tower glitters in the distance, beckoning me to explore the magical corners of this enchanting city.

Yes, my fellow pink-tutu-lovers, I've finally made it to Paris! After a whirlwind of rehearsals, performances, and a thrilling journey on the EuroStar, I'm here to soak up the Parisian spirit. And let me tell you, the city feels positively sparkling.

For those of you who don't know, Paris is a place that holds a special kind of magic for me. It's the birthplace of ballet, the home of the most stunning fashion, and the heart of romance and joie de vivre. My pink tutu feels perfectly at home amongst the cobblestone streets and twinkling lights of Paris, and my heart is already full to bursting.

EuroStar Elegance:

My journey on the EuroStar was an absolute dream! Imagine me, resplendent in my signature pink tutu, complete with a a sleek black coat and a delicate, pearl-encrusted handbag, strolling through the gleaming, modern train carriages. Every gaze fell upon me with awe, a small spark of wonder ignited in the hearts of my fellow passengers. My pink tutu has the power to uplift spirits, you know, to turn a mundane train ride into a miniature fashion show!

We rolled through the English countryside, passing rolling hills and charming villages, until we crossed the Channel and arrived in Paris's magnificent Gare du Nord. I took a deep breath of the intoxicating Parisian air, knowing that this journey had only just begun.

Parisian Delights:

The hotel is charming, a charming boutique with a view that's absolutely breathtaking. It's in the Marais, a district buzzing with bohemian charm and trendy cafes. Today, my plan is to embrace the quintessential Parisienne lifestyle – a lazy morning in the cafe with a hot chocolate and croissant, a little window-shopping on the chic boutiques, and a late afternoon rendezvous at the ballet.

And what's on the agenda for this Boxing Day ballet? A breathtaking production of The Nutcracker, a magical journey that combines traditional ballet with whimsical fantasy. I simply adore The Nutcracker – it reminds me of the enchantment of childhood, and it makes my soul flutter with delight. The dancing, the costumes, the music – everything is utterly magical.

Pink Tutu Inspiration:

Paris inspires me in so many ways, particularly in terms of style! It's a city where every street corner is a runway, where every Parisian is a sartorial master. I can't resist peeking into the shop windows of the boutiques on the Rue de Rivoli, admiring the intricate creations of designers like Chanel and Dior. Even a trip to a small, independent boutique can ignite a fashion frenzy, with their perfectly curated collections of beautiful clothes, handbags and shoes.

You know, I've even noticed how Parisiennes carry themselves. It's a blend of elegance and nonchalance that simply oozes charisma. Even if it's a quick stop at the bakery or a hurried dash across the street, the Parisians make it look graceful and effortless, just like a well-rehearsed ballet routine!

Pink Tutu Fashion Finds:

My biggest dilemma right now is how to squeeze all of these fabulous Parisian finds into my suitcase! From a blush-pink cashmere scarf (which, of course, perfectly complements my tutu), to a delicate pearl necklace that looks positively Parisian, and some elegant leather gloves, it seems I'm destined to indulge in a bit of fashion therapy this trip. But what can I say? Paris inspires!

Pink Tutu Spread the Tutu Love:

You see, this is my mission: to spread the tutu love all over the world. Imagine Parisian women twirling down the Champs-Elysees in their pink tutus, their smiles radiant, their hearts soaring! And let's be honest, who wouldn't be inspired by a touch of tutu magic? It's the ultimate symbol of grace, elegance, and fun. It’s all about embracing our femininity and celebrating life in all its joyous moments.

My travels are fueled by the love of ballet, the passion for dance, and the desire to inspire. My journey through life, my dear readers, is about following your heart, embracing your passion, and inspiring the world with a sprinkle of tutu magic. So let’s dance! Let’s spread the love! And let’s celebrate life in every single glorious moment, one twirl at a time.

Stay tuned, my dears. There’s a lot more Parisian adventure waiting for us on!


Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2015-12-26 Exploring Paris