Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-01-09 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog - Paris, #837

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday again and guess what? That can only mean one thing - a brand new Paris blog post for you lovelies! 💖 I'm Emma, your resident pink tutu enthusiast and aspiring ballerina, and this week I'm bursting at the seams with excitement to tell you all about my Parisian adventures. This city, my darlings, truly is the most magical place on Earth!

Last weekend, I took a little trip by the Eurostar (always my favourite way to travel - it feels so glamorous, don't you think?) to explore this stunning city, where dreams are made of pastries, fashion, and… well, ballet of course!

Today is all about exploring the city, seeing sights, and soaking up the magic of Parisian life! But first, let's have a little chat about my outfit, shall we?

Pink Power in the City of Lights

For a city as stylish as Paris, one simply cannot arrive without a carefully curated look, now can we? My outfit was a whirlwind of pink tulle, elegant lines, and a touch of vintage charm:

  • A flowing, blush pink tulle skirt that swished and danced with each step, reminding me of the graceful ballerinas on stage.
  • A white, fitted, sleeveless top that accentuated my silhouette and added a touch of sophistication.
  • A delicate, vintage pearl necklace that gave a nod to Parisian chic.
  • My trusty, oh-so-stylish pink tutu ballet pumps, which, let's face it, are just perfect for a city filled with cobbled streets and grand avenues!
  • And, of course, my pink tulle tote bag for carrying all my Parisian essentials - baguette, a good book, and of course, my latest issue of Ballet Magazine!

I always believe in embracing my own personal style, even when travelling to such a fashion-forward city like Paris. My pink tutu might raise a few eyebrows, but it brings a little joy and whimsy to every adventure, and that's what matters most to me. 😉

A Morning at the Louvre

My first stop in Paris was the iconic Louvre Museum. Let me tell you, there's just something special about the Louvre! Walking past the glass pyramid into the grand halls felt like stepping into a historical novel. The museum was buzzing with art lovers, tourists, and students, and I loved watching people studying the famous paintings and sculptures. I stood mesmerised before the "Mona Lisa," trying to decipher the enigmatic smile and wondering what she was thinking.

A Taste of French Cuisine

After the museum, my tummy was rumbling, so I indulged in a classic French lunch. I discovered this lovely little patisserie near the Louvre and oh my goodness, the pastries were heavenly! It felt like a scene out of a movie - I sat by the window, enjoying my pain au chocolat and watching the world go by. So good!

A Stroll Down the Champs-Élysées

With my stomach happy and my soul nourished with art, I strolled down the famous Champs-Élysées, enjoying the hustle and bustle of this vibrant Parisian street. It was all about window shopping (because, you know, one can never have too many beautiful clothes), admiring the architecture, and breathing in the atmosphere of this iconic thoroughfare.

Catching a Show at the Palais Garnier

Tonight was the real highlight of the trip - the grand Palais Garnier Opera House! My darling, this place is like stepping into a fairytale! The opulent architecture, the rich red velvet, the intricate gilded details…it's almost too beautiful to take in. And then, the ballet started. The dancers, graceful as swans, were captivating, their every move expressing pure artistry and emotion. I sat there with my jaw dropping and tears brimming in my eyes, so touched by their performance. Ballet truly is my passion!

The Pink Tutu Moment

After the show, as I was walking back to my hotel, I noticed a group of teenagers giggling, looking up at my pink tutu. I knew this might happen, so I gave them a playful twirl, a big smile, and a friendly wave. You could say their reaction was… priceless! It turned out, one of them was a ballerina in training! We chatted for a while about her ballet classes, our favourite choreographers, and yes, the power of pink tutus! I love sharing my passion with others, and making people smile - especially in the most magical city in the world!

More Adventures to Come

This trip is just the beginning of my Parisian adventure. Stay tuned for my next post - I'm excited to share more stories about my fashion discoveries, delicious food adventures, and, of course, the beauty of this breathtaking city! Remember, ladies, you can never have too many pink tutus! Paris is the perfect place to let your inner ballerina shine! 😉

Bisous mes chères amies, Emma

P.S. If you're looking for more pink tutu inspiration, check out my latest blog post about finding the perfect Parisian pink tutu for your next adventure! And don't forget to follow me on Instagram (@PinkTutuBlog) for behind-the-scenes peeks at my travels and my everyday life. 💕

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-01-09 Exploring Paris