Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-06-25 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris #861 - Saturday 26th June 2016 - Exploring the City of Lights!

Bonjour, mon chéri! Welcome back to Pink Tutu Blog, where every day is a twirl-tastic adventure. This week, I’m whisking you away to the enchanting City of Lights, Paris! As you can imagine, I’m simply thrilled to be here, experiencing the magic and allure of the French capital. The Eiffel Tower shimmering in the distance, the quaint cafes overflowing with laughter, the chic Parisian women strolling down the boulevards - it’s everything I dreamed of and more!

But before I launch into the exciting details of my Parisian escapades, let's have a quick chat about how I got here. Now, as any true Pink Tutu fan knows, travelling is a passion for me, a dance in itself! And for this trip, I opted for the most glamorous way to journey across the Channel - Eurostar! The sleek, high-speed train was like stepping onto a Parisian runway, and it allowed me to fully embrace the feeling of a Parisian adventure before even arriving in the city.

As always, I was decked out in my signature style, naturally. My vibrant pink tutu, a splash of colour against the elegance of the Eurostar carriage, turned heads as I gracefully sashayed through the aisles. I love the way a pink tutu can brighten up any occasion, transforming ordinary journeys into extraordinary ones!

Landing in the City of Love

Arriving at Gare du Nord was like a grand entrance. Paris greeted me with a warmth and vibrancy I knew I would fall in love with. I’d only just stepped onto the cobblestones when I heard the melodies of a street musician - the classic Parisian soundtrack. As he played, a wave of excitement washed over me. I knew I was in for a spectacular week of pink-tutu-inspired explorations!

My hotel is a little Parisian dream, with cobbled streets and lush courtyard gardens, perfect for snapping pictures of my ever-evolving outfits. Every corner of this charming city is overflowing with photo opportunities! Just the thought of it makes me want to twirl!

Bonjour from a Pink Tutu Ballerina!

After a quick change into a slightly less dramatic outfit - though a statement pink dress was still a must-have! - I ventured out into the vibrant heart of Paris. I knew exactly where I needed to go first: The legendary Galeries Lafayette! Now, I'm sure you can imagine that I was in complete awe as I walked into that magnificent building. The sprawling shop floors are a veritable ballet of beauty, fashion, and glamour, a visual feast for every sense!

Every dress, every hat, every scarf - oh my, the possibilities! I have to confess, I spent hours simply gazing at the windows, imagining myself as a Parisian model. The allure of French fashion is almost intoxicating, it whispers promises of sophistication and style! I indulged myself in some light shopping - picking up a stunning silk scarf for my Parisian wardrobe and a pair of blush-pink heels. It's truly impossible to resist the allure of the Parisian boutiques!

But a good shopper is a hungry shopper, wouldn’t you agree? I headed to a cute café with Parisian charm to enjoy some afternoon tea - of course, served with a beautiful pink cake. After all, my sugar cravings are a little hard to ignore. It was the perfect Parisian afternoon - and even the French lady at the next table gave me a wink! The atmosphere in this city is infectious!

A Parisian Night

As the day drew to a close, I headed towards the Seine for a breathtaking evening stroll. The majestic river flowed beneath the twinkling lights of the city, creating a mesmerizing display of beauty. It's simply impossible not to fall in love with the magic of this city!

The day wouldn't have been complete without indulging in the true heart of Paris - a delectable dinner and, naturally, some stunning French wine. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I watched the city transform into a magical scene of golden lights and whispers of romance. Every corner held a promise of something exciting, and I simply couldn’t wait to see what tomorrow would bring!

A Passion for Paris

Paris is the epitome of elegance, of romance, of joie de vivre. It’s the kind of city that encourages you to slow down, to savour the moment, to indulge in a little luxury. And that's what I'm doing - taking it all in, from the beautiful architecture to the incredible shopping and the delicious food! Every corner I turn unveils something beautiful, inspiring, or intriguing, each element creating a tapestry of experiences that have already made my trip truly unforgettable.

Tomorrow, I’ll be exploring Montmartre, the heart of Parisian art and creativity. And guess what? I might even indulge in a little dance lesson! After all, Paris is the ultimate city for both dance and fashion - the perfect blend of beauty and grace.

Until Next Time!

Keep your eyes glued to Pink Tutu Blog! I’ll be sharing my Parisian adventures throughout the week, including the delightful discoveries, stylish finds, and stunning performances I’ll be encountering along the way.

Au revoir for now!

Stay twirling, Emma


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2016-06-25 Exploring Paris