Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-03-25 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: #900 - Bonjour, Paris!

Oh la la, darlings! The Eurostar has just pulled into Gare du Nord and I'm already feeling the Parisian magic. It’s the feeling that something wonderful is about to happen. You can practically smell the croissants, hear the strumming of accordions, and feel the rhythm of the City of Lights in your very core. I'm Emma, your Pink Tutu guide to the chicest city on the planet and this week, I'm taking you on an exciting whirlwind journey through my Parisian adventures!

You know, being in Paris is a bit like being backstage at a grand ballet performance. The city is alive with drama, movement, and a whole lot of flair! It’s got the elegant strut of a prima ballerina, the intricate grace of a pas de deux, and the heart-stopping finale of a full-scale production. And as a girl who believes that life itself is one grand performance, there’s nowhere else I'd rather be right now.

This week, my lovely Pink Tutu family, we’re delving into a mix of Parisian delights! On my agenda: a mesmerising ballet at the OpĂ©ra Garnier, a chic fashion adventure at Galeries Lafayette, and a special treat, a captivating ballet street performance tucked away in a little hidden square. But before we get lost in the cobblestones and cafe au laits, let’s catch up on the details of my journey.

The Eurostar is such a magical way to travel, even more so than usual when it’s heading straight to the heart of Paris. With every click of the tracks, my anticipation grew until, at last, we were whizzing through the French countryside, like a little pink ballet carriage hurtling toward a beautiful destination. I mean, come on, the Eurostar is essentially a fast train for fabulousness, right? It allows you to arrive at your Parisian adventure in a sleek and comfortable way, leaving you ready to conquer the day, pink tutu and all.

Speaking of conquests, this trip to Paris has been funded by a delightful run of performances. Yes, darling, my dance shoes have been doing more than just gliding across the stage. I've been busy wowing audiences in a production of “The Nutcracker” in Derby, performing some fiery flamenco at the Nottingham Arts Theatre, and, in a delightful bit of good fortune, I even had the honour of performing a graceful ballet number in front of the mayor of Chesterfield. You could say my dance card is packed.

As the Eurostar zoomed its way through France, I had to make a confession: my bags were overflowing with pink! And by that, I don't just mean the standard “blush” and “fuchsia” hues. We're talking pink in all its glorious shades, my darlings – from candy floss pink to bubble gum pink, even with a splash of flamingo pink for good measure. And yes, my darling, of course, I’ve brought my pink tutu collection along. Just picture it, strolling down the Champs-ÉlysĂ©es in a cloud of pink tulle, turning heads and causing the most exquisite amount of sartorial delight.

But enough about me. I know what you're thinking, darling! You want the low-down on my Parisian itinerary. Let's get to the heart of the Parisian spectacle:

Saturday: A Day for Art, Elegance, and Croissants!

The morning air is crisp and crisp with the scent of freshly baked bread and the city is waking up, but trust me, my dear, Paris is never truly asleep! So we’re off to the famous Le Marais district, the epitome of Parisian charm, cobbled streets, chic boutiques and cafes – and that gorgeous Parisian sunshine (that’s the sun on a perfect day! 😉). After indulging in the most delicious buttery croissant and a creamy cappuccino, I'll be spending some quality time in the magnificent Marais shops. Just browsing through racks upon racks of beautiful clothing, and just maybe...adding a few exquisite pieces to my Parisian wardrobe! Because let’s be real, a visit to Paris isn’t complete without a new hat, maybe a sparkly pair of heels or, if we're feeling extra fabulous, a statement handbag.

We'll also be making a stop at one of the many charming, family-owned art galleries dotted throughout the neighbourhood. Parisian art is full of life, passion, and colour – very much like a ballet, wouldn’t you say? Plus, finding a stunning piece of art can instantly elevate any outfit (just pair your pink tutu with a stunning piece of abstract art and you’ll instantly channel Parisian cool! 😉)

The afternoon will be spent at the OpĂ©ra Garnier. You’ve seen it in the Phantom of the Opera, haven't you? I can't wait to take in a classic ballet, maybe “La Sylphide” or "Swan Lake". The artistry and precision of a performance, set in this opulent building, will truly be breathtaking. This is where you understand that ballet is so much more than graceful steps, it’s a story unfolding with each movement, a story full of passion, love and strength - all themes that echo with the soul of Paris.

Later in the evening, we will be exploring a hidden corner of Paris that my local Parisian friend, Marie, has recommended - the famous secret "street ballet performances" near the Jardin du Luxembourg. I love those surprise ballet moments when the everyday city is transformed into a stage. Watching these ballet artists create breathtaking movements and stories in an unconventional setting is truly inspiring. It reminds me that beauty can be found everywhere. You don’t always need a fancy stage for graceful performances. Just a bit of passion, movement and a touch of Pink Tutu magic. 😉

That evening, we'll be indulging in a quintessential Parisian dining experience! Can’t forget those delicious wines and delectable plates. And the atmosphere, darling! It will be like stepping into one of my favorite novels. The Parisian lights sparkling, music in the air, laughter all around...

This day promises a blend of cultural adventure, Parisian shopping, and of course, a whole lot of Parisian elegance – all wrapped up in a fabulous pink tutu! Because for me, darling, fashion isn't about trends, it's about self-expression. It's about finding that little touch of pink that says, "This is me. I embrace the whimsical. I’m a dreamer. I love the magic.”

To be continued! Stay tuned for my next Pink Tutu blog next Saturday when I’ll be revealing my top Parisian tips! And until then, embrace the beauty that surrounds you, my lovelies, and never forget the pink tutu power within!

And before I go, do tell me, what's on your Paris to-do list? Which iconic spots are you planning to explore? Leave me a comment below - let's plan a Pink Tutu-tastic adventure together! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-03-25 Exploring Paris