Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-05-06 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: #906 - Parisian Pink Dreams (2017-05-06)

Bonjour, my lovelies! It's Emma from Pink Tutu, back again with a whirlwind of Parisian adventures! This week I'm stepping out of my Derbyshire haven and onto the cobblestones of Paris - and believe me, it’s like a ballet dream come true!

EuroStar & Tutu Style

My journey started with the trusty EuroStar - nothing beats the comfort and efficiency of a train journey. Plus, you get to dress up in style! I, of course, donned a bubblegum pink tutu with a vintage Parisian inspired cardigan. (Picture a chic French woman with a touch of childish whimsy).

Hotel Chic

I checked into the most charming hotel just off the Champs-Élysées. I had to choose a room with a balcony! I mean, the Eiffel Tower glimmering in the twilight… It was almost as lovely as the blush pink rose petals that were scattered on my bed.

Ballet Inspiration

This city just bursts with dance and beauty. Of course, the Palais Garnier was a must-visit! Walking past that imposing building, you could just feel the energy of a thousand dancers who've graced that stage. It felt like magic. I found myself captivated by the ornate interior - the sheer opulence, the intricate detail, it was like a gilded cage for art!

Opera House Bliss

Tonight I’m seeing “Swan Lake" at the Opera Garnier, a dream I’ve nurtured since childhood. I simply can't wait to see the elegant choreography, the dramatic costumes, the pure artistry. I already bought myself the perfect outfit: a midnight blue lace dress and a pale pink tutu over it. Yes, I may be breaking a few dress codes but, come on, it's Paris, darling, where anything goes.

Parisian Pink Power

What’s a Pink Tutu blogger doing in Paris? Why, I'm going on a pink spree, of course! This weekend’s been all about pink perfection, with me buying:

  • The prettiest pink cashmere scarf with a delicate pattern. Imagine this tied with a pearl necklace – utter chicness.
  • A blush pink beret to wear with my tweed jacket, perfect for that chic Parisian look.
  • And, of course, the cutest pink ballerina pumps with sparkly ribbons for my evening adventures!

Shopping, Darling, is an Artform!

I've fallen head over heels for the fashion here in Paris. There are just so many stylish stores! It's a paradise for pink tutu loving dreamers. From the quirky little boutiques to the grand department stores, the fashion here is something special. It’s all about sophistication with a touch of whimsy – and that's my kind of style!

Beyond the Fashion

But Paris is so much more than shopping and tutus (although they are very important). It's the charming cafés, the friendly locals, the magical atmosphere that makes it feel like a city straight out of a movie. Today I strolled along the Seine, a baguette tucked under my arm and the sound of the river flowing gently, and felt an immense sense of peace. It’s the beauty and elegance of the city that keeps drawing me back, that makes me fall in love with Paris time and again.

Making Memories

Every trip I take feels like a memory I want to preserve forever. And that's what I love about my blog - capturing those moments of joy, laughter, and magic, and sharing them with you, my dear readers.

Remember, my sweet tutu lovers, that wearing pink and spreading a bit of glitter is not just about clothes. It’s about confidence, about self-expression, about embracing life with a joyful heart.

And let me know in the comments below – what's your dream Paris adventure?

I’ll leave you with a Parisian kiss and the promise of more Pink Tutu adventures soon!


Emma xx

Don’t forget to visit my website for more tutu inspiration!

P.S. My travels are made possible by the joy I find in sharing my passion for ballet, with performances that fund my love of tutus, travels, and adventures!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-05-06 Exploring Paris