Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-05-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris – Post No. 907 (Saturday, 13th May 2017)

Bonjour, mes amis!

This Saturday, I'm bringing you my Parisian adventures! Oh, darling, it's been such a whirl of pink tutus, exquisite French fashion, and the most glorious ballet performances.

I travelled over from good old Derbyshire via the trusty EuroStar - it's always a magical journey, complete with that exciting feeling of getting whisked away on an adventure! I mean, it's a train that whizzes straight to Paris, darling! What's not to love?

Speaking of magic, did I tell you about the show I saw last night at the Palais Garnier? A dazzling performance of "Giselle," it truly swept me off my feet! The tutus were incredible (naturally!) and the choreography was sublime. I absolutely gasped when the ballerinas lifted off the ground – like ethereal pink feathers! Every step they took felt like poetry. I have a slight obsession with classical ballet, so for a tutu-loving soul like myself, seeing it performed in Paris, with its history of elegant dancers, well… let’s just say I was positively swooning.

But the Parisian charm extends far beyond the stage, my darlings! The streets themselves are filled with a vibrant, unmistakable style. Walking along the cobbled lanes of the Marais district, surrounded by beautiful architecture, quaint boutiques, and charming little cafes, is just intoxicating.

Naturally, no visit to Paris would be complete without a little shopping! This morning I took myself to the beautiful Galleries Lafayette – a fashion paradise with floor after floor of designer dreams! It’s simply exquisite and the perfect place for a pink tutu enthusiast like myself. I snagged the most divine blush pink bag - it'll be my new carry-on for my upcoming Parisian ballet classes!

Speaking of which, did you know that I'm actually taking ballet lessons while I'm here? Yes, I found the most charming little studio nestled away in a quiet courtyard in Montmartre, right next to the iconic Sacré-Coeur basilica. The instructor, Madame Dubois, is a sweet old lady with the grace of a dancer and a twinkle in her eye – she says she used to perform at the Opéra Garnier! Isn’t that divine? The classes are in French (and sometimes, even the tutus are pink!), which is quite the challenge but honestly, it's so much fun!

I’ve learned that French ballerinas take their craft so seriously - I love watching them work, they’re graceful as swans and disciplined as…well, as ballet dancers. There's just such a sense of dedication, and a love for the art, which makes me want to work even harder to achieve that magical floating feeling when I dance.

This afternoon, I plan to explore the Left Bank and discover more of the incredible Parisian art scene. I have a list of fascinating galleries and museums waiting for my discerning eye, but of course, my pink tutu will be in tow – one must always bring a touch of colour and a sprinkle of fairy magic, no matter the occasion!

And now, for a little Paris shopping advice for all my dear readers, a word from our sponsors… oh my apologies! I’m still getting used to the blogosphere’s rules! 😉 I am so thrilled with all of the support from my ballerina fans back in Derbyshire! The ballet performances I’ve given have truly helped fund my trip! It is so wonderful to know that my tutu passion and the joy I bring through my dance are supporting me in this dream journey.

It seems my little corner of the internet – my lovely website, has truly become a beautiful ballet-themed oasis! I am constantly overwhelmed with positive feedback on my blog and feel so inspired by my growing community. It truly does warm my heart, and make this pink-loving, tutu-wearing girl's heart sing.

Well, I must dash now. My delicious French pastries beckon, and then it’s off to a delightful performance by the local dance company! I promise to report back with more Parisian adventures and fabulous ballet gossip! Until next Saturday,

Keep on twirling and keep on believing in the magic of pink tutus!


Emma xx

(P.S. – Be sure to send me any Paris recommendations – I'd love to hear your favourite places in this fabulous city. )

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-05-13 Exploring Paris