Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-07-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post 916 - 15th July 2017 - Bonjour, Paris!

Oh my goodness, you won’t believe the excitement swirling around in my heart this week. This weekend, I’m in the most romantic city in the world, Paris! Paris, the City of Lights, the city of love, the city of…pink tutus! (Okay, maybe not the last one, but we can dream, right?) I finally achieved my lifelong dream – I took the EuroStar over to France! I couldn't resist sharing this moment of pure joy with all of you lovely readers, so let me tell you about my Parisian adventure!

The EuroStar Experience

Getting here was so exciting! The EuroStar, as always, lived up to its expectations. Imagine my excitement – travelling through the tunnel between London and Paris in a swanky train, wearing my signature pink tutu and sipping champagne – pure magic! And of course, I’ve already caught a few admiring glances for my sartorial choice – tutus in the station always get attention, it's just a fact.

I’ve been dreaming of Paris for as long as I can remember. Everything from the historical landmarks to the charming Parisian cafés, from the romantic boulevards to the legendary Parisian fashion, has had me utterly smitten! For this trip, I’ve managed to create a fabulous mix of classic ballet-themed outfits to blend into the chic Parisian fashion scene with an undercurrent of whimsical pink tutu flair. You’ll just have to see my outfits over on Instagram to get a feel for it – my latest post is just up on my account: @pinktutuballerina. And to think, I funded this Parisian adventure entirely with my ballet performance earnings - dreams do come true, after all!

Saturday 15th July – Adventures in Pink

Right, let’s dive straight into what happened on the 15th July! Today’s agenda is packed – with everything from breathtaking ballet shows to exploring the enchanting Latin Quarter and maybe a cheeky spot of Parisian shopping, naturally!

11:00 – A Parisian Ballet Breakfast

Firstly, you can't start a Parisian day without a little bit of decadence, and I know the perfect spot! I went to the most gorgeous café for a spot of French toast (it came with the most delicious pink berry coulis, obviously!) and a perfectly frothed cappuccino. The café was bathed in warm, sunny light, just the perfect atmosphere to start the day, don't you think? Afterwards, I wandered along the Rue de Rivoli – the fashion shops here are absolutely divine!

13:00 – Stepping Into Parisian Chic

My morning Parisian adventure couldn’t possibly be complete without a trip to Galeries Lafayette – the temple of Parisian chic, it’s practically a ballet dancer's haven, all about those luxurious textures, colors and patterns. My senses were in complete overload from the elegant displays to the captivating fashion! I took in everything from vintage style dresses to dazzling jewellery - I’m already planning a few outfit collaborations for you, my gorgeous readers.

16:00 – Ballet Magic at the Palais Garnier

But wait, there's more! It’s not Paris without a dose of the sublime magic of ballet, is it? My ballet trip wouldn’t be complete without experiencing the wonder of the Palais Garnier. As soon as I saw this magnificent building – well, all I could think about was how I just had to spin on that famous staircase!

I'd never felt this sense of awe and anticipation before - you could actually sense the history seeping from the very walls, which is totally my kind of thing! But the best part of all? It’s been announced that my favourite ballet troupe will be performing there for the whole of August, so of course, I will be seeing every show. If I was being perfectly honest, it's the perfect blend of history, grace and fashion that truly draws me to the world of ballet!

18:00 – Paris by Night

I know this might be cliche, but I just had to go up the Eiffel Tower! Seeing the city all lit up at night was like something straight out of a fairy tale. I stood up there for ages, drinking in the beauty of Paris – all the iconic landmarks like the Notre Dame Cathedral, the Champs Elysees and even the Louvre Museum were shimmering in the twilight, like twinkling stars. As the Parisian night grew darker, it made the city feel more and more magical – everything seemed like something from a ballet performance!

21:00 – Dinner for a Queen

Now, no Parisian night is complete without a delectable meal, right? My stomach was starting to rumble by this time, and luckily I'd stumbled across the cutest bistro I’ve ever seen. I enjoyed a truly delicious plate of Parisian pasta (it even came with pink peppercorns! That's good timing for the pink tutu vibe!), with a glass of blush rosé for a touch of romance. You can bet I took about twenty photos of the deliciousness, but you'll just have to follow me on my Insta page – @pinktutuballerina - to get a real taste of the Parisian magic!

A Night Under the Parisian Stars

With the delicious flavours still dancing on my taste buds and a gentle breeze tousling my hair, I walked along the Seine - all illuminated by the gorgeous cityscape twinkling in the night. Paris really is a truly romantic city – even a girl like me can’t help but feel utterly smitten with its magic and allure. Paris truly embodies the essence of beauty and wonder that the art of ballet exudes – that's why I just knew I'd be back.

And now, off to a peaceful night's sleep – tomorrow is a big day of exploring the fascinating sights and discovering more of this Parisian wonder! I’ll be back next Saturday, with even more fabulous stories, Parisian inspiration and - maybe even some more pink tutus. I just want to make everyone love the idea of spinning and twirling in their own special pink tutu – because life is all about celebrating the joy of expression!

Au revoir!


Instagram: @pinktutuballerina

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-07-15 Exploring Paris