Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-09-23 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: A Week in the City of Lights - Post #926

Bonjour mes chéries!

This week has been a dream! It's hard to believe it's already Saturday, as I've been whirling around Paris, completely lost in the magic of this incredible city. Remember how I said my aim in life was to get everyone to wear a pink tutu? Well, it's official, Paris is halfway there. Seriously, I saw at least 10 girls on my way to the Louvre today rocking the perfect pink tutu, all while effortlessly exuding Parisian chic. Sigh The city just knows how to do it right.

Speaking of knowing how to do it right, I thought you'd like to see the magnifique ensemble I wore today. It’s the perfect Parisian mix of classic and fabulous. Let’s just say this was not the time for my comfy slightly moth-eaten black tutu. My new pale pink, hand-beaded number, that looks almost white depending on the light, did wonders. It’s paired with a pair of my favourite vintage, oversized sunglasses (found for a steal at a tiny shop by the Eiffel Tower – see my Insta for details), a black beret, a blush pink fitted blazer and delicate, ankle-high ballet flats. Just picture me gliding through the streets of Paris with that unmistakable Parisian je ne sais quoi! I'm pretty sure a passing artist even stopped to sketch me. My life is seriously a dream!

Now, let’s rewind a little. This trip began last week, as I travelled from Derbyshire to London in my usual pink tutu style – a gorgeous (slightly out-of-season) floral printed pink tulle tutu and a pink satin ribbon-tied blazer, which looked amazing with my cute vintage travel tote bag. It was all I could do not to grab a ukulele, and set off busking for my next train fare! My friend Sally, a budding opera singer, was wearing an emerald green number (the green really worked, trust me, it's a thing), and we were turning heads from Kings Cross Station all the way to Euston. People just couldn’t stop staring – which was fine by us, we are, after all, ambassadors for our very own, personal, tutu movement. It’s not for everyone – but for those in the know… we are the true trendsetters!

Speaking of trendsetters, we did get a bit of a giggle from the EuroStar crew. Apparently, they aren’t so used to seeing a full-blown tutu at check-in – well, I just love how people take the time to smile at my flamboyant style. Makes all the "You must be cold in that tutu!" jokes from back in Derbyshire seem worth it.

When we reached Paris, we took a very glamorous cab straight to the Gare du Nord to pick up our reservation at the Hôtel du Temps Retrouvé, which was amazing, full of charming antique furniture, gilded mirrors and absolutely bursting with romance. If you are a big romantic like me and happen to be visiting Paris any time soon, definitely give it a try. This little hotel is close enough to walk everywhere, including all of the major landmarks – just pop a pin in for Notre-Dame or the Louvre on your map!

Of course, there are things you just have to do in Paris, right? Like visit the Eiffel Tower (we walked straight past the queues this time, taking a rather elegant detour via the lovely Musée Rodin, a beautiful museum that is completely off the usual tourist route), climb to the very top of the Arc de Triomphe (and almost lose a beret due to the blustery winds) – just don’t tell Sally how long it took to climb those steps! – and watch a stunning performance by the Ballet de l'Opéra national de Paris at the Palais Garnier (Oh, the costumes, the talent, the absolutely mind-blowing dance choreography – let’s just say this ballet company takes "swans in a tutu" to an entirely new level, even I got inspired). This last one definitely felt a bit more luxurious and much more suited to my favourite tutus – they were extra! swoon

Of course, I don’t want to spend all day talking about tutus and Paris (although it's tempting)! So here's a breakdown of my most memorable experiences:

Day One - "Pink Perfection":

First impressions of Paris: a charming, enchanting whirlwind! The streets, filled with stunning buildings, cozy cafes with terrace seating and beautiful boulevards were like something out of a movie. Honestly, I completely fell in love with Paris. And, of course, a touch of pink always completes my outfit - a pink scarf draped loosely around my neck, a delicate pink ribbon in my hair and pink pearl earrings. This city has such an eclectic style – Parisian, chic, a bit of old Hollywood and even a touch of rock and roll all blended seamlessly together – and my pink outfit felt like a beautiful, delicate harmony within all the fashion and art of the day.

Day Two - "A Magical Walk on the Left Bank":

What’s better than a leisurely walk in the afternoon sun? Only if you're strolling along the Seine, passing Shakespeare and Company bookstore, enjoying a delicious picnic lunch by Notre-Dame. It's all about enjoying those quiet, magical moments. As much as I love performing, there’s just something really special about just simply being and appreciating the moment – and Paris truly feels like one long, magical moment. We topped off the day with an amazing dinner at a hidden little French bistro. Think: candlelight, classic red checkered tablecloths, the perfect steak frites and a local Bordeaux wine – a quintessential Parisian night out! We were in our matching tulle tutus (Sally in her beautiful Emerald green) – definitely attracting a few envious stares and lots of smiles. And yes, a couple of requests for pictures (the paparazzi are starting to get onto us – can you tell that I am thrilled!).

Day Three - "Artistic Bliss and a Tiny Dose of Fear":

A full-on art day! Visiting the Louvre and finding myself lost in the works of Da Vinci, Rembrandt, and a plethora of other iconic artists was a real treat. There were so many stunning pieces to see, my mind was buzzing by the time we headed out to have a glass of chilled white wine in the Luxembourg Gardens. The afternoon went by so fast, I had no idea the sun would disappear so quickly and soon the sky turned dramatic shades of grey, mirroring the feeling of fear I suddenly felt as the weather began to turn nasty. A big, storm! With the speed of a ballet dancer I sprinted towards the nearest metro station only to miss my train, completely drenched from the storm. It’s all part of the Paris adventure!

Day Four - "Pink Princess Perfection in a Parisian Palais":

If ever there was a perfect example of pink princess dreams come true, a trip to the Palace of Versailles must be it. What a truly exquisite experience. It’s like stepping into a storybook – with acres of gorgeous gardens and incredible palaces to explore. As I gazed at the opulent interiors and strolled through the beautiful manicured gardens I knew it would be the perfect spot for one of my famous, elaborate tutu poses! So here is my new post, to see what that amazing pose looked like click the link below: [Link to Blog].

Day Five - "Fashionable Favourites":

A big highlight, fashion is my passion! This day was all about exploring the stylish boutiques of Paris, picking up an incredible, hand-stitched vintage beret with pink and black accents, an ornate pink embroidered silk shawl and an exquisitely hand-painted silk fan, plus the new tutu! And guess what, I picked up a stunning velvet tote bag, also embroidered with pink flowers for Sally! We did so well that day it just felt so incredibly lucky to have found these treasures, even the weather managed to behave itself.

Day Six - "Back to the Ballet":

Another day, another stunning performance - we took ourselves to the Theatre du Châtelet and enjoyed an amazing, magical rendition of a beautiful ballet - Swan Lake. All of the tutus (my dream tutus are becoming a reality - who would have guessed!), the dramatic choreography and the passionate dance had us spellbound from start to finish! There were so many fabulous pieces I’m trying to remember all the details to write about it next week. Let’s just say it made me miss dancing and yearn for a dance performance of my own – my next big project will have to be to get a full-scale, live performance happening here in Derby! That should definitely be the next big adventure.

Day Seven – "A Farewell with a View":

Today was the last day, so we packed our pink tulle tutu travel cases (there’s no way we were flying without them! My travelling tutus deserve some pampering), and we got to say farewell to our favourite, Parisian rooftop bar for the ultimate view across the rooftops of this magnificent city! I must say, if ever you are visiting Paris make sure you add a night at the bar of a trendy hotel (they have some real gems in the area of Le Marais and near Montmartre). Just one little glass of wine as we watched the sun go down over the beautiful Eiffel Tower was just a fitting end to a breathtaking Parisian trip.

This blog feels incomplete, like a tiny glimpse into my adventures – so make sure to check my Instagram to see even more of my Parisian highlights (including close ups of some stunning outfits – my Insta posts really show you all my "pink tutu" glory!).

Until next time, chérie, Emma xoxo.


Remember, my lovelies! You can follow along with me on Instagram for daily posts - and don't forget to share your own Pink Tutu adventures on social media and be sure to tag me, #PinkTutuTravel, and make sure you use #PinkTutuParis to connect with all my Parisian pink tutu followers. You can also join the conversation over at every Saturday.

I hope you enjoyed my Paris story - and don’t forget to get yourself a fabulous pink tutu for your next big adventure! And always remember: in the right pink tutu, you’ll make everyone feel just as special.

See you soon, lovelies. Emma xx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-09-23 Exploring Paris