Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-10-28 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 931 - Saturday 2017-10-28: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Well, hello my lovely Pink Tutu Tribe! I hope this Saturday finds you in a whirl of excitement, just like I am! Today, we’re stepping out of the familiar fields of Derbyshire and into the glittering, magical city of Paris! Yep, that’s right – your girl Emma has made the pilgrimage to the land of fashion, croissants, and of course, ballet!

It was an absolute dream boarding the Eurostar this morning, feeling the familiar excitement of a journey starting, knowing a Parisian adventure awaited me! The whole trip was practically a fairytale – from the sleek silver bullet of a train, the stunning views as we sped past rolling hills, to the incredible sight of the Eiffel Tower appearing as we pulled into the Gare du Nord. My heart did a little twirl of joy when I saw her.

Paris really is a city that pulls at your imagination – every corner seems to hold a story, every cobblestone whispers secrets of grand operas and elegant ballets. Just breathing the air here makes me want to dance!

Speaking of ballet, how about the schedule I've packed into this trip? The pièce de résistance (oh, how I love saying that in French!), the Paris Opera Ballet’s Swan Lake. It’s happening on Monday, and you bet I’ve got my ticket already! It's going to be spectacular.

But even with the opera ballet booked, this weekend isn't about just one show. This city practically oozes with dance - street performers, ballet schools, even just strolling past a charming Parisian cafe, I can’t help but imagine ballerinas swirling in the windows. I'm already scouting out ballet classes I can pop into during my stay. Because you know what? Dancing is universal. And Paris? It’s a global dance floor!

I'm determined to spread the Pink Tutu spirit through this city, maybe even encourage a few Parisian ladies to join the pink tutu revolution. What better way to make a statement than to wear a glorious, shimmering pink tutu while sipping coffee at a charming bistro, or perhaps a vibrant pink tutu while browsing the latest fashions at Galeries Lafayette!

This trip is funded by the sheer magic of ballet - every performance I give, every dance class I teach, puts me closer to these Parisian dreams. My dancers back home know the routine now – "Go get 'em, Emma!" they say. "Show 'em what pink tutu magic is all about!"

Stay tuned to my website all week for updates on my Parisian adventures! We’ll be diving deep into Parisian fashion – think vintage boutiques, iconic Parisian labels, and maybe a bit of street style inspiration that doesn’t quite include tutus (although a Parisian pink tutu street style photoshoot wouldn't go amiss...).

Follow my #PinkTutuBlogParis posts every Saturday for the ultimate dose of French flair. I can already picture the stunning photographs we'll be creating, the Parisian sights we’ll see, and the ballet stories we'll tell.

So buckle up, darlings, because it's about to get exciting! We're embarking on a Parisian ballet journey – Pink Tutu style!

Oh, and in case you were wondering, yes, I have a gorgeous pink tutu specifically for this trip – I call it the "Parisienne Pink" tutu! I just know it's going to turn heads in this beautiful city!

À bientôt, Emma xxx

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-10-28 Exploring Paris