Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-12-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris: Post 940 - A Whirlwind of Parisian Magic! 🩰🇫🇷

Hello darlings! It's Emma, your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina, back from another magical adventure. This week, I'm whisking you away to the City of Lights – Paris! As I'm writing this, I can still hear the faint strains of Edith Piaf drifting from a nearby café, and I can smell the delicate scent of freshly baked croissants. It's pure Parisian magic!

This journey, like all my adventures, began with the graceful swoosh of the EuroStar. I always get a thrill from the journey – sitting back with a book (currently "The Little Prince", the perfect Paris read!) and a glass of something bubbly, watching the countryside flash by. As the train pulled into the Gare du Nord, I could barely contain my excitement – the smell of Paris, a mix of bread and perfume, hit me instantly!

Paris always holds a special place in my heart, it's truly a city that combines fashion, elegance, and culture in a way no other city can. My weekend was packed full of ballet, shopping, and sights that just took my breath away. Let me tell you all about it!

Ballet Dreams at the Palais Garnier

First up, my favourite part of any Parisian visit - the ballet! Saturday's schedule at the Palais Garnier was a treat for a ballet aficionado like me, with an exquisite production of "The Nutcracker." Watching the graceful dancers, their costumes like miniature works of art, brought tears to my eyes – it was simply breathtaking! I always feel so inspired by these performances – it reminds me of the power of dance to evoke emotions, tell stories, and leave an audience speechless. And yes, I couldn't resist sneaking in a little spin myself during the intermission in the grand foyer. A little Pink Tutu ballet moment in a palace of ballet is my kind of Parisian adventure!

A Pink Tutu Treasure Hunt in Le Marais

After the magic of the ballet, it was time to explore Paris's fascinating side. I headed straight to Le Marais, a neighbourhood brimming with hidden boutiques and delicious patisseries. It was a pink tutu paradise! I discovered some amazing vintage finds, picked up a silk scarf adorned with roses, and even stumbled upon a shop filled with vintage tutus - a dream come true! My pink tutu is happy to be making new friends in the City of Lights!

Fashion and Fine Dining at Printemps

No Parisian adventure would be complete without a little shopping indulgence, wouldn't you agree? I headed over to Printemps, a department store that combines high fashion with whimsical flair. I lost myself in the colourful clothes and found myself a new pair of chic black heels that just cried out to be danced in. A delicious dinner at their rooftop restaurant, with the stunning view of the Eiffel Tower glittering beneath a twilight sky, rounded off the perfect day!

Sunset Dreams at the Eiffel Tower

Speaking of the Eiffel Tower, how can one go to Paris without taking in the city’s iconic symbol? Climbing to the top of the tower was a truly magical experience – the breathtaking panorama of Paris sparkling beneath the sunset sky, the gentle hum of the city, it truly captured the essence of Parisian beauty. As the lights twinkled to life, I couldn’t help but think – what an incredible way to end an incredible day!

Bonjour, French Patisseries!

Every Paris trip needs to involve delicious treats and that's where my love for Parisian patisseries comes in! Imagine, darling, the perfect warm croissant, the flaky crust and buttery richness. And let’s not forget the macarons! Oh, those tiny little delights of flavour, in colours that burst with joy - each bite a tiny explosion of pure deliciousness!

A Last Look at Paris from Montmartre

To wrap up my Parisian journey, I found myself wandering through the enchanting streets of Montmartre. This neighbourhood has a romantic, almost bohemian charm, full of art and life, and that makes it just so perfect for soaking up a bit of Parisian energy before I boarded my Eurostar home.

A Pink Tutu Wish For You

It's truly impossible to sum up the beauty and energy of Paris in just a few words. It's a city that lingers in your thoughts, fills you with a sense of wonder, and inspires you to live life to the fullest. I can't wait to return and experience more of its magic, hopefully in my favourite pink tutu of course. I'm so glad I could share this Parisian adventure with you! Remember, darlings, whether you’re in Paris or in Derbyshire (yes, I do still make it home for my grandma's legendary apple crumble!), never forget the power of a little bit of pink tutu magic. Wear it with pride, dance with joy, and make every day feel like a Parisian dream.

Stay tuned for next week’s Pink Tutu Blog – we’ll be diving into another amazing adventure. Until then, keep those twirls strong and those smiles wide! 💖 🩰

P.S. Be sure to visit for all things Pink Tutu!

P.P.S. If you ever have any Parisian or Pink Tutu-related questions, don’t hesitate to drop me a line! 💖

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2017-12-30 Exploring Paris