Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-03-03 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #949: Parisian Dreams in Pink

Bonjour from Paris, my darlings! It's Saturday, the 3rd of March, and this pink tutu-clad blogger is absolutely buzzing with excitement. My latest adventure has taken me to the City of Lights, and let me tell you, this city truly lives up to its name!

I hopped on the Eurostar from Derbyshire, my suitcase overflowing with the perfect blend of Parisian chic and my signature pink tutu, of course! The journey itself was an absolute dream. The train, a sleek, silver beast, whizzed us through the English countryside and then into the heart of France. It's a journey I could do every week!

Stepping off the train in Gare du Nord felt like entering a movie set. The sheer grandeur of the station, the buzzing energy of Parisians rushing to and fro, the tantalising scent of freshly baked bread - it all felt utterly magical!

I checked into my charming little hotel, a boutique treasure nestled in a quiet corner near the Seine. Everything is just so elegant, even the towels smell like lavender and the windows open onto a tiny balcony overlooking a courtyard with blooming jasmine. It's the kind of place that makes you feel like you've stepped into a Jane Austen novel.

Now, you all know how much I love ballet, right? Well, guess what! My very first night in Paris, I had tickets to see a performance at the beautiful Palais Garnier, the world-renowned Opera House. I don't think I can fully describe the awe I felt sitting in that magnificent theatre, taking in the incredible acoustics and the grandeur of the whole place. The performance itself was breathtaking! The dancers were flawless, and I was swept away into a world of swirling tutus, dramatic costumes, and sheer emotion. I almost wanted to get up and join in, but I think that might have been a tad disruptive!

Speaking of tutus, I just have to show you the beautiful tutu I picked up today in a charming little shop on Rue de Rivoli. It’s the softest shade of blush pink, with delicate embroidery and a cloud of tulle that practically dances with every step I take. It's definitely going to be the star of my Parisian outfit collection.

Tomorrow is all about exploring. The Eiffel Tower, the Louvre Museum, the charming little cafes – my Parisian dreams are starting to come true. Of course, my journey wouldn't be complete without a little retail therapy. Parisian fashion is unlike anything else! The boutiques, the ateliers, the street style – it's all a visual feast for this fashion-loving blogger! I just have to get my hands on that perfect pair of red ballet shoes – something stylish yet comfortable enough to walk all over this amazing city.

Speaking of Parisian style, let's talk about how we can incorporate a touch of this exquisite magic into our own everyday lives! This isn't just about Parisian fashion or ballerina chic, it's about embracing the essence of Paris itself. It's about elegance and joy, about finding the magic in the everyday.

Take a moment to observe, appreciate, and allow yourself to feel the magic that Paris radiates. Notice the graceful movements of Parisian women, the charm of a vintage cafe, or the beauty of a blossoming magnolia tree on a sun-drenched street corner.

We all have a little Parisian spirit within us. So put on a little lipstick, embrace a touch of sparkle, and let your inner Parisian shine. Remember, a little bit of pink goes a long way, especially when it’s tied with a beautiful bow.

Remember, darling, you too can wear your own Pink Tutu, in the form of confidence, creativity, and a sprinkle of that "je ne sais quoi."

Keep a look out next Saturday for my latest post from Paris. I’ve got so much to tell you about my journey. Until then, let's embrace our own Paris, wherever we are, with a twinkle in our eye, a bounce in our step, and a touch of pink to light up the day!

Au revoir for now!

Yours in Parisian dreams, Emma xx

Parisian Delights - What I'm Loving in Paris
  • Palais Garnier Opera House: This iconic building is just as stunning in real life as in pictures. If you can, I highly recommend booking a tour to see backstage, it's truly incredible!
  • La Maison de Balzac: Did you know Paris is home to the former home of the famous author? It's a beautiful, peaceful space and it gave me a sense of what it was like to be in Paris in the 19th century!
  • La Bastille Market: The most delicious fresh fruit and pastries - it was my personal paradise! And perfect for stocking up on my pink picnic basket lunch for the day!
  • A French Macaron from Ladurée: This was on my bucket list and did not disappoint - they really do live up to their hype!
  • The Musée d’Orsay: I'm obsessed with Impressionist art and the d'Orsay is full of it! It's worth a visit just for the view over the Seine!
  • The best street musicians ever! I can’t believe I forget to note them in the actual blog – I hear these incredible buskers all around and am completely smitten!
Parisian Outfit Inspiration
  • Pink Ballet Shoes with a matching bow: So cute!
  • Silk Scarf and a blush pink hat: Adds a Parisian touch to every outfit!
  • Beret and an oversized knitted jumper: My favourite outfit! It’s Parisian, chic, and a little bit edgy, plus it’s super comfy to wear whilst exploring the city.

*Emma writes weekly blog posts, funding her travels with ballet performance income! Do visit her other posts! If you love her blog - please share with your friends! - * *

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-03-03 Exploring Paris