Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-03-10 Exploring Paris

Paris, mon amour! (Post #950) - 2018-03-10

Hello lovelies! It's Saturday and that means it's time for another Parisian adventure. I'm absolutely buzzing to share my day with you today, so grab your pinkest tutu, your fanciest teacup, and get comfy – it's going to be a real treat!

Remember last week when I talked about finally making it to Paris? Well, guess what? It was everything I dreamed of and more! The Eurostar journey was a blast, of course. There's nothing quite like the anticipation of a trip to France, and watching the scenery whisk by, whizzing from Derbyshire straight to the City of's magic.

And as I stepped off the train into Gare du Nord, the air felt different. There's just a certain joie de vivre in the French air! It’s like the city is buzzing with creative energy, ready to inspire you with every cobbled street corner.

My Paris journey is made possible thanks to my amazing performances. That’s the beauty of living your passion; you can turn your dreams into reality! So much of this trip, from the dreamy hotel room (I'll share photos later!), to the fabulous lunch I had earlier, has been thanks to the love and support I get from my ballet audiences.

Anyway, back to the Parisian day… After unpacking my pink suitcase, and trying on all the fab Parisian outfits I've been eyeing up (it’s not possible to visit Paris without shopping!), it was time to hit the city!

The first stop had to be the Musée Rodin, naturally. Oh, my sweet little hearts! I mean, there’s nothing more breathtaking than a collection of that many stunning sculptures – pure art heaven! Seeing 'The Thinker' in real life made my heart skip a beat. Such intricate detail!

The museum was peaceful, elegant, and I spent hours lost in a world of bronze and marble masterpieces. Imagine how inspired I felt afterwards, it was pure art-fuel!

Afterwards, I couldn't resist taking a little spin around the gorgeous gardens outside, trying out my best 'ballet in a French park' moves. Let's just say it involved a lot of pirouettes and arabesques. Spoiler alert - a passer-by did compliment my pink tutu.

Feeling a little hungry (all that art and twirling takes energy!), I wandered into the most adorable bistro for lunch. Now, imagine this - French bread, creamy brie, a glass of red wine, and, of course, the perfect Parisian salad, all surrounded by beautiful, blooming trees. That's how lunch felt - pure Parisian paradise!

Did I mention that today, 10th of March, is the day Paris is celebrating the beautiful cherry blossom season? They’re everywhere – streets, parks, cafe balconies, absolutely everywhere. It was as if the entire city was draped in pink, perfectly complementing my tutu, of course! Squealing in delight!

In the afternoon, I spent a blissful hour watching the incredible ballet performances at the Opéra Garnier. Oh my gosh! It’s beyond gorgeous! Seeing such talented ballerinas gracefully dance in such a breathtaking venue – just chef’s kiss! The artistry and dedication was palpable, and I spent most of the performance with my jaw hanging open. You have to believe me, there was something magical about it. I'll be sharing all about my experience later this week, as you can imagine there's so much to say!

After a long day soaking in the Paris energy, a little walk around the charming streets was the perfect way to unwind. I wandered past the Eiffel Tower, its glittering silhouette a stark contrast against the twilight sky. (The view? To die for!), stopping for the perfect selfie. Paris just makes you feel so incredibly alive.

Oh, and before I forget! As the night wrapped up, I had to indulge in a spot of Parisian shopping! I mean, no trip is complete without finding the perfect souvenir, especially with a wardrobe update! Now I need to find a space in my pink suitcase to bring all these gorgeous treasures back home… it’s a tough job, but someone has to do it!

Tonight, I'm going to get some shut-eye and dream of pink tutus and cobblestone streets. Paris, you’ve truly stolen my heart! And who knows what amazing adventures await us in the coming week.

Until next time, darling, stay beautiful and embrace the pink!

P.S Don't forget to share your favourite pink tutu pics on my Instagram @pinktutu_blog ! I can’t wait to see you all sporting those fabulous twirling skirts.

Lots of love, Emma - Because every day should be a little bit magical!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-03-10 Exploring Paris