Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-06-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post #962 - Bonjour, mon chéri! It's Paris!

Saturday 2018-06-02

Bonjour, mon chéri! Oh, how I love Paris! As I sit here writing to you all, the sun is streaming through my hotel window, illuminating the quaint Parisian street below. It's almost magical. And to think, just a few hours ago, I was sitting in my flat in Derbyshire, watching the rain drizzle outside. The change of scenery and climate is just glorious!

I finally took the plunge and booked myself a Eurostar trip to Paris. It was on my to-do list for years, and now I can finally tick it off! Honestly, travelling by train is just the best! You get to relax, enjoy the scenery and take in the feeling of travelling through a landscape like a glamorous time traveller! The journey wasn't too long either, which is always a plus.

I managed to sneak in a performance this week, a wonderful ballet rendition of Swan Lake. My toes just tingled as I watched the ballerinas dance with such elegance and precision. Every movement was pure magic! Oh, how I long to grace the stage again! I might have traded my dancing shoes for my travelling boots, but I'll never stop longing for the elegance and discipline of a ballet performance!

The Eurostar station itself was an absolute dream! So clean and stylish. It definitely had a 'French Chic' vibe about it! As soon as I stepped off the train and into the city, I was bombarded with an array of scents: delicious pastries from nearby bakeries, strong, fragrant coffee, and the most tantalizing whiff of perfume from a charming Parisian woman in a vibrant pink dress. I think this might be a trend I need to adapt… chuckles

But enough about my travel plans - let’s get down to the heart of why we’re all here! Today’s blog post is dedicated to exploring Paris, so buckle up, darling, because it’s going to be a pink-tutu filled adventure!

My Parisian Adventure

So, you all know I have a tiny bit of an obsession with fashion. I love watching fashion shows, I'm always up to date on the latest trends, and let’s be honest, I wear my fair share of pink tutus on my own personal ventures. Now, here in Paris, my love for fashion goes to a whole new level!

First things first - Shopping! The Parisian shops are truly a dream! It's almost impossible not to fall in love with their beautiful displays, stylish clothes, and elegant displays. From vintage stores packed with treasure to designer boutiques boasting the latest haute couture creations, there is truly a place for every taste in this city. And who knows, maybe one day, I’ll have a little collection of my own! My dreams are big, you see! laughs

The city's artistic atmosphere was impossible to ignore. The architecture, from grand, majestic buildings to charming cafes with brightly coloured awnings, inspired my own sense of fashion. The Parisians, with their effortlessly cool chic outfits, had a way of turning even a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt into a fashion statement.

It's truly a shame I had limited time, but it was a fabulous few days, seeing all the classic sights in their vibrant splendour! The Eiffel Tower was absolutely majestic - an impressive iron giant that towers over the city. My favourite part? The panoramic views from the top. Truly magical! The Louvre is a treasure trove of artistic wonders and, yes, I did have to see Mona Lisa! Though to be honest, I think it might just be one of my least favourite paintings... She did look awfully smug!

I spent the evening enjoying the city lights from a café terrace, a glass of vin rouge in hand. What is there to say? Truly divine.

This is a place where dreams are made! And I intend to keep coming back until my dreams are realised! But of course, in my signature Pink Tutu!

Don’t forget to share your thoughts and stories of Paris with me! Let’s all indulge in our collective Parisian fever! I’d love to know all about your pink tutu adventures too.

Until next week, keep spreading that pink tutu love and, as they say in Paris: à bientôt!

Emma, The Pink Tutu Ballerina Blogger

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2018-06-02 Exploring Paris