Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-03-02 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post #1001: A Paris Dream Come True!

Bonjour, darlings! Emma here, reporting live from the City of Lights, my absolute favourite place in the entire world (except maybe for a ballet studio...hard choice!). I finally made it to Paris after months of dreaming and planning, and I’m ready to share every Parisian pink tutu moment with you!

As many of you know, this week's trip to Paris has been a long time coming. My aim is to share my love for Paris with you all – the food, the fashion, the amazing theatre, the magic of the ballet. After all, Paris is the most romantic, chic, and inspiring city in the world (though that may be my own slightly biased opinion
 I do have a soft spot for anything pink and sparkly, after all).

But this trip to Paris was extra special, and I can’t help but feel like I’m in a Parisian fairytale! You see, today was the culmination of years of saving up for my EuroStar adventure to Paris. It all started in a little town in Derbyshire, England, where I started my love affair with the ballet, the glitz, the costumes, and most importantly, the pink tutu!

The trip was partly funded by some lovely performances, including my very first ballet on a big stage, “The Nutcracker” which I danced for our local town hall. Every twirl and grand jetĂ© was for Paris.

And speaking of tutus
 well, let's just say the journey from Derbyshire to Paris was like a ballet class on fast forward. Imagine this: me in my favourite hot pink tutu, clutching a little travel pillow with a picture of the Eiffel Tower printed on it, wearing pink-tinted aviator glasses, bouncing around in excitement like a ballerina on caffeine. Let’s just say there wasn’t a dull moment on the EuroStar (that goes for my fellow passengers too, I hope!) The excitement levels were high. And so were the chances of bumping into something – like that lovely French man with a giant baguette. But you know me, it’s always about embracing those awkward moments, especially when you’re dressed in your favourite tutu. Luckily he just laughed and helped me gather my tutu (thank you!).

After the exciting journey, it was time for my first Parisian adventure – shopping, of course! You know I had to stock up on pink tutus. How could you possibly be in the heart of the fashion world and resist? I must confess I was rather excited by all the colours of Parisian tulle – there were more shades than a rainbow (and maybe some sparkles!).

Then, I indulged in the magic that is the Parisian theatre. We had tickets to “Le Roi Soleil” (the Sun King), an opulent show celebrating the life and reign of King Louis XIV. I mean, how much more sparkly and exciting can things get? And oh, those costumes! Talk about inspiration. So much ruffles and sequins, the entire thing was one big pink dream (maybe just a touch more golden). I was inspired to write about Parisian glamour on my blog – "" – the go-to blog for all things pink, sparkly, and balletic. Just think: my blog could be the biggest trend-setting guide to Parisian fashion
 in pink!

After a very chic dinner and a spot of people-watching (with a good view of the Eiffel Tower of course, looking like a sparkly, silver Christmas tree – just how I like my holidays!), I went to bed feeling inspired and utterly giddy with my Parisian adventure.

Of course, I'll be sharing much more about my trip on - so make sure you check back each Saturday for my adventures in the City of Lights!

But I promise you this: my Parisian adventures aren't just about pretty pink tutus (though they are an essential part of my travels). I want to show you that pink is for everyone, from young to old. Whether it’s your hair, your tutu, or just the way you walk – embrace the joy of colour and sparkle!

Because Paris is the city of dreams. And I'm living mine in my favourite pink tutu! Au revoir, darlings! Bisous from Paris.

See you next week, on "Pink Tutu Paris" - Post #1002, where I’ll be sharing some insider tips on shopping for your perfect Paris tutu.

Stay pink,

P.S. Don’t forget to share your pink adventures with me on Instagram, with the hashtag #PinkTutuParis – let's spread the Parisian pink love!

Paris Adventures in Pink (The Rest of the Story

So that was a peek into my day. But now for the fun stuff – let's go through all my Paris shenanigans!

Friday, March 1st - Arrival in the City of Lights:

So we finally arrived! The train was super smooth, and the view out the window was gorgeous (a bit different from my view in Derbyshire!). My tutu was on full display in my private compartment. I am super excited about Paris; the shops, the cafés, the whole French flair!

Saturday, March 2nd – First Parisian Fashion Frenzy!

You guys! Shopping in Paris was an explosion of pink! All those fabrics, laces, ribbons
 Oh, how I dream of being a dressmaker and making these pieces into fabulous tutu-inspired dresses! We explored shops in every corner of the city and stopped for tea (with loads of cake, naturally). I bought three new tutus (because, you know, the Parisian girl can never have too many) and some adorable French lace socks to go with them! My biggest score was this bright pink Parisian dress
 imagine it with a little sequined tutu underneath. I couldn't resist trying it on – it felt like I was channeling Audrey Hepburn! And, guess what? My new Parisian outfit will be my go-to for all the upcoming ballets in the city!

Saturday Night: "Le Roi Soleil”

Tonight was our “Le Roi Soleil” night. It was truly magical! The show was so inspiring. Imagine a palace full of royalty and grand ballerinas dressed in silks, velvets, and gold – what's not to love? The show was full of dance and drama – with so many great costumes (of course, I loved the red velvet dresses and white feather head pieces, although a few pink elements would have really added some extra flair). I got to meet one of the ballerinas afterwards! I couldn’t believe it – her tutu was just a tad pink, and she was so excited that she danced in Paris too, even if just for one night!

Sunday, March 3rd – French Pastry Paradise!

There's something about a French patisserie that makes me want to twirl (and maybe get another tutu, but it's a habit – and Paris is the capital of tutus). Today, we decided to head over to the heart of the Marais district. This beautiful district is full of trendy little boutiques, vibrant street art, and a surprising number of cute tea shops. It was like walking into one of my dream scenarios – filled with French cakes, tarts, and even pink macaroons. It is clear that every cafĂ© here has to feature at least one delicious and decadent pastel creation. I can’t wait to try them all (even if it means taking up ballet again every day just to keep up!).

### Monday, March 4th – A Day for the Ballerina in Me!

We spent the day indulging in Paris's love for ballet. First stop, a visit to the Grand Palais for a tour of the legendary "Paris Opera Ballet" (the largest opera ballet company in the world – seriously! ). They gave us a peek at some of the props and sets – from their iconic "Nutcracker" costumes (a big part of my ballet inspiration story), to a few pieces from "Swan Lake” (definitely the swan queen outfit) – it was magical. It also inspired me to visit one of the most prestigious ballet schools, the "École de Danse de l’OpĂ©ra de Paris," which trained ballerinas of all ages. Just imagine, being a tiny dancer learning in that Parisian studio! Who knows, maybe one day I’ll join a ballet school for a few classes. The next part of the day included the piĂšce de rĂ©sistance, a ballet class! I signed up for an introductory class for beginners in a small and very lovely studio – it had a giant window overlooking the Seine! My pointe shoes were on hand for the ultimate ballet experience.

Tuesday, March 5th – Louvre and Laughter:

No Paris trip is complete without the Louvre! And we headed straight for the famous Mona Lisa (of course). I couldn't help but be amazed by this classic, yet so Parisian (and definitely a little mysterious). We found a small group of friends for some “Tutus for a Smile” (a ballet-inspired charity for spreading smiles!) on the steps of the museum – just imagine dancing while wearing pink tutus amongst famous paintings and sculptures – a unique Parisian performance, even if it’s just for a couple of minutes. I felt truly Parisian for the day. My fellow tutu wearers, all from different parts of the world, shared their favourite ballerina moments with me, and I learned about dancing in Tokyo, London, and Buenos Aires.

### Wednesday, March 6th - Eiffel Tower, Dreamy Pink Skies:

We finally conquered the Eiffel Tower. We waited a good 10 minutes to get the best pink photos, then climbed all the way to the top! The views of Paris were incredible, the Eiffel Tower glowing under the Paris lights! You couldn’t find a more pink-tastic picture moment than that! The most exciting thing? A very cute Parisian man gave me compliments on my tutu (apparently, even the French find a touch of pink dazzling and playful), followed by a Parisian photographer offering to take some pics of my twirling. Life in Paris was already like my fairytale dreams!

Thursday, March 7th - Notre Dame Cathedral and Tutu Style Tips

Paris always leaves you wanting to explore more! But sometimes, you have to relax (especially after a couple of weeks of twirling!) We spent today strolling through Paris, visiting one of my absolute favourites – Notre Dame Cathedral. This cathedral, known for its impressive architecture and its tragic recent fire, still held that air of Parisian charm, it truly captures Parisian spirit! We found the cathedral to be magical! I took in its quiet and serenity, and tried to learn a little bit about Parisian style by paying attention to the details. I think I was most captivated by the way local Parisians paired a classic grey cardigan with a cute scarf and ballet flats – I thought it looked stylish (just like a Parisian ballet performance! ).

Friday, March 8th – The Final Tutu Twirls:

My last day was the highlight – an evening performance of “Cinderella” at the OpĂ©ra Garnier. The beautiful ballroom set and the famous staircase felt very much like the ultimate Parisian dance dream! What else could be more glamorous, romantic, and sparkling? And, oh my, the tutus were amazing. I even spotted a gorgeous pink satin ballerina’s tutu! To me, a tutu is never a “just any colour” piece! That is why it's the heart and soul of my life - you could be dressed from head to toe in the finest French designers, but you always need a tutu in the mix (my opinion – though maybe everyone doesn't think so!). And, to add to the magical night, my ballet dream came true! After the performance, I managed to sneak in a dance with one of the ballerinas.

### Conclusion - My Paris Dreams Came True

 you truly enchanted me with your magic! I must confess I didn’t have time for anything else but dance! Of course, I couldn't stay for weeks. My ballet journey continues back in Derbyshire, where I will return to practice and bring a little bit of Paris with me (not only in my clothes, but also my soul). However, Paris, you are calling me to return! I just have a feeling I will be back, dancing around your pink-tinted city! You truly are a dream!

I know my stories from this fabulous pink tutu adventure will make everyone a little more pink obsessed!

Au revoir, my lovelies.

Until next week, stay pink and sparkly!


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-03-02 Exploring Paris