Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-03-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post 1005: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Hello darlings, and welcome back to another installment of Pink Tutu Blog Paris!

It's Saturday, March 30th, 2019, and I'm writing this from my little hotel room overlooking the Eiffel Tower - I'm in Paris, you guys! Can you believe it?

This week was such a whirlwind! I finished my run of performances with the Derbyshire Ballet Theatre back in England, and bam, straight onto the Eurostar. Nothing beats the thrill of hurtling through the Chunnel at high speed - the world feels so small, so exciting! It's honestly my favourite way to travel. It’s just so much fun to see the landscape whip by and watch the train chug into a foreign country.

So, what brings me to the City of Lights, you ask?

Firstly, there's no city in the world quite like Paris. The architecture, the food, the atmosphere, the romance – it's the perfect place for a girly getaway! But really, the main reason I’m here is to see a very special show – “Romeo and Juliet” at the Opéra Garnier. The legendary Palais Garnier is so grand and luxurious - its a true spectacle, and it just screams ballet, don’t you think? Plus, Romeo and Juliet is my favourite ballet. It's all so passionate and dramatic.

And of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a spot of shopping! I’m planning on hitting up the shops on the Champs-Élysées, browsing for some designer shoes and looking for that perfect vintage pink tutu (it wouldn't be a Pink Tutu blog post without mentioning pink tutus, would it?). I’ve also heard wonderful things about the Marché aux Puces de Saint-Ouen, with its miles and miles of vintage treasures and quirky antiques. I just know I’m going to find some gorgeous pieces for my new show – I’m planning a charity performance in Derbyshire to help fund more scholarships for young ballerinas.

The Importance of Spreading the Pink Tutu Love

I have this dream, you see. A world where everyone, everyone, feels comfortable and confident enough to wear a pink tutu. Whether you're dancing in the streets, walking down the Champs-Élysées or even just lounging around your house, a pink tutu is a reminder to be yourself, to be fearless and to be full of joy!

Oh, and don’t worry – you can expect a full-on Parisian street fashion haul video soon! I can't wait to show you my latest Parisian picks. We’re talking chic street styles, effortless French elegance, and naturally, a pink tutu or two (for those of you who are wondering!).

A Parisian Ballerina's Weekend Itinerary

Let me give you a sneak peek of my Parisian schedule!

Saturday – Arrival, and getting my Parisian vibe going. Shopping for some cute little Parisian trinkets, grabbing some delicious pastry from a local patisserie, and taking in all the sights. It’s been a while since I’ve been to the city, and it will be fun to revisit all my favourite places!

Sunday - Of course, the highlight of the trip! I’m seeing the ballet – “Romeo and Juliet”, and then afterwards, we are planning to visit the iconic Moulin Rouge. I’ve heard there are some incredible dancers, and let’s face it – a little Parisian cabaret always puts me in a good mood.

Monday – Shopping! Shopping! Shopping! This is my chance to stock up on all the cute, French girly stuff! I’ve got a whole list planned - everything from boutiques on the Champs-Élysées to the vintage shops in Le Marais district – I want to find the perfect pink tutu in Paris.

Tuesday – The trip isn’t complete without a little romance, so I’m planning on a picnic lunch on the Île de la Cité overlooking Notre-Dame, which I think is incredibly picturesque. Followed by a meander around the Louvre to see the famous Mona Lisa - you’ve got to see that at least once, right?

Wednesday – The journey back home, where I’ll have a full ballet studio set up and ready to work. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of home and I can’t wait to unpack all my new Parisian treasures. And to tell you everything!

Of course, I’ll be sharing every last detail with you - including the best places to shop, where to get the best pastries, and some little pink tutu fashion tips for you!

Be sure to follow me on all the social media platforms (links are at the bottom of the page) so you can keep up with my Parisian adventure!

Au revoir for now, darlings. Stay beautiful!

Emma xoxo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-03-30 Exploring Paris