Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-04-13 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post #1007: Whirlwind of Fashion and Fantasy

Bonjour, mon petit choux! It's Emma here, your favourite pink tutu-clad traveller, bringing you a glimpse into the enchanting world of Paris! This weekend I’m living the Parisian dream, and it all started with a glorious Eurostar journey. Let me tell you, travelling by train is such a treat - all the time in the world to write blog posts, enjoy a hot chocolate (with extra marshmallows, naturally!), and admire the beautiful scenery.

This is my 1007th blog post, can you believe it?! I’ve been sharing my love of ballet, fashion, and travel for what feels like forever now. It's truly a dream come true to be able to combine my passions, and my trusty pink tutu has been my loyal companion every step of the way!

Today's adventure kicked off with a spot of ballet class, which I just had to squeeze in. Nothing quite gets the day going like a good plie and a twirl in a charming Parisian studio. The teacher was simply darling, a proper ballerina with all the elegance and poise you’d expect, and her instructions were clear and graceful, just like her movements.

After class, my stomach was rumbling and a French croissant was the only answer. The bakery across the street, with its wicker baskets and charming red awning, looked like something straight out of a fairy tale. Oh, how I adore these quintessential French cafes! And wouldn't you know it, I spotted a table with the perfect Parisian setting: an elegant wrought iron chair, a red checked tablecloth, and a breathtaking view of the Seine. The croissant was simply divine, and I couldn't resist indulging in a pot of their delicate, floral tea.

My Parisian shopping spree began with a visit to the famous Galleries Lafayette. My head spun with all the colourful clothing, whimsical accessories, and delightful perfumes! I felt like a princess in a wonderland. I had to indulge in a few irresistible trinkets: a pair of pink satin ballet shoes for my next performance, a stylish Parisian scarf, and a little Eiffel Tower keychain (because what trip to Paris would be complete without one?).

Speaking of performances, a Parisian ballet wouldn’t be complete without a visit to the legendary Palais Garnier, the home of the Paris Opera Ballet. And today’s performance was none other than the enchanting ‘Giselle,’ a tale of love, betrayal, and ghostly spirits that truly swept me away. It was the most beautiful and poignant ballet I’ve seen in ages. The dancing was absolutely sublime, and the entire experience felt incredibly romantic and ethereal. The costumes were utterly exquisite too - the graceful tutus and delicate embellishments made me swoon! The music, the energy, the emotions - every aspect of the performance transported me to a magical world.

A touch of Paris magic!

Paris, you are truly a city of dreams. Every cobblestone street, every Parisian cafe, every iconic monument… everything whispers romance and whispers that I have to visit again. As I wander through the charming streets, enjoying the fresh scent of bread baking in quaint patisseries, the rhythmic hum of a Parisian accordion, and the delightful chattering of locals, it’s no wonder the city is synonymous with fashion, artistry, and romance.

As always, I have so much more to share with you, so check back next Saturday for another post filled with Parisian delights! In the meantime, remember, every day can be a whirlwind of fashion and fantasy with a dash of pink tutu magic! Until next week, remember to stay fabulous and wear your pink tutu with pride!

A bientôt!



Did you know? April 13th is International Day of Pink! Let’s celebrate this beautiful and powerful symbol of tolerance, love, and inclusivity by wearing a splash of pink with pride! Don’t forget to tag me on social media with your pink outfit! And if you're feeling adventurous, go ahead and don that pink tutu and show the world your own personal style. Because there's no better time than now to spread the pink love!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-04-13 Exploring Paris