Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-07-06 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 1019 - Saturday 2019-07-06 - Exploring Paris in Pink!

Bonjour from Paris, my darling Tutuettes! It's your favourite pink tutu-wearing ballerina blogger, Emma, reporting live from the City of Lights, and I'm absolutely smitten. This week, I'm on a whirlwind Parisian adventure, and guess what? I’ve arrived in style, naturally! That's right, a smooth ride on the Eurostar, in a blush pink frock and, of course, my trusty tulle. Can you imagine anything more charming?

It was a bit of a rush getting to the station, but that's what happens when you’re balancing ballet classes, performances, and packing your travel wardrobe - a girl's gotta do what a girl's gotta do! Speaking of packing, let me tell you, travelling light with just hand luggage is an art form! Thankfully, my signature tutu is so versatile; it works for any occasion!

Anyway, enough about me – let's talk about Paris!

Discovering Parisian Fashion

As soon as we stepped off the train, I felt the magic of this city. The air was abuzz with the sound of chatter, music, and laughter. Everywhere you looked, there were cafes buzzing with life, grand boulevards bustling with Parisians going about their day, and oh my, the fashion!

I mean, seriously, even the pigeons looked chic in this city! Paris has a unique je ne sais quoi that instantly lifts your mood and makes you feel like you’re walking the pages of a fairytale. I'm in my element. Imagine my joy when I discovered a fabulous little boutique on a side street, overflowing with pastel pink dresses and tutus of every hue imaginable. It felt like a dream come true! I just knew I had to snaffle a few little Parisian treasures, naturally. A girl's gotta keep up with the trends, right?

The Grand Palais

That afternoon, I strolled to the Grand Palais, and my jaw nearly dropped. Talk about impressive architecture! I knew this was where the incredible equestrian show "Le Cheval Blanc" was held, a blend of horse riding and dance, so I was desperate to take it in. I was delighted to find out that it’s currently the perfect setting for “Hermùs in Motion” which showcase the artistry of the iconic brand! Can you even imagine, my dears? Imagine the sheer luxurious displays and elegant garments. Swoon! If only I could slip into one of those outfits
 maybe next time. I’m keeping my fingers crossed that it will still be open when I return next time, it really would be the icing on the Parisian cake.

Paris By Night - A Ballet and Dinner Extravaganza

That evening, my dearest, I witnessed a truly spectacular show at the OpĂ©ra Garnier, which, by the way, is as elegant and grandiose as I expected. A feast for the eyes, and the perfect Parisian escape! This evening, I witnessed “La BayadĂšre,” and my heart almost burst with the exquisite artistry on display. The costumes were sumptuous, the choreography a perfect mix of elegance and passion, and the music, well, that was just pure magic. A ballerina’s heart couldn't ask for more.

After the ballet, we indulged in a leisurely dinner in a little Parisian bistro. It’s impossible to not love French cuisine. The perfect way to end a perfect Parisian day, don’t you think?

Discovering the Secret Treasures of the Latin Quarter

Today was an exploration of the charming and bohemian Latin Quarter. The cobbled streets, quirky cafes, and lively bookstores gave it a special allure. And oh my, did you see all the gorgeous vintage clothes? I almost went into a shopping frenzy, I must admit! Of course, I managed to score a few lovely pieces (you know I love a bit of Parisian vintage) for my growing tutu collection.

One of the most unexpected pleasures of this area was Jardin du Luxembourg, an oasis of peace. Just what I needed to soothe the soles after hours of exploring. The beautiful gardens and elegant fountains provided the perfect escape, and you've guessed it
 I snapped plenty of photos in my favourite pink tutu!

Bonjour! The Bonjour Café - Where Paris and Pink Collide!

Speaking of my pink tutu, it has attracted all sorts of attention this trip. I can't even tell you how many Parisian girls have given me compliments. That is the thing about pink – it’s an international language that everyone can understand. The message is clear: be fabulous, be free, and spread some cheer, because it always brightens even the greyest Parisian skies!

Just yesterday, I stumbled upon the most darling cafĂ©, tucked away in a quiet street just around the corner from my favourite boutique, and they’re celebrating all things pink! The cafe walls are painted in the most luscious pastel shade and there's even a delicious pink pastry on the menu. As I savored my cappuccino and a pink cake that was almost too pretty to eat (but not quite!), I thought to myself - this is what life in a tutu is all about!

This charming spot reminded me of why I started the #PinkTutuBlog in the first place. To remind everyone, especially women, that you can do anything you set your mind to, wear whatever you want, and have an absolute blast while you do it.

My friends, my tutu has taken me to many incredible places, and Paris is truly a highlight. Whether you’re looking for a city break full of elegance, fashion, and vibrant culture, I say book your Eurostar tickets now! Just be warned, Paris will charm you with its beautiful sights, the incredible fashion, the irresistible cafes, and above all, the joy of discovering this city at your own pace. And, of course, a pink tutu is the perfect way to make the most of your journey, and create a lifetime of wonderful memories!

So remember, keep exploring, keep inspiring, and above all, never stop spreading pink magic! See you next Saturday, my Tutuettes!

ParisianPink #TutuTime #Travel #PinkLove #CityOfLights #LoveFrance

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-07-06 Exploring Paris