Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-09-28 Exploring Paris

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-09-28: Ooh La La, Paris!

Bonjour mes chéries! Welcome back to the #PinkTutuBlogParis! It's Emma here, your friendly neighbourhood tutu-wearing, Paris-loving, ballet-obsessed blogger, and today we're embarking on a Parisian adventure that will make you want to pack your own pink tutu and hop on the Eurostar! This is post number 1031, a testament to my unwavering love for all things Parisian, and I promise this week's escapade will leave you feeling inspired, utterly charmed, and ready to embrace the pink life!

Now, let me paint you a picture: a bright September morning, the air crisper than a freshly starched tutu, the sun glinting off the majestic Eiffel Tower, and me? I'm boarding the Eurostar in Derbyshire, my pink tutu perfectly matched to my fuchsia travel bag, my heart bursting with the excitement of a child about to see their first ballet. That's how I always feel arriving in Paris – like a magical journey about to unfold, filled with fashion, culture, and a whole lot of ooh la la.

Before we get lost in the Parisian whirl, let's catch up on my recent escapades. Last week I was whisked away to London for a performance with the Royal Ballet School. You know how much I love dancing for others, sharing the joy of ballet and spreading that pink love, and seeing the faces of those in the audience – it's what makes it all worthwhile! And yes, darling, I performed in my signature pink tutu. There was no way I'd let such an important event go by without a dash of my signature flair!

The London performance was an absolute success. We received a standing ovation, and afterwards, the best bit? We got to meet one of the ballet world's legends! I still can't believe I shook her hand, she was utterly lovely, a true icon!

Parisian Delights: A Day of Discovery

But back to our Parisian rendezvous! Arriving in the Gare du Nord, that familiar aroma of buttery croissants and freshly brewed coffee, the sights and sounds of a bustling Parisian morning… it just washes over me with a warm, comforting feeling. I’ve booked a charming boutique hotel near the Louvre, it’s right in the heart of the city, perfect for exploring all those iconic Parisian corners!

A Fashion Fix & A Ballet Feast:

What's a trip to Paris without some serious fashion therapy, right? My afternoon kicked off with a visit to the famed Galerie Lafayette. It’s a wonderland for fashion lovers. The elegant Parisian ladies are a true source of inspiration, strutting their style with panache. You know I snagged a few things, a blush-pink silk scarf, and a Parisian beret. Who knows, I may have even treated myself to a little something with a pink feather. You'll have to wait for the outfit reveal, but let me just say it’s going to make you scream "pink perfection!"

Evening meant a visit to the Grand Palais for an extraordinary performance by the Paris Opera Ballet! It was mesmerizing, with incredible dancers gliding across the stage in their ethereal tutus, every movement telling a story. I found myself transported to a different world, surrounded by the grandeur of the performance and the elegance of the audience. I took out my trusty sketchbook and scribbled furiously, inspired by the movements, the emotion, the magic of it all.

And I did it, darling! My mission was to spread pink cheer in Paris, and guess what? I saw several pink tutus, sparkling with joy amidst the crowd. It warmed my heart to know that pink, that symbol of joy and femininity, was flourishing even here in Paris! My heart truly does soar when I witness more pink spreading its magic.

A Romantic Stroll & Delicious French Delights:

Later, I took a romantic stroll along the Seine, the city lights reflecting on the river, the Eiffel Tower twinkling in the distance. Paris truly does feel alive at night! The gentle breeze, the music floating through the air, it felt magical! And to complete this magical Parisian evening, I indulged in a delectable French dinner. It's essential to sample the city's cuisine – delicious steak frites, delicate pastries, and, of course, a bottle of chilled, bubbly rosé! You can never go wrong with rosé in Paris, it just adds to the charm!

More Adventures to Come!

Well, my dear tutu-lovers, that was a taste of my Parisian day! My schedule is jam-packed, filled with museum visits, fashion shows, and even more ballet performances. Tomorrow I'm going to try that famous bakery that uses nothing but pink dye. You can just picture it - pink bread! This weekend is just the beginning! I've got so much more to share with you - and let me tell you, I'm already plotting my next pink tutu adventure. Keep checking in, darlings, for more exciting updates on And don't forget to tell me about your weekend in the comments below, share your adventures, your favourite things about Paris!

A bientôt!

Emma xx

P.S. Keep your eyes peeled for more pictures on Instagram @PinkTutuEmma – I’m posting daily glimpses into my pink Parisian adventure!

A little bit more about me:

For those of you who are new to the #PinkTutuBlog, allow me to introduce myself properly!

I'm Emma, a ballet-obsessed blogger with a passion for spreading the pink love. I believe that life is too short for drab and dreary, and pink tutus, just like ballet, are a perfect way to inject a little bit of sparkle, joy, and creativity into the world.

As you might guess, my pink obsession isn't just a fancy. My heart beats for all things ballet - the graceful movements, the emotions conveyed, the sheer power of performance. This passion fuels my travel, and my life! You see, I'm funding my dream life through the sheer power of ballet. I'm a professional ballerina, performing across the world. Each performance is an opportunity to share the beauty of ballet, and that, my friends, is more rewarding than any pink-themed treasure!

This blog isn't just a diary of my travels, it's a celebration of the joy of life, a journey through pink-tinted glasses, a place where dreams come alive through the power of tutus and travel. If you love the color pink, love to twirl in a tutu, and dream of dancing the day away, this blog is for you! Let's paint the world with pink, one tutu at a time.

And who knows, maybe one day, your next dance party will feature a guest appearance by yours truly! So get ready to twirl, to explore, and to embrace the pink life!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-09-28 Exploring Paris