Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-10-12 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Paris - Post Number 1033: Bonjour from the City of Lights! ✨💖

Hello my dearest Pink Tutu lovers! It’s Saturday, and that means a brand new Parisian adventure awaits! As you all know, Paris is a city I hold very close to my heart. From the Eiffel Tower sparkling against the night sky to the quaint little boutiques overflowing with vintage treasures, Paris never fails to capture my imagination.

And let’s be honest, what’s a Paris trip without a pink tutu, right?! 🩰

This week, I packed my most flamboyant pink tutu – a fluffy, shimmering creation, fit for a ballerina princess. The EuroStar took me from the rolling hills of Derbyshire straight into the heart of Parisian elegance. And it was definitely time for an upgrade - a new tulle creation for my latest blog post in Paris! Let’s face it, it’s the ultimate way to dance your way around this magical city!

The trip wasn't just about the glitz and glam of the city; it was about exploring the cultural richness that Paris holds dear. As soon as I arrived, I was drawn to the city's captivating artistic spirit. A stroll through the Louvre was an absolute must – gazing at the Mona Lisa, imagining the brushstrokes, and letting the beauty of art wash over me. You simply cannot visit Paris without marveling at its artistic treasures.

Speaking of treasures, did you know that this week, Paris hosted a Fashion Week Show with amazing tutus on the runway? They didn’t quite live up to my fluffy pink perfection, mind you, but they certainly showed how tutus are taking over the fashion world, one dazzling dance at a time. 😉

This week, however, the tutu took a back seat.

Today, I woke up early for the chance to visit the Musée Rodin. Stepping into his atelier was an awe-inspiring experience, as if the great man himself was still there, sculpting his visions in stone. Rodin’s iconic "The Thinker" was as compelling as I had imagined, his figures full of powerful expression.

The beauty of Paris isn’t limited to famous monuments and art. The streets themselves are filled with charming boutiques and cafes that just beckon you to sit and soak up the ambiance. Today, I discovered a hidden gem nestled in a quiet side street - a quaint little tea shop serving delicious afternoon tea. The pastries were exquisite, each delicate bite a burst of flavour. And of course, no Parisian escapade is complete without a cup of steaming, fragrant French tea.

But Paris isn’t all about dainty cakes and classic art. On Friday night, I found myself at the Grand Rex Cinema. It’s a grand and historic cinema – like stepping into a movie magic dream.

My fellow pink-tutu enthusiasts, you’ve probably guessed what was on show? Yes, of course – a ballet movie, but I won’t spoil it – you’ll have to wait for my next post on, coming soon!

What an absolutely thrilling, whirlwind weekend!

I’ll admit – my tutu needs a little washing (and my wallet needs replenishing!), but I couldn’t be happier. Paris always re-energizes my soul and fills me with inspiration. The joy of dancing through the Parisian streets with a tutu is truly magical – so, spread the love and the pink tutu cheer. I’ll see you all next week, same time, same place for another Parisian escapade. Au revoir! ✨

Until next week – stay pink and happy, my loves!

Emma x

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-10-12 Exploring Paris