
Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-11-30 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog: Paris - Post 1040: "A Whirlwind of Parisian Charm"

Hello lovelies! It's Emma here, your favourite tutu-wearing travel blogger, reporting live from the City of Lights ā€“ Paris! I'm finally here after a delightful journey on the EuroStar, a train journey I have to say, feels as glamorous as being on a stage! As always, the carriage felt like a scene out of a ballet with its sleek interior and bustling energy. And of course, I was channeling my inner Parisian chic, sporting a pink tulle tutu (my signature, of course!), a stylish Parisian beret, and a touch of bold lipstick ā€“ just the perfect blend of whimsical and elegant.

Paris: The Stage is Set

This trip to Paris is particularly exciting because it coincides with the Ballet National de Marseille performing at the OpƩra Garnier! As a passionate ballet lover, you can imagine how excited I was to snag tickets for this prestigious show. Let's just say, I've been pirouetting around my flat in Derbyshire with anticipation all week. It's performances like these that help fund my travel adventures, allowing me to share my love for ballet and the world with all of you!

But, it wouldn't be a trip to Paris without a little indulgence in Parisian fashion! My love for shopping is legendary, and Paris is a playground for a pink tutu-loving fashionista like me.

My Parisian Dream Come True:

I've already embarked on a fashion escapade, with a trip to the Galeries Lafayette! My heart skipped a beat when I saw the iconic Haussmann facade. The beautiful architecture is worthy of a photo-shoot all its own. But the true magic started once I stepped inside, surrounded by displays of exquisite Parisian fashion. Itā€™s like a dream come true! Every corner, every window is a a ballet of colours and textures, with everything you could ever imagine ā€“ gorgeous frocks, fabulous accessories and yes, of course, shoes!

But the ultimate treat was visiting Maison Christian Lacroix ā€“ a sanctuary of opulent artistry! I was completely captivated by the bold colour palettes and vibrant prints of his fashion designs. Every detail was carefully crafted and exquisitely presented ā€“ an absolute feast for the senses! The designs, the luxurious materials ā€“ it all inspired me to twirl with pure joy. I managed to snag a stunning pink clutch, which of course, will be the perfect accessory for my evening at the OpĆ©ra.

Saturday Fun

Today, November 30th, is a day for leisurely Parisian exploration. First stop, The Louvre Museum. Of course, no visit to Paris is complete without seeing the iconic Mona Lisa, or "La Joconde" as the French call her. It's funny, standing in front of a masterpiece, I felt the power of art in a way you can't describe. Thereā€™s something quite humbling about being in the presence of history and art, it kind of fills you with a creative energy that can't be explained.

The evening brings me back to the ballet. I am giddy with anticipation. The show tonight features some amazing classical ballet repertoire. And let's face it, I'll be dancing in my seat with my pink tutu, because a tutu is a good accessory for any event.

A Day in the Life of a Parisian Ballet Blogger:

Tomorrow, I'll be experiencing a side of Paris I haven't yet explored. Itā€™s a little adventure called ā€œBallet Streetā€. You wouldnā€™t think a busy, cosmopolitan city like Paris could have a dedicated street for all things dance and ballet, but it does! Imagine, a street dedicated to this form of art! This is just the kind of quirky magic I love about Paris!

Then thereā€™s ā€œCabaret La Parisienneā€. They combine Parisian cabaret with ballet, burlesque and modern dance all in one magical show. It will be pure Parisian fun, just the kind of thing a pink tutu-loving ballerina enjoys!

Let the Pink Tutu Adventures Continue

The beauty of Paris is that you can't help but fall in love with it. Itā€™s the charming cafes, the romantic alleyways, the elegance of the architecture ā€“ all just perfect settings for ballet-inspired fun. And it's these little details, these everyday adventures that truly make this a pink-tutu dream.

Paris is a place for living, laughing, dancing, exploringā€¦ and wearing your heart, and in my case, a pink tutu, on your sleeve! Stay tuned next week for my latest Parisian adventure.

Until then, remember to twirl with joy, spread kindness, and always wear your tutu proudly. And don't forget, there's a bit of pink tutu magic waiting for you everywhere. Just embrace it!

Au revoir, and remember to twirl!

Emma x


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2019-11-30 Exploring Paris