Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-01-11 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu in Paris: #PinkTutuBlogParis - Post 1046!

Bonjour, mes amies! Emma here, your resident Pink Tutu enthusiast, back from a whirlwind weekend in the City of Lights! Yes, that's right, I'm living my absolute dream life, travelling the world and sharing all my adventures with you lovely lot. This week's Parisian escapade was all about exploring, dancing, and indulging in some fabulously fashionable fun!

As you all know, the best way to travel for a Pink Tutu Girl is by train, so naturally, I boarded the Eurostar with a suitcase overflowing with tulle and an even larger case brimming with pink outfits. The sheer joy of hurtling through the French countryside at speed, the anticipation of another city to explore, always sends my tutu-wearing heart aflutter. And this trip, as always, was no exception.

Paris is just one of those magical places, right? Every corner you turn feels like a film set. I was straight off the train and into the heart of the city, feeling like a true Parisian princess (with my pink tutu, of course!) The moment I stepped out onto the streets, my senses were overwhelmed. The heady perfume of fresh bread mingling with the smoky scent of street vendors, the sound of cobblestones crunching underfoot, and the laughter of children playing in the parks – it's a symphony for the senses!

Dancing in Paris:

I was in Paris for a weekend so naturally, I couldn't miss a chance to see a show. So, first things first, the ballet! I spent the evening completely captivated at the Opera Garnier watching "La Bayadère". The costumes, the artistry, the storytelling - it all took my breath away.

Of course, no ballet trip is complete without a visit to the Ballet Opera de Paris school. The sheer elegance of those dancers – their movements, the way they held themselves, it was utterly inspiring. After the performance, I decided to treat myself to a little ballet lesson - a bit of practice for my next performance, you know? It was such a lovely atmosphere in the studio, and I learned so much from the talented instructors. You know, it's just about feeling that inner tutu-girl come out to play and remembering the sheer joy of dancing!

The Pink Tutu Shopaholic:

Of course, a trip to Paris wouldn't be complete without a bit of retail therapy, so the next morning I headed to the Champs-Élysées. That street is just a dream for a fashionista. So many lovely boutiques with elegant dresses and amazing shoe shops - it was hard to resist, even if my bank account may not have appreciated it! I snagged a couple of outfits, a truly spectacular hat, and naturally, the most fabulous new pair of dancing shoes, which will be perfect for my next show.

Paris is just a treasure trove of inspiration, isn't it? The architecture, the street art, the fashion – every single corner feels like a muse, just waiting to inspire a new dance, or a new blog post! It was all a bit much for even the most passionate pink-loving tutu girl - so much so that I completely forgot to pack a few things (thankfully the kind ladies in the hotel shop sold lovely travel essentials).

An Epic Paris Treat:

Saturday evening found me on a leisurely walk across the city with a delicious picnic basket (I do love my pink tutu picnics!) What an absolutely dreamy treat: the sparkling Eiffel Tower bathed in golden sunset light, the sweet notes of accordion music, and my new, utterly pink, picnic blanket. Oh, the simple pleasures! It felt so romantic and perfectly Parisian. The highlight? Enjoying the delicious French pastries! I absolutely adore them - macarons, eclairs, all washed down with some yummy lemonade!

A Day at the Museum:

It wouldn't be a trip to Paris without some culture! So, Sunday saw me exploring the Louvre museum with a group of lovely ladies who found me on my Parisian adventures and fell in love with my pink tutu (told you it would inspire people!). The sheer grandeur of the Louvre is breathtaking. Seeing those iconic pieces of art in real life was awe-inspiring – the Mona Lisa, the Venus de Milo, it was like being transported back in time. And guess what? The Louvre shop has some amazing accessories for the truly stylish pink-loving tutu girl – think stunning pink bags and some rather divine pink ballerina inspired brooches.

The Power of Pink (Tutus):

Something lovely happened on this trip that warmed my pink tutu-clad heart: a little girl stopped me in the street and just stared up at me with big, curious eyes, a huge smile on her face. I bent down and asked, "Do you like my tutu?"

She beamed. "I love it!"

And then she pointed at me and said, "You look like a ballerina."

"Well, you're absolutely right!," I replied. I could tell that little moment meant a lot to her, just as it means the world to me. Spreading that joy of dance and the love of a good pink tutu is what makes my job so special.

So there you have it – another fab weekend in Paris!

I always say, the best things in life are best enjoyed with a pink tutu, and that couldn't be truer in Paris. And trust me, this was just the start of my adventures!

As always, please remember to stay connected! You can find my blog at and follow me on all the usual channels. And do remember - It's never too late to embrace your inner Pink Tutu girl and make your own dreams come true!

Au revoir! Until next Saturday, and remember – never stop dancing!


#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-01-11 Exploring Paris