Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-08-08 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - #1076: A Parisian Pirouette in Pink!

Bonjour mes amies! It's Saturday, the sun is shining, and Emma's in Paris! Yes, that's right, your favourite tutu-clad travel enthusiast has finally touched down in the City of Lights, and let me tell you, it's every bit as enchanting as I'd imagined.

This week's blog post is all about my Parisian adventures. So pour yourselves a cuppa (or a glass of bubbly - I won't judge!), grab your favourite pink tutu, and join me on a whirl through the cobbled streets, grand avenues, and charming cafés of Paris.

From Derbyshire to the City of Love - by EuroStar!

You know I love a good train journey, and there's no better way to arrive in Paris than by Eurostar. It's so civilised! It’s comfy, efficient, and gives you plenty of time to admire the changing scenery and plan your itinerary, which for me is an essential part of any trip!

My latest adventure wouldn’t be possible without all of you, my darling readers, who come along with me on this pink tutu journey through life. After my recent sold-out performance of ‘Swan Lake’ at the Derbyshire Performing Arts Centre, I managed to raise enough to fund this trip! Thanks to your support, I'm living the dream - seeing the world in pink, one tutu at a time.

The Eiffel Tower and All That Jazz… in Pink!

My first day in Paris started with the iconic Eiffel Tower, which, quite frankly, doesn't disappoint. Imagine a tower of iron lace against a bright blue sky, with clouds scudding by and a gentle breeze whispering secrets through the metal leaves… utterly breathtaking! I spent the afternoon exploring the surrounding gardens, snapping photos in my favourite blush pink tutu - what else? - and trying my best to blend in with the Parisian elegance.

Of course, no visit to Paris is complete without a trip to the iconic Moulin Rouge! The legendary red windmill, the cabaret shows, the dazzling's all just too fabulous! I saw a show last night, and let me tell you, the dancers were mesmerising. The entire experience felt so Parisian, so romantic, so...Pink! I even spotted a few ladies sporting pink tutus in the audience! I could almost hear them screaming, “Get everyone to wear pink tutus!”

The Montmartre Madness and a French Picnic

The next day, I headed to Montmartre, the artist’s district of Paris, a neighbourhood known for its charming atmosphere, quirky shops, and breathtaking views of the city. I visited Sacré-Coeur Basilica, an imposing white-domed cathedral perched on the top of a hill. And you won't believe this - I even spotted a street performer dancing in a pink tutu! What a fabulous sight! The irony is not lost on me.

After an afternoon exploring Montmartre's winding streets, I picked up some local cheeses, freshly baked bread, and a bottle of chilled wine from a delightful little market and had a delightful French picnic by the Seine. Talk about 'la vie en rose'! It truly was a moment to cherish.

Parisian Shopping - Tutu, Tulle and Haute Couture

You know how much I love a bit of retail therapy, and Paris is an absolute treasure trove for fashionistas like me. Today, I decided to treat myself to some Parisian elegance!

First, I hit the iconic Galeries Lafayette, with its dazzling stained glass dome and a mind-boggling selection of haute couture fashion, beauty products, and everything in between. It’s a dream! Imagine a ballet dancer’s paradise. And while I was at it, I found a magnificent, oh-so-gorgeous tutu in a vintage boutique. Just wait till you see it on my next blog post!

Of course, no trip to Paris is complete without a visit to the famous Champs-Élysées, the grand boulevard of Paris. I ambled down the elegant avenues admiring the luxurious boutiques. While the rest of the tourists gazed at the designer names and exorbitant prices, my attention was drawn to something much more intriguing - a group of young women in pink tutus! They were dancing and prancing along the boulevard with incredible joy. We're definitely spreading the pink tutu love around Paris, my friends!

Le Marais Magic and an Evening Ballet Performance

Tomorrow, I’m going to explore the charming neighbourhood of Le Marais, which I’ve heard is a cultural and artistic gem, and later, I'm treating myself to a ballet performance at the Palais Garnier, the grandest opera house in Paris! The excitement is tangible! How about you, are you dreaming about ballerinas too? It would be such a treat if you could come with me, my dear friends!

I hope you’re all enjoying these Parisian updates! They will continue every week as I explore this glamorous city with my beloved pink tutu by my side. My next post will feature Le Marais, the ballet performance and, of course, lots more photos. Don't forget to visit the Pink Tutu blog on for the latest fashion updates. Until next Saturday!

Love, Emma xo

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-08-08 Exploring Paris