Pink Ballet Tutu Blog Paris France

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-08-15 Exploring Paris

Pink Tutu Blog Paris - Post Number 1077: Bonjour from the City of Lights!

Bonjour mes amies! This is Emma from Pink Tutu Blog, and it’s Saturday again which means I'm bringing you a new Parisian adventure straight from the City of Lights itself! This week, I boarded the EuroStar in Derbyshire, leaving behind the rolling hills and rolling clouds of my home country for the charm and romance of Paris. And let me tell you, darling, my trip couldn't have started any more spectacularly!

It's hard to choose a favourite thing about Paris - the enchanting streets? The delightful cafes filled with chatter? The breathtaking architecture that takes your breath away? But perhaps the thing that always warms my heart the most is the fashion! I can't walk five minutes down a street without spotting something utterly gorgeous – be it a vibrant printed dress or a lady looking absolutely chic in her favourite power suit! I've already stocked up on some absolutely divine Parisian threads – we'll have a dedicated shopping haul post for that later, darling.

Ballet Adventures:

But first, a ballet adventure! The absolute highlight of this trip has been attending the magnificent “Giselle” at the Paris Opera. You know me, I adore a classic ballet! There's something so enchanting about watching those graceful movements unfold under the beautiful lights. This was a truly magical performance; I even found myself on the stage after, posing for photos with the dancers - talk about a girl's dream! It’s an experience that truly takes your breath away, so if you're planning a Parisian trip anytime soon, add it to your itinerary, darling! It’s truly breathtaking.

The Perfect Ballet Outfit

I decided that this occasion called for a pink, twirly-worthy ensemble. My choice? A breathtaking blush pink tulle tutu skirt – so delicate and floaty, like a ballet cloud, topped with a simple, white crop top, finished off with the perfect Parisian touch: a delicate silk scarf knotted around my neck, just a little touch of colour to tie in with the tutu. This is my favourite thing about travel; finding that perfect look that speaks to the place I’m in! I mean, when in Paris, it's always about finding that little touch of whimsy!

Eating, Shopping & More

Now, for those of you wondering, darling, I have indeed been indulging in all things Parisian - buttery croissants in cafes overlooking the Seine, picnics under the Eiffel Tower, and shopping until my heart is content in the chic boutiques of Montmartre! And let me tell you, even in this beautiful city, pink tutus stand out! Everyone's been incredibly welcoming. In fact, I’ve been inspired to spread some extra “Pink Tutu love!” My favourite way to make people smile is by striking up conversations with other ballet lovers or simply spreading the love of twirling! We are all part of a big, beautiful, graceful, twirling family!

A Week In Paris

The rest of my week in Paris is filled with excitement! Tomorrow, I'm attending an inspiring street performance by a group of amazing ballerinas in the Latin Quarter! I always enjoy getting out into the open and seeing what the streets of Paris have to offer. Sunday brings an afternoon of exploring the Louvre and gazing at iconic masterpieces like the Mona Lisa and Venus de Milo! The French love for beauty, history, and art are truly inspiring, and it’s this feeling of being in touch with culture and the world around us that I try to bring to Pink Tutu Blog each and every week.

The Eiffel Tower and Pink Tutus

You bet, I've got my sights set on seeing the Eiffel Tower in all its glory! I'll make sure to get a photo of me with my tutu waving in the Parisian breeze – you can’t go to Paris without a classic shot like that! Speaking of Parisian breezes, I also hear a new pop-up dance workshop is happening by the Seine! I simply must check it out and see what graceful new moves I can add to my repertoire!

Stay Tuned:

As I continue to explore the wonders of Paris, I promise to share all my adventures, fashion finds, and delicious food discoveries with you here every Saturday! Until next week, my darlings! Au revoir and don’t forget to wear your tutus!

Stay glamorous and keep twirling,



Just a reminder - I fund these amazing adventures with the money I earn from my ballet performances, and the only thing that fuels my passion for travelling and sharing these moments with you is seeing more and more of you dancing in pink tutus!

#PinkTutuBlogParis - Saturday 2020-08-15 Exploring Paris